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English-German Dictionary

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long-leaved bear's breech [Acanthus balcanicus, syn.: A. hungaricus, A. longifolius, A. perringii] Säulen-Akanthus {m}
long-leaved bear's breech [Acanthus balcanicus, syn.: A. hungaricus, A. longifolius, A. perringii] Balkan-Akanthus {m}
long-leaved bear's breech [Acanthus balcanicus, syn.: A. hungaricus, A. longifolius, A. perringii] Balkan-Bärenklau {m}
long-leaved bear's breech [Acanthus balcanicus, syn.: A. hungaricus, A. longifolius, A. perringii] Ungarischer Bärenklau {m}
long-leaved bear's breech [Acanthus balcanicus, syn.: A. hungaricus, A. longifolius, A. perringii] Balkan-Bärenklaue {f}
long-leaved dock [Rumex longifolius, syn.: R. domesticus]Dorf-Ampfer / Dorfampfer {m}
long-leaved dock [Rumex longifolius]Gemüse-Ampfer {m}
long-leaved dock [Rumex longifolius]Nordischer Ampfer {m}
long-leaved dock [Rumex longifolius] Langblättriger Ampfer {m}
long-leaved fescue [Festuca longifolia] Langblättriger Schaf-Schwingel / Schafschwingel {m}
long-leaved fescue [Festuca longifolia] Hartschwingel {m}
long-leaved hare's ear [Bupleurum longifolium] Hain-Hasenohr / Hainhasenohr {n}
long-leaved hare's ear [Bupleurum longifolium] Langblättriges Hasenohr {n}
long-leaved Indian pine [Pinus roxburghii, syn.: P. longifolia] Chirkiefer {f}
long-leaved Indian pine [Pinus roxburghii, syn.: P. longifolia] Emodikiefer {f}
long-leaved lungwort [Pulmonaria longifolia]Langblättriges Lungenkraut {n}
long-leaved mullein [Verbascum longifolium]Langblättrige Königskerze {f}
long-leaved pitch pine [Pinus elliottii]Elliott-Kiefer {f}
long-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton × angustifolius, syn.: P. × zizii]Schmalblättriges Laichkraut {n}
long-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton nodosus, syn.: P. americanus, P. fluitans, P. insulanus] Flutendes Laichkraut {n}
long-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton nodosus, syn.: P. americanus, P. fluitans, P. insulanus] Knoten-Laichkraut {n}
long-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton nodosus, syn.: P. americanus, P. fluitans, P. insulanus]Knotiges Laichkraut {n}
long-leaved scurvy grass [Cochlearia anglica] Englisches Löffelkraut {n}
long-leaved tail-moss [Anomodon longifolius] Langblättriges Trugzahnmoos {n}
long-leaved tail-moss [Anomodon longifolius] Langblättriger Wolfsfuß {m} [Langblättriges Trugzahnmoos]
long-leaved thread moss [Bryum pseudotriquetrum] Bauchiges Birnmoos {n}
long-leaved thread moss [Bryum pseudotriquetrum] Großes Quellmoos {n}
long-leaved violet willow [Salix acutifolia] Spitzblättrige Weide {f}
long-leaved violet willow [Salix acutifolia] Kaspische Weide {f}
long-leaved violet willow [Salix acutifolia] Kaspische Reif-Weide {f}
long-leg cast <LLC> Oberschenkelgips {m} [Verband]
long-leg cast <LLC> Oberschenkelgipsverband {m}
long-leg cast with walkerOberschenkelgehgips {m} [Verband]
long-leg cast with walker Oberschenkelgehgipsverband {m}
long-legged langbeinig
long-legged hochbeinig
long-legged ant [Anoplolepis gracilipes, syn.: Anoplolepis longipes]Gelbe Spinnerameise {f}
long-legged bat [Macrophyllum macrophyllum] Langbeinfledermaus {f}
long-legged blondelangbeinige Blondine {f}
long-legged bush cricket [Acrometopa macropoda] Langbeinige Sichelschrecke {f}
long-legged buzzard [Buteo rufinus]Adlerbussard {m}
long-legged chafer [Hoplia communis] Graslaubkäfer {m}
long-legged flies [family Dolichopodidae]Langbeinfliegen {pl}
long-legged hawk [Buteo rufinus, syn.: B. ferox] Adlerbussard {m}
long-legged myotis [Myotis volans] Flügelhaar-Mausohr {n}
long-legged myotis [Myotis volans] Langbeiniges Mausohr {n}
long-legged myotis [Myotis volans] Langfüßiges Mausohr {n}
