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low-voltage network Schwachstromnetz {n}
low-voltage relayUnterspannungsrelais {n}
low-voltage systemsNiederspannungssysteme {pl}
low-voltage transformerNiederspannungstransformator {m}
low-w/c mix Betonmischung {f} mit niedrigem w/z-Wert
low-wage [attr.]schlecht bezahlt
low-wage countriesNiedriglohnländer {pl}
low-wage countryNiedriglohnland {n}
low-wage country Billiglohnland {n}
low-wage earnerNiedriglohnbezieher {m}
low-wage earner Niedrigverdiener {m}
low-wage earner Geringverdiener {m}
low-wage employment subsidiesNiedriglohnsubventionen {pl}
low-wage job Niedriglohnarbeitsplatz {m}
low-wage labour market [Br.] Niedriglohnsektor {m}
low-wage sectorNiedriglohnsektor {m}
low-wage sector Niedriglohnbereich {m}
low-wage zone Billiglohnzone {f}
low-waist [trousers, pants, skirt] mit tiefer Taille [nachgestellt]
low-waisted [trousers, pants, skirt] mit tiefer Taille [nachgestellt]
low-water management Niedrigwassermanagement {n}
low-wattage [attr.] [light bulb] schwach [Glühbirne]
low-wear verschleißarm
low-weight construction Leichtkonstruktion {f}
low-zinc technology Niedrigzinktechnologie {f} [Phosphatieren]
lox [Am.] [brined salmon] gepökelter Lachs {m}
lox [Am.] [cured or smoked salmon]Räucherlachs {m}
lox [liquid oxygen] flüssiger Sauerstoff {m}
lox sandwich [Am.] [smoked salmon sandwich]Sandwich {n} {m} mit Räucherlachs
loxapine [C18H18ClN3O] Loxapin {n}
loxia [torticollis]Torticollis {m}
Loxia species [genus Loxia] [crossbills] Kreuzschnäbel {pl}
loxodrome Loxodrome {f}
loxops [family Fringillidae, genus Loxops]Akepakleidervögel {pl}
loyal ergeben
loyaltreu ergeben
loyal getreu [treu]
loyal address Ergebenheitsadresse {f} [an Monarchen]
loyal and faithfulhöchst zuverlässig
loyal assistant Adlatus {m} [hum.]
loyal assistantsAdlaten {pl} [hum.]
loyal buyer treuer Kunde {m}
loyal customertreuer Kunde {m}
loyal friendship treue Freundschaft {f}
Loyal Heart [Care Bears]Hündchen Treuherz [Glücksbärchis]
loyal oppositionkollegiale Opposition {f}
loyal to Bern [postpos.] [the Canton] berntreu
loyal to England [postpos.] englandtreu
loyal (to sb.) (jdm.) treugesinnt
loyal (to sb./sth.)loyal (jdm./etw. gegenüber)
loyal (to sb./sth.)(jdm./etw.) treu
loyal to the Church [postpos.] kirchentreu
loyal to the coalition [postpos.]koalitionstreu
loyal to the emperor / Emperor [postpos.] kaisertreu
loyal to the federal government [postpos.] bundestreu
loyal to the king [postpos.] königstreu
loyal to the pope / Pope [postpos.]papsttreu
loyal to the regime [postpos.] regimetreu
loyal to the state [postpos.] staatstreu
Loyal Toast [Br.][Toast auf König, Herzog]
loyal voter Stammwähler {m}
loyalistLoyalist {m}
loyalist Anhänger {m}
loyalist Getreuer {m}
loyalist Königstreuer {m}
loyalist [female] Getreue {f}
Loyalists [American Revolution]Loyalisten {pl} [amerikanische Revolution]
loyally loyal
loyally treu
loyally ergeben [treu]
loyalnessRedlichkeit {f} [Treue]
loyaltyLoyalität {f}
loyalty Pflichttreue {f}
loyaltyTreue {f}
loyalty Untertanentreue {f}
loyalty Anhänglichkeit {f}
loyaltyErgebenheit {f}
loyalty Bindung {f}
loyalty Gefolgschaftstreue {f}
loyalty bonus Treuebonus {m}
loyalty card Treuekarte {f}
loyalty card Kundenkarte {f}
loyalty conflictLoyalitätskonflikt {m}
loyalty discountTreuerabatt {m}
Loyalty is my honour. [Br.] [slogan of the SS] Meine Ehre heißt Treue. [Wahlspruch der SS]
loyalty oathTreueid {m}
loyalty point Treuepunkt {m}
loyalty program [Am.] Treueprogramm {n}
loyalty programme [Br.] Treueprogramm {n}
loyalty rebate Treuerabatt {m}
loyalty relationship Treueverhältnis {n}
loyalty starling [Aplonis striata, syn.: A. striatus] Dickschnabelstar {m}
loyalty to one's duty Pflichttreue {f}
loyalty to the alliance Bündnistreue {f}
loyalty to the constitution Verfassungstreue {f}
loyalty to the empire [also: loyalty to the Empire] Reichstreue {f}
loyalty to the regime Regimetreue {f}
loyalty to the state Staatsloyalität {f}
« low-lowllow-low-low-low-loyalubrlucelucklucr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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