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English-German Dictionary

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lourd [archaic]dumm
Lourdes [Catholic pilgrimage site in France] Lourdes {n} [kath. Wallfahrtsort in Frankreich]
loure Loure {f}
lourenswalsite [(K,Ba)2(Ti,Mg,Ca,Fe)4(Si,Al,Fe)6O14(OH)12] Lourenswalsit {m}
louries [S.Afr.] [family Musophagidae] Turakos {pl}
louring finster blickend
louring finster
Louros spined loach [Cobitis hellenica] Louros-Steinbeißer {m}
louse Laus {f}
louse Lumpenhund {m} [ugs.]
louseLumpenkerl {m} [ugs.]
louse <¤> [coll.] [neutral currency sign] Schildkröte {f} <¤> [ugs.] [allgemeines Währungssymbol]
louse comb Läusekamm {m}
louse flies [family Hippoboscidae]Lausfliegen {pl}
louse-borne relapsing feverdurch Läuse übertragenes Rückfallfieber {n}
louse-borne relapsing fever <LBRF>Läuserückfallfieber {n}
loused [archaic] gelaust
lousefish [Phtheirichthys lineatus] Lausfisch {m}
louse-ridden verlaust
lousewort [genus Pedicularis] Läusekraut {n}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis] Heil-Ziest {m}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis] Echte Betonie {f}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis] Flohblume {f}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis]Pfaffenblume {f}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis] Zahnkraut {n}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis] Zehrkraut {n}
lousewort [Stachys officinalis]Heilbatunge {f}
lousier [coll.] widerlicher
lousily [coll.]saumäßig [ugs.] [sehr schlecht]
lousily [coll.] [pej.] lausig [ugs.] [pej.]
lousiness Verlaustheit {f}
lousiness [fig.]Gemeinheit {f}
lousiness of the head / of the hairKopfläusebefall {m}
lousing [archaic]lausend
lousy [coll.]belämmert [ugs.] [scheußlich]
lousy [coll.]ätzend [ugs.] [abscheulich]
lousy [coll.]saumäßig [ugs.] [schlecht]
lousy [coll.] [bad] tiffig [ostd.] [ugs.] [schlecht]
lousy [coll.] [disgusting] widerlich
lousy [infested with lice]verlaust
lousy [coll.] mies [ugs.]
lousy [coll.] ekelhaft
lousy [coll.] schlecht
lousy [coll.]verflixt [ugs.]
lousy [coll.]beschissen [ugs.] [derb]
lousy [coll.] hundeelend
lousy [coll.] schleißig [österr.] [schäbig]
lousy [coll.]miserabel
lousy [coll.]grottenschlecht [ugs.]
lousy [coll.] grottig [ugs.]
lousy [coll.] [e.g. to feel lousy]hundselend [ugs.] [fig.]
lousy [coll.] [pej.] lausig [ugs.] [pej.]
lousy [coll.] [very bad] bescheiden [ugs.] [euphem.] [beschissen]
lousy [coll.] [despicable, malicious] niederträchtig
lousy [coll.] [weak, poor] schwach
lousy at maths [Br.] schwach in Mathe [ugs.]
lousy behaviour [Br.]niederträchtiges Benehmen {n}
lousy behaviour [Br.]Hundsfötterei {f} [pej.]
lousy behaviour [Br.] mieses Verhalten {n}
lousy foreigners [offensive]Ausländergesocks {n} [pej.] [beleidigend]
lousy job [coll.]Machwerk {n}
lousy lover [coll.] [man]schlechter Liebhaber {m}
lousy painter [pej.] Pinsler {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [schlechter Maler]
lousy pay schlechte Bezahlung {f}
lousy performance schwache Leistung {f}
lousy weather [coll.]Sauwetter {n} [ugs.]
lousy weather [coll.]mieses Wetter {n} [ugs.]
lousy with sb./sth. [sl.] [well supplied with] reichlich versehen mit jdm./etw.
(lousy) grubSaufraß {m} [pej., derb]
lout Lümmel {m} [pej.] [Flegel]
loutFlegel {m}
lout Rüpel {m} [pej.]
lout Bengel {m} [ugs.]
Louth [Irish: Lú] Louth {n}
loutish lümmelhaft
loutishrüpelhaft [pej.]
loutish behavior [Am.] Flegelei {f} [pej.]
loutish behaviour [Br.] [provoking] Pöbelei {f} [beleidigendes, provozierendes Benehmen]
loutishly lümmelhaft
loutishness Tölpelhaftigkeit {f}
loutishness Rüpelei {f}
loutrophoros Loutrophoros {m} [griech. Gefäß]
loutrophoros Lutrophoros {m}
louts [pej.]Bagaluten {pl} [regional, bes. nordd.] [ugs.] [hier: pej.] [Lümmel, Rüpel]
Louvain Löwen {n} [Stadt in Belgien]
Louvain Löwen {n}
Louvain-la-Neuve Neu-Löwen {n}
louvar [Luvarus imperialis] Dianafisch {m}
louvar [Luvarus imperialis] Hahnenfisch {m}
Louvel's sign [also: Louvel sign] Louvel-Zeichen {n}
louver [Am.] Jalousie {f}
louver [Am.] Lüftungsgitter {n}
louver [Am.] Schallloch {n}
louver [Am.] Lüftungslamelle {f}
louver [Am.] [of a blind]Lamelle {f} [einer Jalousie]
« lostlot lottloudLouilourlouvlovelovelovelove »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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