long-legged pipit [Anthus pallidiventris] Stelzenpieper {m}
long-legged pratincole [Stiltia isabella] Stelzen-Brachschwalbe {f} [auch: Stelzenbrachschwalbe]
long-legged sac spiders [genus Cheiracanthium (family Eutichuridae); formerly: family Miturgidae] Dornfingerspinnen {pl}
long-legged (spider) crab [Macropodia rostrata, syn.: Cancer rostrata / rostratus, Stenorhynchus rostratus] Gespensterkrabbe {f}
long-legged (spider) crab [Macropodia rostrata, syn.: Cancer rostrata / rostratus, Stenorhynchus rostratus] Gespenstkrabbe {f}
long-legged spiders [family Pholcidae] Zitterspinnen {pl}
long-legged thicketbird [Trichocichla rufa] Langbein-Buschsänger {m}
long-legged warbler [Trichocichla rufa] Langbein-Buschsänger {m}
longlegged water spiders [also: long-legged water spiders] [family Trechaleidae] Fischerspinnen {pl}
longlegged water spiders [also: long-legged water spiders] [family Trechaleidae]Langbeinige Wasserspinnen {pl}
long-legged wood frog [Rana macrocnemis] Kleinasiatischer Braunfrosch {m}
long-legged wood frog [Rana macrocnemis] Kleinasiatischer Frosch {m}
(long-legged) cellar spider [Pholcus phalangioides]Große Zitterspinne {f}
long-life langlebig
long-life [attr.] haltbar [nicht leicht verderbend]
long-life batteryLangzeitbatterie {f}
long-life milk ultrahocherhitzte Milch {f}
long-life milk H-Milch {f}
long-life milk [Br.] Haltbarmilch {f} [bes. österr.] <H-Milch>
long-life oilLonglife-Öl {n}
longline Langleine {f}
longline braLong-BH {m} [BH bzw. Mieder mit Ansatz auf der Taille]
longline bra Longline-BH {m}
longline cultivation [oyster farming] Leinenkultivierung {f} [Austernzucht]
longline fishery [industrial fishing]Langleinenfischerei {f} [industrielle Fischerei]
longline fishingLangleinen-Fischerei {f}
longline fishing Langleinenfischerei {f}
longlist Longlist {f}
long-lived langlebig
long-lived langwährend
long-lived assets {pl}Anlagevermögen {n}
long-lived greenhouse gas <LLGHG> langlebiges Treibhausgas {n}
long-living langlebig
long-looked-for [also: long looked for] langersehnt [auch: lang ersehnt]
long-lost(längst) verloren geglaubt
long-lostlange verschollen
longlure frogfish [Antennarius multiocellatus]Vielfleck-Anglerfisch {m}
longlure frogfish [Antennarius multiocellatus] Karibischer Augenfleck-Angler {m}
longly seit Langem
Longman's beaked whale [Indopacetus pacificus]Longman-Schnabelwal {m}
Longman's beaked whale [Indopacetus pacificus]Pazifischer Schnabelwal {m}
longneck [Am.] [coll.] [long-necked bottle, 330 ml / 12 US oz] 0,33-Liter-Langhalsflasche {f}
longneck [Mya arenaria] [coll.]Sandklaffmuschel {f}
longneck eels [family Derichthyidae]Langhalsaale {pl}
longneck eels [family Derichthyidae] Langnackenaale {pl}
longneck fieldslug / field-slug / field slug [Deroceras panormitanum, syn.: D. caruanae, D. pollonerai]Mittelmeer-Ackerschnecke {f}
long-neck flaskLanghalskolben {m}
long-necked langhalsig
long-necked bottleLanghalsflasche {f} [auch: Langhals-Flasche]
long-necked clam [Mya arenaria, syn.: M. acuta, M. alba, M. communis, M. corpulanta, M. elongata, M. japonica, M. lata, M. subovata, M. subtruncata, Sphenia ovoidea] Schlickauster {f}
long-necked clam [Mya arenaria, syn.: M. acuta, M. alba, M. communis, M. corpulanta, M. elongata, M. japonica, M. lata, M. subovata, M. subtruncata, Sphenia ovoidea] (Große) Sandklaffmuschel {f}
long-necked clam [Mya arenaria, syn.: M. acuta, M. alba, M. communis, M. corpulanta, M. elongata, M. japonica, M. lata, M. subovata, M. subtruncata, Sphenia ovoidea] (Gemeine) Klaffmuschel {f}
long-necked clam [Mya arenaria, syn.: M. acuta, M. alba, M. communis, M. corpulanta, M. elongata, M. japonica, M. lata, M. subovata, M. subtruncata, Sphenia ovoidea]Sandmuschel {f}
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