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English-German Dictionary

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Luftwaffe auxiliary personnel [WW II German male assistant with the Air Force often conscripted from the Hitler Youth]Luftwaffenhelfer {m}
lug Fahne {f} [zum Befestigen]
lug Öse {f}
lug Anschlussklemme {f}
lug Haltevorrichtung {f}
lug Vorstecker {m}
lug Ansatz {m} [Vorsprung, zum Halten etc.]
lugLasche {f}
lug Muffe {f} [am Fahrradrahmen angelötet]
lug [box or crate] Steige {f} [südd., österr.] [flache Lattenkiste]
lug [coll.] [pej.] [esp. Am.] Tölpel {m} [pej.] [ungeschickter, unbeholfener, einfältiger Mensch]
lug [in tyre tread]Stollen {m} [im Reifenprofil]
lug [N. Engl.] [Scot.] Ohr {n}
lug [pottery] Knubbe {f} [Keramik]
lug [projecting piece] Vorsprung {m} [vorstehendes Stück]
lug [Scot., N. Engl.] [coll.] Löffel {m} [ugs.] [Ohr]
lug [soldering connection]Fahne {f} [Löten]
lug [suspension lug] Nase {f} [Aufhängenase]
lug [(wooden) box or crate] Stiege {f} [Steige, Horde, Hürde, Lattenkiste (meist aus Holz)]
lug nut Radmutter {f}
lug sail Sturmsegel {n}
lug sail [also: lug-sail]Luggersegel {n}
lug strap Schlagriemen {m}
lug terminalKabelschuhklemme {f}
lug terminal Flachschienenanschluss {m} [selten]
lug tread Stollenprofil {n}
lug wrench [Am.]Radkreuz {n}
lug wrench [Am.] Drehkreuz {n} [Kreuzschlüssel]
Lugano Convention Lugano-Übereinkommen {n}
Lugano Conventions Lugano-Übereinkommen {pl}
lugdunameLugdunam {n}
lugeRennrodeln {n}
lugeRennrodel {m} {f} [bayer. {m}, österr. {f}]
luge Rodelschlitten {m}
luge athlete Rodelsportler {m}
luge run Rodelbahn {f}
luge sports {pl}Rodelsport {m}
Lugeon testLugeon-Test {m}
Lugeon test Wasserdruck-Test {m}
Lugeon testWasserabpressversuch {m}
luger Rennrodler {m}
luger [female] Rennrodlerin {f}
luggageGepäck {n}
luggage Reisegepäck {n}
luggage [sent by air] Fluggepäck {n}
luggage barrowGepäckkarre {f}
luggage barrowGepäckkarren {m}
luggage boy Gepäckjunge {m}
luggage carouselGepäckkarussell {n}
luggage carrierGepäckträger {m}
luggage cart [Am.]Kofferkuli {m}
luggage cart [esp. Am.] Gepäckwagen {m} [Kofferkuli]
luggage caseReisekoffer {m}
luggage centre [Br.] Gepäckcenter {n}
luggage check-in Gepäckaufgabe {f}
luggage collection service Gepäckabholdienst {m}
luggage compartment Gepäckraum {m}
luggage compartmentKofferraum {m}
luggage compartment lightKofferraumleuchte {f}
luggage compartment trimming [Br.] Kofferraumverkleidung {f}
luggage depositGepäckaufbewahrung {f}
luggage handling system Gepäckfördersystem {n}
luggage inspection Gepäckkontrolle {f}
luggage insurance Reisegepäckversicherung {f}
luggage investigatorGepäckermittler {m}
luggage label Gepäckanhänger {m}
luggage labelGepäckaufkleber {m}
luggage locker Gepäckschließfach {n}
luggage net Gepäckhaltenetz {n}
luggage net Gepäcknetz {n}
luggage office Gepäckannahme {f} [Annahmestelle]
luggage office Gepäckschalter {m}
luggage rack Gepäckhalter {m}
luggage rackGepäckablage {f}
luggage rack Gepäcknetz {n}
luggage rack [motor cycle]Gepäckträger {m}
luggage receiptGepäckschein {m}
luggage reclaim [Br.]Gepäckausgabe {f}
luggage reclaim belt [baggage carousel] Gepäckförderband {n} [auf Flughäfen]
luggage room Gepäckraum {m} [z. B. in einem Hotel oder im Flugzeug]
luggage storage Gepäckaufbewahrung {f}
luggage tag Gepäckanhänger {m}
luggage tagAnhängeschild {n} [am Gepäck]
luggage tag Kofferanhänger {m}
luggage tags Gepäckanhänger {pl}
luggage theftGepäckdiebstahl {m}
luggage thief Gepäckdieb {m}
luggage ticket Gepäckaufbewahrungsschein {m}
luggage trolley [Br.] Kofferkuli {m}
luggage trolley [Br.] Gepäckwagen {m} [Kofferkuli]
luggage van [Br.] Gepäckwagen {m}
luggage wrapping Gepäckversiegelung {f}
lugged gezerrt
lugged [tread pattern]stollenbesetzt [Reifenprofil]
lugged tyre [Br.]Stollenreifen {m}
lugger Logger {m}
lugging zerrend
lugging aboutSchlepperei {f}
lugging aroundSchlepperei {f}
Lugol's iodine (solution) Lugol'sche Lösung {f}
« L-selubrluciluckLuddLuftLugolumblumblumilump »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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