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« backPage 249 for words starting with L in the English-German dictionarynext page »
linguistic structure Sprachbau {m}
linguistic studies {pl}Sprachforschung {f}
linguistic studies {pl} Sprachstudium {n}
linguistic style Sprachstil {m}
linguistic system Sprachsystem {n}
linguistic talent Sprachbegabung {f}
linguistic theologySprachtheologie {f}
linguistic theory Sprachtheorie {f}
linguistic traditionSprachtradition {f}
linguistic turn linguistische Wende {f}
linguistic turn Wende {f} zur Sprache
linguistic typology Sprachtypologie {f}
linguistic usageSprachgebrauch {m}
linguistic variableSprachvariable {f}
linguistic variantSprachvariante {f}
linguistic wealthSprachenreichtum {m}
linguistic worldSprachwelt {f}
(linguistic) explicitness Explizität {f} [fachspr.]
linguistical linguistisch
linguistical sprachlich
linguistical sprachwissenschaftlich
linguisticality Sprachlichkeit {f}
linguistically linguistisch
linguistically giftedsprachbegabt
linguistic-analytic turnsprachanalytische Wende {f}
linguistic-philosophical sprachphilosophisch
linguistics {pl} [treated as sg.] Sprachwissenschaft {f}
linguistics {pl} [treated as sg.] Linguistik {f}
linguistics {pl} [treated as sg.] Sprachforschung {f}
linguistics {pl} [treated as sg.]Sprachkunde {f} [veraltend]
linguistics of writingSchriftlinguistik {f}
linguistics professorLinguistikprofessor {m}
linguistics professor [female]Linguistikprofessorin {f}
lingulaLingula {f}
lingunite [(Na,Ca)AlSi3O8] Lingunit {m}
linguo- Zungen-
linguodistal linguodistal
linguofacial dysplasia [Dysplasia linguofacialis] linguofaziale Dysplasie {f} [OFD-Syndrom, Typ 1]
linguogingival linguogingival
linguogingival ridge Cingulum dentis {n}
linguoincisal linguoinzisal
linguomesial linguomesial
linguostatistics [treated as sg.] Linguostatistik {f}
lingzhi [Ganoderma lucidum]Glänzender Lackporling {m}
linimentEinreibemittel {n}
linimentLiniment {n}
liningAuflage {f}
liningAuskleidung {f}
lining Belag {m}
lining Futter {n} [Auskleidung, Kleiderfutter, Briefumschlagfutter]
liningFutterstoff {m}
liningVerkleidung {f}
lining ausfütternd
liningBekleidung {f}
lining Kaschierung {f}
lining [endpaper] Vorsatzblatt {n}
lining adhesive Kaschierkleber {m}
lining disc Belaglamelle {f}
lining elementVerkleidungselement {n}
lining figure Majuskelziffer {f}
lining figure Versalziffer {f}
lining materialFutterstoff {m} [Kleidung]
lining of the lungs Lungenschleimhaut {f}
lining of the mouth Mundschleimhaut {f}
lining of the nose Nasenschleimhaut {f}
lining of the stomach Magenschleimhaut {f}
lining plateFutterblech {n}
lining silkFutterseide {f}
lining upSchlangestehen {n}
lining up Ausrichtung {f}
lining up Aufstellung {f}
lining work {sg} Verkleidungsarbeiten {pl} [Wandauskleidungsarbeiten]
link Alias {n}
linkBindeglied {n}
link Kulisse {f}
linkVerbindung {f}
link Verbindungsstück {n}
link Verknüpfung {f}
link Verbindungselement {n}
link Verbindungsglied {n}
link Verflechtung {f}
linkVerlinkung {f}
linkLink {m} [auch {n}]
linkStab {m}
linkQuerverweis {m}
link [chain] Kettenglied {n}
link [connection] Zusammenhang {m}
link [of a chain]Gelenk {n} [einer Kette]
link [of a chain] [also fig.]Glied {n} [einer Kette] [auch fig.]
link [reference] Hinweis {m}
link [reference] Verweis {m} [Verbindung, Referenz]
link [relation] Beziehung {f}
Link [Richard Franklin] Link – Der Butler
link [starting point, connecting factor] Anknüpfungspunkt {m}
link [torch of pitch and tow for lighting the way in dark streets] Pechfackel {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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