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English-German Dictionary

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long-stapled cotton langstapelige Baumwolle {f}
long-stay guest Dauergast {m} [im Hotel]
long-stay holiday maker Langurlauber {m}
long-stay parker [Br.]Dauerparker {m}
long-stay patient [in-patient] Langzeitpatient {m} [stationär]
long-stay residentDauergast {m} [im Hotel]
longstem waterwort [Elatine triandra]Dreimänniger Tännel {m}
longstem waterwort [Elatine triandra]Stiel-Tännel / Stieltännel {m}
long-stemmed langstielig
long-stemmedlangstängelig [langstielig]
long-stemmed [attr.] [e.g. wheat]Langhalm-
long-stemmed [e.g. wheat] langhalmig
long-stemmed puffball [Lycoperdon excipuliforme, syn.: Calvatia excipuliformis, Handkea excipuliformis]Beutelstäubling / Beutel-Stäubling {m}
long-stemmed puffball [Lycoperdon excipuliforme, syn.: Calvatia excipuliformis, Handkea excipuliformis] Großstäubling / Groß-Stäubling {m}
long-stranded langfaserig
longstraw pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia]Harz-Kiefer {f}
longstraw pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia]Sumpf-Kiefer / Sumpfkiefer {f}
longstraw pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia] Besenkiefer {f}
longstraw pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia]Parkettkiefer {f}
long-stroke gripper Langhubgreifer {m}
long-style feather grass [Pennisetum villosum]Zottige Borstenhirse {f}
long-suffering lange leidend
long-suffering schwer geprüft
long-suffering leidgeprüft
long-sufferinglangmütig [geh.]
longsuffering [archaic spv. for: long-suffering] langmütig [geh.]
long-suffering [without complaint] still ertragend
longswordLangschwert {n}
(longtail / long-tail) wildginger / wild-ginger / wild ginger [Asarum caudatum] Geschwänzte Haselwurz {f}
longtail Alpine garter snake [Thamnophis scalaris] Treppen-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
long-tail boat Langheckboot {n}
longtail carpet sharks [family Hemiscylliidae]Bambushaie {pl}
longtail carpet sharks [family Hemiscylliidae] Lippenhaie {pl}
longtail (dwarf) goby [Knipowitschia longecaudata] Langschwanzgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
longtail seamoth [Pegasus volitans] Schlanker Flügelrossfisch {m}
longtail shrew [Sorex dispar]Langschwanzspitzmaus {f}
longtail spiny eel [Mastacembelus frenatus]Zügel-Stachelaal {m}
longtail tuna [Thunnus tonggol]Langschwanz-Thun {m}
long-tailed antbird [Drymophila caudata] Langschwanz-Ameisenfänger {m}
long-tailed birch mouse [Sicista caudata] Langschwanz-Birkenmaus {f}
long-tailed (black) berrypecker [Melanocharis longicauda]Gelbbüschel-Beerenpicker {m}
long-tailed blossom bat [Notopteris macdonaldi]Langschwanzflughund {m}
long-tailed blue [Lampides boeticus] [butterfly] Großer Wanderbläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
long-tailed blue [Lampides boeticus] [butterfly]Langschwänziger Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
long-tailed blue [Lampides boeticus] [butterfly]Weißbindiger Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
long-tailed blue robin [Cinclidium frontale]Blauschmätzer {m} [auch: Blau-Schmätzer]
long-tailed broadbill [Psarisomus dalhousiae]Papageibreitrachen {m}
long-tailed brown-toothed shrew [Episoriculus leucops, syn.: Soriculus leucops]Langschwänzige Braunzahn-Spitzmaus {f}
long-tailed bunting [Urocynchramus pylzowi] Rosenschwanzgimpel {m}
long-tailed bunting [Urocynchramus pylzowi] Rosenschwanz {m}
long-tailed bushtit [Aegithalos caudatus]Schwanzmeise {f}
long-tailed chat [Icteria virens]Gelbbrustwaldsänger {m} [auch: Gelbbrust-Waldsänger]
long-tailed chat [Icteria virens]Bauchredner-Waldsänger {m}
