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English-German Dictionary

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look on sb.'s facejds. Gesichtsausdruck {m}
Look out, (you) clumsy (idiot)!Pass auf, du Trampeltier!
Look out! Achtung!
Look out! Pass auf!
Look out!Passen Sie auf! [formelle Anrede]
Look out!Aufgepasst!
Look out!Sei vorsichtig!
look pointer [look control, games, Microsoft]Blickzeiger {m} [Blicksteuerung, Spiele, Microsoft]
Look sharp! Beeil dich!
Look sharp! Los!
Look sharp! Dalli, dalli! [ugs.]
Look sharp! [coll.] Zack, zack! [ugs.]
Look sharp! [coll.] Zacki, zacki! [ugs.]
Look sharp! [coll.] Mach schnell! [ugs.]
Look sharp! [coll.] [hurry up] Beeile dich!
Look smart! [coll.] [hurry up]Beeile dich!
Look snappy! [coll.] Macht schon! [ugs.]
Look to it that ... [Br.]Achte darauf, dass ...
Look to see whether ... Sehen Sie nach, ob ... [kontrollieren, prüfen]
Look to see whether ... Sieh nach, ob ... [kontrollieren, prüfen]
Look to see whether ... Schauen Sie nach, ob ... [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [kontrollieren, prüfen]
Look to see whether ... Schau nach, ob ... [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [kontrollieren, prüfen]
Look to see whether ... Schaue nach, ob ... [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [kontrollieren, prüfen]
Look up ahead!Schau nach vorn!
Look what I can do. Schau mal, was ich kann.
Look Who's Back [novel and film]Er ist wieder da [Roman: Timur Vermes; Film: David Wnendt]
Look who's here!Schau mal wer da ist!
Look who's talking. Fass dir mal lieber an die eigene Nase!
Look who's talking. Er sollte sich lieber an die eigene Nase fassen.
Look Who's Talking [Amy Heckerling]Kuck' mal, wer da spricht! [österr.] [Schau mal, wer da spricht]
Look Who's Talking Now [Tom Ropelewski]Kuck' mal, wer da jetzt spricht! [österr.] [Schau mal, wer da jetzt spricht]
Look Who's Talking Too [Amy Heckerling] Kuck' mal, wer da spricht 2 [österr.] [Schau mal, wer da spricht 2]
Look who's talking! [coll.] Das musst du gerade sagen! [ugs.]
Look who's talking! [coll.]Das sagt der / die Richtige! [ugs.]
look you [Welsh] [coll.] [you see / know] schau mal an
Look! Schau!
Look! Guck / guckt mal! [ugs.]
Look! [request/command to direct one's attention to something] Schauen Sie! [formelle Anrede]
lookaheadVorgriff {m}
look-ahead technique Look-Ahead-Technik {f}
look-ahead timeVorgriffszeit {f}
look-alikeDoppelgänger {m}
lookalike [female] Doppelgängerin {f}
lookalike [person] Doppelgänger {m}
lookalike [replica] [also: look-alike] Nachahmung {f}
look-alike contestÄhnlichkeitswettbewerb {m}
look-alike contestLookalike-Contest {m}
look-alike contest Lookalikecontest {m} [Rsv.]
look-back procedure Verfahren {n} zur Rückverfolgung [Look-back-Verfahren]
look-back procedure Look-back-Verfahren {n} [auch: Lookbackverfahren]
lookbookLookbook {n}
lookdown [Selene vomer]Bodengucker {m}
lookdown [Selene vomer] Pferdekopffisch {m} [Bodengucker]
lookdown [Selene vomer] Pferdekopf {m} [Bodengucker]
lookdown [Selene vomer]Bodengucker-Makrele {f}
look-east policy nach Osten ausgerichtete Politik {f}
looked angesehen
looked gesehen
looked geschaut
lookedgeguckt [ugs.]
...-looked [rare] ...-aussehend
looked afterbehütet
looked after betreut
looked at angeblickt
looked at in that light so gesehen
looked at more closelybei näherem Hinsehen
looked at more closelybei näherer Betrachtung
looked at that wayso gesehen
looked awayweggeblickt
looked away weggesehen
looked back umgesehen
looked for gesucht
looked here hergesehen
looked herehergeschaut
looked inhereingeschaut
looked roundumgeschaut
looked sth. up [coll.] nach etw. [Dat.] geschaut
looked therehingesehen
looked throughdurchgeblickt
looked upaufgeschaut
looked up sth. nach etw. [Dat.] geschaut
looked-for erhofft
lookerBeschauer {m}
looker [coll.]Hingucker {m} [Mensch] [ugs.]
looker-on Zuschauer {m}
looker-onZaungast {m}
looker-upper [Am.] [coll.] Sucher {m} [selten] [jemand, der sucht]
lookie-loo [coll.] [curious bystander] Schaulustiger {m}
Lookin' to Get Out [Hal Ashby] Zwei in der Tinte
looking sehend
...-looking [used with a preceding adj.] ... aussehend
looking after betreuend
looking after guests Gästebetreuung {f}
looking at anblickend
looking at it the other way round / [Am. also] around andersherum betrachtet
Looking at me she said ...Indem sie mich ansah, sagte sie ...
Looking at me she said ... Sie sah mich an und sagte ...
« longlonglonglonglonglooklookloonlooploosloos »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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