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loads of sth. [coll.] [e.g. time, money]unheimlich viel (an) etw. [z. B. Zeit, Geld]
loads of times [coll.] zigmal [ugs.]
load-stable belastungsstabil
loadstone Magnetstein {m}
load-variable [electricity tariff]lastvariabel [Stromtarif]
loaf Laib {m}
loaf [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: loaf of bread = head][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Kopf]
loaf [oblong] Wecken {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [längliches Brot, meist 1 kg]
loaf [of bread]Brotlaib {m}
loaf [of bread] Brot {n} [Laib, Wecken]
loaf [small] Weckerl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
loaf of bread Brotlaib {m}
loaf of bread [round] Laib {m} Brot
loaf of cheese Käselaib {m}
loaf of cheese Laib {m} Käse [länglich oder rund]
loaf of wholemeal breadLaib {m} Vollkornbrot
loaf panKastenform {f}
loaf sugarHutzucker {m}
loaf tin Brotbackform {f}
loaf tin [12 - 14 inch] Königskuchenform {f} [Kastenform]
[loaf of bread weighing 500 grams] Pfünderli {n} [schweiz.]
loafer Bummler {m}
loaferGammler {m}
loafer Slipper {m}
loafer Faulenzer {m}
loafer Trotteur {m} [geh.]
loafer Bummelant {m}
loafer [a flat, lace-less leather shoe] [originally a trademark] Loafer ® {m} [Schlupfhalbschuh]
loafer [female] Nichtstuerin {f}
loafer [moccasin-style shoe]Schlüpfschuh {m}
loafers Slipper {pl} [auch Slippers]
loafersSchlupfschuhe {pl}
loafingFaulenzerei {f}
loafing nichts tuend [inoffiziell auch: nichtstuend]
loafing aroundGammelei {f}
loafs [spv.] [esp. Am.] Brote {pl}
loaiasisLoaose {f}
loaiasis Loiasis {f}
Loa-loa diseaseLoa-Loa-Erkrankung {f} [subkutane Filariose]
loam Lehm {m}
loamTonerde {f}
loam Letten {m}
loam Lehmerde {f}
loam content Lehmanteil {m}
loam houseLehmhaus {n}
loam pit Lehmgrube {f}
loam rendering Lehmputz {m}
loamier lehmiger
loamiest lehmigste
loamy lehmig
loamy lettig [selten] [lehmig]
loamy soil Lehmboden {m}
loanAnleihe {f}
loanAusleihe {f}
loan Darlehen {n}
loan Kredit {m}
loanLeihe {f}
loan Darlehensschuld {f}
loan [item on loan] Leihgabe {f}
loan [translation] Entlehnung {f}
loan account Darlehenskonto {n}
loan against security Kredit {m} gegen Sicherheit
loan agreementDarlehensvertrag {m}
loan agreementKreditvertrag {m}
loan agreement Leihvertrag {m}
loan amount Darlehensbetrag {m}
loan applicant Darlehensantragsteller {m}
loan application Darlehensantrag {m}
loan appraisal Beurteilung {f} eines Darlehensantrags
loan approval Bewilligung {f} eines Darlehensantrags
loan arrangement Darlehensvereinbarung {f}
loan bank Lombardbank {f}
loan brokerDarlehensvermittler {m}
loan calculatorKreditrechner {m}
loan capitalAnleihekapital {n}
loan charge Ausleihgebühr {f}
loan chargesDarlehenskosten {pl}
loan commitment Darlehenszusage {f}
loan commitment charges Darlehensbereitstellungskosten {pl}
loan conditions Darlehensbedingungen {pl}
loan conditions Kreditbedingungen {pl}
loan conditions Darlehenskonditionen {pl}
loan contract Darlehensvertrag {m}
loan deal Ausleihvertrag {m}
loan debtDarlehensschuld {f}
loan default Kreditausfall {m}
loan demandKreditnachfrage {f}
loan department Kreditabteilung {f}
loan detailDarlehensdetail {n}
loan discountDarlehensabgeld {n}
loan diversification Kreditstreuung {f}
loan divisionKreditabteilung {f}
loan extension Kreditgewährung {f}
loan extensionKreditverlängerung {f}
loan facility Darlehensfazilität {f}
loan financingDarlehensfinanzierung {f}
loan financing Fremdfinanzierung {f}
loan for consumption Konsumentenkredit {m}
loan for investments Investitionskredit {m}
« lizaloadloadloadloadloadloanloanlobbLobsloca »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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