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lolly [Aus.]Süßigkeit {f}
lolly [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] Eis {n} am Stiel
lolly [Aus.] [NZ] [sweet, candy] Bonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
lolly [Br.] [coll.] Pinke {f} [ugs.] [Geld] [veraltend]
lolly [Br.] [coll.] [money]Kies {m} [ugs.] [salopp] [Geld]
lolly [Br.] [coll.] [money]Mäuse {pl} [ugs.] [Geld]
lolly [esp. Br.]Lutscher {m}
lollyfish [Holothuria atra] [black sea cucumber] Schwarze Seegurke {f}
lollygagger [Am.] Zeitverschwender {m}
lollygagging [Am.] [wasting time] Trödeln {n}
lollypopLutscher {m}
lolot pepper {sg} [Piper sarmentosum, syn.: Piper lolot] [Piper sarmentosum plant] La-Lot-Blätter {pl} [(Vietnamesische) Pfefferblätter, Betelblätter]
lolot pepper [Piper sarmentosum, syn. Piper lolot] [Piper sarmentosum plant] Thailändisches Pfefferblatt {n}
lols {pl} [coll.] [spv.] Spaß {m}
lolz {pl} [coll.] Spaß {m}
Loma (people) [also Loghoma, Looma, Lorma] Loma {pl} [auch Loghoma, Looma, Lorma; Eigenbezeichnung: Löömàgìtì od. Löghömagiti (Guinea)]
loma plants [Peru]Loma-Pflanzen {pl} [Pflanzen in der Loma-Vegetation]
loma vegetation Lomavegetation {f}
Lomami red colobus [Piliocolobus parmentieri] Lomami-Stummelaffe {m}
Lomas [Loma people] Loma {pl} [das Volk der Loma]
lomasome Lomasom {n}
Lomax distribution Lomax-Verteilung {f}
lombard Lombard {m}
Lombard Langobarde {m}
Lombard Lombarde {m}
Lombard [Langobardic] langobardisch
Lombard [female]Langobardin {f}
Lombard [female] Lombardin {f}
Lombard band Bogenfries {m} [bes. des lombardischen Baustils]
lombard business Lombardgeschäft {n}
lombard credit Lombardkredit {m}
lombard credits Lombardgeschäfte {pl}
Lombard effect [also: Lombard's effect, Lombard reflex]Lombard-Effekt {m}
Lombard kingLangobardenkönig {m}
Lombard kingdom Langobardenreich {n}
Lombard language lombardische Sprache {f}
Lombard LeagueLombardenbund {m}
lombard loanLombardkredit {m}
lombard rateLombardsatz {m}
Lombard reflex Lombard-Reflex {m} [Lombard-Effekt]
Lombard rhythm lombardischer Rhythmus {m}
Lombard steam log hauler Dampftraktor {m} zum Baumstammtransport [Erfinder: Alvin Lombard]
Lombard terracotta [Am.] Terrakotta {f} [im lombardischen Stil]
Lombard test Lombard-Versuch {m}
Lombardic lombardisch
Lombardic language [Longobardic]langobardische Sprache {f}
Lombardic rhythmlombardischer Rhythmus {m}
Lombards [Longobards] Langobarden {pl}
Lombard's paradox Lombard-Paradoxon {n}
LombardyLombardei {f}
Lombardy lamprey [Lethenteron zanandreai] Oberitalienisches Neunauge {n}
Lombardy lamprey [Lethenteron zanandreai] Lombardisches Neunauge {n}
Lombardy lamprey [Lethenteron zanandreai]Oberitalienisches Bachneunauge {n}
Lombardy poplar [Populus nigra 'Italica']Pyramidenpappel {f}
Lombok [island]Lombok {n} [Insel]
Lombok honeyeater [Lichmera lombokia]Lombokhonigfresser {m}
Lombok StraitLombokstraße {f}
Lombok thrush [Zoothera dohertyi, syn.: Geokichla dohertyi]Sumbawadrossel {f}
LoméLomé {n}
Lomé Convention Lomé-Abkommen {n}
lomefloxacinLomefloxacin {n}
lomentGliederhülse {f}
lomi lomi nui (Hawaiian) massage Lomi-Lomi-Nui-Massage {f}
lomi stone massage [Lomi Lomi Pohaku]Lomi-Lomi-Pohaku-Massage {f}
lomilomi massage Lomi-Lomi-Massage {f} [auch: Lomilomi-Massage]
Lomography™ Lomographie {f}
Lomography™Lomografie {f}
Lomonosov [Russia] Lomonossow {n} [Russland]
Lomonosov RidgeLomonossow-Rücken {m}
lomonosovite [Na8MnTi3Si4O12(PO4)2O4] Lomonosovit {m}
Lompobatang flycatcher [Ficedula bonthaina]Bonthaingrundschnäpper {m}
Lompobattang flycatcher [Ficedula bonthaina]Bonthaingrundschnäpper {m}
lonchidite [Fe(S,As)2] Lonchidit {m}
LondiniumLondinium {n}
LondonLondon {n}
London [attr.]Londoner [indekl.]
London After Midnight [Tod Browning]Um Mitternacht
London Bridge London-Brücke {f} [selten für: London Bridge]
London Bridge Londonbrücke {f} [selten für: London Bridge]
London can be reached by train.London ist per Zug zu erreichen.
London dispersion forces <LD forces, LDF> London-Kräfte {pl}
London equationLondon-Gleichung {f}
London equationsLondon-Gleichungen {pl}
London EyeLondon Eye {n}
London Fields [novel: Martin Amis, film: Mathew Cullen]London Fields
London fogLondoner Nebel {m}
London force <LD> London-Kraft {f}
London forcesLondon-Kräfte {pl}
London girlLondonerin {f}
London guide Stadtführer {m} von London
London guide-book Stadtführer {m} von London
London has large chunks of poverty. [Br.]Armut ist in London sehr verbreitet.
London Inter Bank Offer Rate <LIBOR> Londoner Interbanken-Angebotssatz {m} <LIBOR>
London Interbank Offered Rate <LIBOR>Londoner Interbanken-Angebotssatz {m} <LIBOR>
London midget [Phyllonorycter platani] Platanen-Miniermotte / Platanenminiermotte {f}
London penetration depth London'sche Eindringtiefe {f}
London penetration depthLondonsche Eindringtiefe {f} [alt]
London plane [Br.] [Platanus x hispanica Muenchh.] (Ahornblättrige) Platane {f}
« logwlogglogilogilogslollLondlonelonglonglong »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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