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera]Langschwanz-Chinchilla {f} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera] Küstenchinchilla {f} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera]Chilenische Chinchilla {f} [oder {n}: Chilenisches Chinchilla; österr. nur {n}]
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera]Kleine Chinchilla {f} [oder {n}: Kleines Chinchilla; österr. nur {n}]
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera] Bastard-Chinchilla {f} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera] Wollmaus {f} [Langschwanz-Chinchilla]
long-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla lanigera] Küsten-Chinchilla {f} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
long-tailed cinclodes [Cinclodes pabsti]Langschwanz-Uferwipper {m}
long-tailed cinclodes [Cinclodes pabsti]Santa-Catarina-Uferwipper {m}
long-tailed climbing mice [genus Vandeleuria] Langschwanz-Klettermäuse {pl}
long-tailed cormorant [Microcarbo africanus, syn.: Phalacrocorax africanus]Riedscharbe {f}
long-tailed cuckoo [Eudynamys taitensis]Langschwanzkoel {m}
long-tailed duck [Clangula hyemalis] Eisente {f}
long-tailed dunnart [Sminthopsis longicaudata] Langschwanz-Schmalfußbeutelmaus {f}
long-tailed dunnart [Sminthopsis longicaudata] Langschwänzige Schmalfußbeutelmaus {f}
long-tailed false coral snake [Pliocercus elapoides] Langschwanz-Halloweennatter {f}
long-tailed fantail [Rhipidura opistherythra]Tanimbarfächerschwanz {m}
long-tailed field mouse [Apodemus sylvaticus]Waldmaus {f}
long-tailed finch [Poephila acuticauda] Spitzschwanzamadine {f}
long-tailed fiscal [Lanius cabanisi]Langschwanzwürger {m}
long-tailed fruit bat [Notopteris macdonaldi]Langschwanzflughund {m}
long-tailed ghostpipefish [Solenostomus armatus] Langschwanz-Geisterpfeifenfisch {m}
long-tailed giant rat [Leopoldamys sabanus] Südasiatische Langschwanz-Riesenratte {f}
long-tailed giant rats [genus Leopoldamys]Langschwanz-Riesenratten {pl}
long-tailed glossy starling [Lamprotornis caudatus] Langschwanz-Glanzstar {m}
long-tailed goral [Naemorhedus caudatus]Langschwanzgoral {m}
long-tailed grass lizard [Takydromus sexlineatus] Sechsstreifen-Langschwanzeidechse {f}
long-tailed grass warbler [Prinia burnesii]Schweifprinie {f}
long-tailed ground dove [Uropelia campestris] Campostäubchen {n}
long-tailed ground dove [Uropelia campestris] Kamptaube {f}
long-tailed ground roller [Uratelornis chimaera] Langschwanz-Erdracke {f}
long-tailed ground squirrel [Urocitellus undulatus, syn.: Spermophilus undulatus]Langschwanzziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
long-tailed ground warbler [Bradypterus caudatus]Langschwanz-Buschsänger {m}
long-tailed groundroller / ground-roller [Uratelornis chimaera] Langschwanz-Erdracke {f}
long-tailed hermit [Phaethornis superciliosus] Langschwanzeremit {m}
long-tailed hermit [Phaethornis superciliosus] Östlicher Langschwanz-Schattenkolibri {m}
long-tailed honey buzzard [Henicopernis longicauda]Langschwanzweih {m}
long-tailed hopping mouse [Notomys longicaudatus] [extinct]Langschwanz-Hüpfmaus {f} [ausgestorben]
long-tailed hornbill [Tropicranus albocristatus]Weißschopf-Hornvogel {m}
long-tailed hornbill [Tropicranus albocristatus] Perückenhornvogel {m}
long-tailed jaeger [Am.] [Stercorarius longicaudus]Falkenraubmöwe {f}
long-tailed koel [Eudynamys taitensis]Langschwanzkoel {m}
long-tailed litter snake [Urotheca decipiens]Halsband-Glasschwanznatter {f}
long-tailed macaque [Macaca fascicularis]Javaneraffe {m}
long-tailed macaque [Macaca fascicularis] Langschwanzmakak {m}
long-tailed macaque [Macaca fascicularis] Krabbenesser {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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