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English-German Dictionary

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linking cube [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m} [Verbindungswürfel]
linking element Fugenelement {n} [auch: Fugenlaut, Fugenmorphem, Interfix]
linking function Anbindungsfunktion {f} [selten auch: Anbindungs-Funktion]
linking loader Binde-Lader {m}
linking pointAnknüpfungspunkt {m}
linking "s" Fugen-s {n}
linking up (to / with sth.) Ankopplung {f} (an etw. [Akk.])
linking (up with) Verknüpfung {f} (mit)
linking verbKopula {f}
linking verb verbindendes Verb {n}
linking with Verknüpfung {f} mit
linking word Bindewort {n}
linkman [attendant formerly employed to bear a light for a person on the streets at night]Fackelträger {m} [Diener, der früher Fußgängern in der Nacht mit einer Fackel den Weg erleuchtete]
linkman [Br.] Moderator {m}
links Verknüpfungen {pl}
linksGlieder {pl}
links Links {pl}
links {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [golf links]Platz {m} [Golfplatz]
links [sausage links] Würste {pl}
link-state routing protocolLink-State-Routing-Protokoll {n}
link-suspended centrifuge Pendelzentrifuge {f}
linkup Verknüpfung {f}
linkup Verbindung {f}
linkway [Am.] Verbindungsgang {m} [auf Flughäfen]
linn [Scot.] [archaic]Wasserfall {m}
Linnaean linnésch
Linnaean nomenclatureLinné'sche Nomenklatur {f}
Linnaean nomenclaturelinnésche Nomenklatur {f}
Linnaeus' caecilian [Caecilia tentaculata] Wurmwühle {f}
Linnaeus' lance skink [Acontias meleagris]Dunkler Lanzenskink {m}
Linnaeus' lance skink [Acontias meleagris]Kap-Lanzenskink {m}
Linnaeus's false vampire bat [Vampyrum spectrum] Große Spießblattnase {f}
Linnaeus's mouse opossum [Marmosa murina] Mauszwergbeutelratte {f}
Linnaeus's two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus]Eigentliches Zweifingerfaultier {n}
Linnaeus's two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus] Unau {n} [Faultier]
Linnaeus's two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus] Zweifinger-Faultier {n}
Linnean nomenclature linnésche Nomenklatur {f}
Linnean nomenclature Linné'sche Nomenklatur {f}
linneite [Co2+Co3+2S4] Linneit {m}
linnenLeinen {n}
Linne's / Linné's system Linné'sches System {n}
Linne's / Linné's system linnésches System {n}
Linné's dwarf snake [Calamaria linnaei] Linnés Zwergschlange {f}
Linne's puncturella [Puncturella noachina, syn.: P. chasteri, Cemoria flemingii, C. princeps, Patella apertura, P. fissurella, P. noachina, Sipho striatus]Nordische Lochschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Linné's two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus] Unau {n} [Faultier]
Linné's two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus]Zweifinger-Faultier {n}
Linne's two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus]Eigentliches Zweifingerfaultier {n}
Linne's water snake [Homalopsis buccata] Boa-Wassertrugnatter {f}
linnet [Linaria cannabina, syn.: Carduelis cannabina, Acanthis cannabina, Fringilla cannabina] Hänfling {m}
linnet [Linaria cannabina, syn.: Carduelis cannabina, Acanthis cannabina, Fringilla cannabina]Flachsfink {m}
linoLinoleum {n}
linocut Linolschnitt {m}
linoleateLinoleat {n}
linoleic acid [C18H32O2]Leinölsäure {f} [veraltet] [Linolsäure]
linoleic acid [C18H32O2] Linolsäure {f}
linoleic fatty acid Linolfettsäure {f}
linolein Linolein {n}
linolenateLinolenat {n}
linolenic acid [C18H30O2] Linolensäure {f}
linoleum Linoleum {n}
linoleum covered floor Linoleumboden {m}
linoleum covering Linoleumbelag {m}
linoleum cut Linolschnitt {m}
linoleum knife Linoleummesser {n}
linoleum printLinoldruck {m}
Linones Linonen {pl}
linothoraxLinothorax {m}
linothoraxLeinenpanzer {m}
linotype Zeilensetzmaschine {f}
Linotype ™ Linotype {f} [Zeilensetz- und Gießmaschine]
linseed Leinsamen {m}
linseedLeinsaat {f}
linseed [Linum usitatissimum] Flachs {m}
linseed [Linum usitatissimum]Saat-Lein {m}
linseed [Linum usitatissimum] Gemeiner Lein {m}
linseed bread rollLeinsamenbrötchen {n}
linseed dodder [Camelina sativa]Saat-Leindotter {m}
linseed dodder [Camelina sativa]Leindotter {m}
linseed dodder [Camelina sativa] Dotterlein {m}
linseed oil Leinöl {n}
linseed oilLeinsamenöl {n}
linseed oil Leinsaatöl {n}
linseed oil paint Leinölfarbe {f}
linseed oil paintLeinsamenölfarbe {f}
linsey-woolsey halbwollenes Zeug {n}
linstockZündeisen {n}
lintFussel {f} [auch {m}]
lint Mull {m}
lint Papierstaub {m}
lintFluse {f}
lint brushFusselbürste {f}
lint filter Fusselsieb {n}
lint filterFlusensieb {n}
lint removerFusselrolle {f}
lint roller Fusselroller {m}
lint roller Fusselrolle {f}
lint roller Kleiderrolle {f} [Fusselrolle]
lint shaver Fusselrasierer {m}
lintel Oberschwelle {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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