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English-German Dictionary

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Liouville number [also: Liouville's number] liouvillesche Zahl {f}
Liouville's formula [also: formula of Liouville, Abel-Jacobi-Liouville identity]liouvillesche Formel {f}
Liouville's theorem [also: theorem of Liouville]Satz {m} von Liouville
lip Schnauze {f}
lip Tülle {f}
lip Ansatz {m} [eines Bläsers]
lipLefze {f}
lip- Fett-
lip-Adip- / Adipo-
lip [attr.] [e.g. balm, movement, piercing, print]Lippen- [z. B. Balsam, Bewegung, Piercing, Abdruck]
lip [coll.] Unverschämtheit {f}
lip [cup, crater] Rand {m} [Tasse, Krater]
lip [Labium oris] Lippe {f} [des Mundes]
lip [of jar] Randabschluss {m} [von Gefäß]
lip- / lipo- [relating to fat or fatty tissue] Lip- / Lipo- [auch: lip- / lipo-] [Fett- / fett-]
lip / margin of a wound Wundlefze {f} [selten]
lip balmFettstift {m} [Lippenpflege]
lip balmLippenpomade {f}
lip balmLippenbalsam {m}
lip balm Lippenpflegestift {m}
lip bitingLippenbeißen {n}
lip brush Lippenpinsel {m}
lip coverageLippenbedeckung {f}
lip frenulum piercingLippenbändchenpiercing {n}
lip frenulum piercing Lippenbandpiercing {n}
lip glazeLipgloss {n}
lip glossLipgloss {m} {n}
lip gloss Lippenglanz {m}
lip gloss Lippengloss {n} [selten]
lip guard Lippenschutz {m}
lip guardLippenschützer {m}
lip kissLippenkuss {m}
lip lacquerLippenlack {m}
lip lineLippenlinie {f}
lip line at smileLippenlinie {f} beim Lächeln
lip liner (pencil) Lippenkonturenstift {m}
lip microphone Lippenmikrofon {n}
lip movement Lippenbewegung {f}
lip of the hole [golf] Lochkante {f} [Golf]
lip pencil Konturenstift {m} [für die Lippen]
lip piercingLippenpiercing {n}
lip plate Lippenteller {m}
lip plate [flute] Mundlochplatte {f} [Querflöte]
lip primer Lippengrundierung {f}
lip printLippenabdruck {m}
lip reader Lippenleser {m}
lip reconstructionLippenrekonstruktion {f}
lip retractorLippenhalter {m}
lip roll Lippenflattern {n}
lip salve Fettstift {m} [Lippenpflege]
lip salve Lippenpflege {f}
lip seal Lippendichtung {f}
lip seal ring Lippendichtring {m}
lip sensilla Lippensensillen {pl}
lip service Lippenbekenntnis {n}
lip shapeLippenform {f}
lip shineLipgloss {n}
lip synchLippensynchronität {f}
lip synchronization Lippensynchronisation {f}
lip tension Lippenspannung {f}
lip trill Lippenflattern {n}
lip trill Lippentriller {m}
lip vibrato Lippenvibrato {n}
lipa [Croatian currency subunit] [100 lipa = 1 kuna] Lipa {f} [kroatische Währungsuntereinheit] [100 Lipa = 1 Kuna]
lipaemia [Br.]Lipämie {f} [Fettanreicherung im Blut]
lipaemic [Br.]lipämisch
Lipan Apache {pl} Lipan (Apache) {pl}
lipase Lipase {f}
lipectomyFettabsaugung {f}
lipedema [Am.] Lipödem {n}
lipemia [Am.] Lipämie {f} [Fettanreicherung im Blut]
lipemia retinalis [Am.]Lipaemia retinalis {f}
lipemic [Am.] lipämisch
LipetskLipezk {n}
lipid Lipid {n}
lipid anchorLipidanker {m}
lipid anchorage Lipidverankerung {f}
lipid balancing cream rückfettende Creme {f}
lipid bilayerLipid-Doppelschicht {f}
lipid bilayer Doppellipidschicht {f}
lipid bilayer Lipiddoppelschicht {f}
lipid biosynthesis Lipidbiosynthese {f}
lipid chain Lipidkette {f}
lipid compositionLipidzusammensetzung {f}
lipid compositionFettzusammensetzung {f}
lipid contentLipidgehalt {m}
lipid dip-pen nanolithography <L-DPN> L-DPN-Technik {f} [Lipid-Dip-Pen-Nanolithographie]
lipid dropletLipidtropfen {m}
lipid electrophoresisLipid-Elektrophorese {f}
lipid extract Lipidextrakt {m}
lipid extraction Lipidextraktion {f}
lipid film Lipidfilm {m}
lipid kinase Lipidkinase {f}
lipid layerLipidschicht {f}
lipid level Lipidspiegel {m}
lipid lowering agent Blutfettsenker {m}
lipid mediator <LM> Lipidmediator {m}
lipid membrane Lipidmembran {f}
lipid metabolic disorderFettstoffwechselstörung {f}
lipid metabolismLipidstoffwechsel {m}
« linglinglinkLinnlionLioulipilipoliquliquliqu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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