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lullaby Wiegenlied {n}
lullaby Schlafliedchen {n}
lullaby Schlummerlied {n}
Lullaby of Broadway [David Butler] Das Wiegenlied vom Broadway
Lullaby Town [Robert Crais] Schmutzige Geschäfte
lulled eingelullt [ugs.]
lulled to sleep eingeschläfert
lullingeinlullend [ugs.]
lulling to sleep einschläfernd
lulo [Solanum quitoense, syn.: S. angulatum, S. macrocarpon] Quito-Orange {f}
lulo [Solanum quitoense]Lulo {f}
lulo [Solanum quitoense] Quito-Nachtschatten {m}
luls {pl} [coll.] [spv.]Schadenfreude {f}
lulu [coll.] Bringer {m} [ugs.] [besondere Person oder Sache]
Lulworth skipper [Thymelicus acteon, syn.: Adopaea actaeon] [butterfly]Trockenrasen-Braundickkopffalter {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
Lulworth skipper [Thymelicus acteon, syn.: Adopaea actaeon] [butterfly] Mattscheckiger Dickkopffalter {m}
Lulworth skipper [Thymelicus acteon] Mattscheckiger Braun-Dickkopffalter {m}
Lulworth skipper [Thymelicus acteon] Trockenrasen-Braundickkopf {m} [selten]
Lulworth skipper [Thymelicus acteon] Brauner Steppengrashügel-Dickkopf {m} [selten]
Lulworth skipper [Thymelicus acteon] Mattscheckiger Braundickkopf {m}
lulz {pl} [coll.] [malicious glee] Schadenfreude {f}
lulzacite [Sr2Fe(FeMg)2Al4 [(OH)10|(PO4)4]] Lulzacit {m}
lum [Scot.] [N.Engl.]Schornstein {m}
lumacheLumache {pl} [Schneckennudeln]
Lumad Lumad {pl}
lumbago Hexenschuss {m}
lumbagoLumbago {f}
lumbago Lendenweh {n} [veraltend, noch regional]
lumbagoHüftweh {n} [veraltend]
lumbago Lendenschmerz {m}
lumbago with sciatica Lumboischialgie {f}
lumbal plexus [rare] [Plexus lumbalis]Lendenplexus {m}
lumbal plexus [rare] [Plexus lumbalis] Lendennervengeflecht {n}
lumbal plexus [rare] [Plexus lumbalis]Lendengeflecht {n}
lumbar lumbal
lumbar anaesthesia [Br.] Lumbalanästhesie {f}
lumbar anesthesia [Am.] Lumbalanästhesie {f}
lumbar belt Kreuzstützmieder {n} [Kreuzstützbandage]
lumbar bid [Am.] Holzsubmission {f}
lumbar columnLendenwirbelsäule {f}
lumbar curve [of the vertebral column] Lendenlordose {f} [der Wirbelsäule]
lumbar disc herniationlumbaler Bandscheibenvorfall {m}
lumbar disk herniation <LDH> [Am.]Bandscheibenvorfall {m} (in) der Lendenwirbelsäule
lumbar hernia [Hernia lumbalis] Lumbalhernie {f}
lumbar hernia [Hernia lumbalis]Lendenhernie {f}
lumbar hernia [Hernia lumbalis]Lendenbruch {m} [ugs.]
lumbar lordosis [Lordosis lumbalis]Lendenlordose {f}
lumbar nerves [Nervi lumbales] [L1-L5] lumbale Spinalnerven {pl} [L1-L5]
lumbar orthesis Kreuzstützbandage {f}
lumbar osteochondrosis [Osteochondrosis lumbalis] lumbale Osteochondrose {f}
lumbar osteochondrosis [Osteochondrosis lumbalis] Osteochondrose {f} der Lendenwirbelsäule
lumbar part of (the) spineLendenwirbelsäule {f} <LWS>
lumbar plexus [Plexus lumbalis]Lendengeflecht {n}
lumbar plexus [Plexus lumbalis]Lendenplexus {m}
lumbar plexus [Plexus lumbalis] Lendennervengeflecht {n}
lumbar protuberance Lendenwulst {m}
lumbar punch [coll.] [lumbar puncture] Lumbalpunktion {f}
lumbar puncture <LP> Lumbalpunktion {f} <LP>
lumbar puncture <LP> Spinalpunktion {f}
lumbar radiculopathylumbale Radikulopathie {f}
lumbar region Lendengegend {f}
lumbar region Lendenbereich {m}
lumbar spinal stenosis <LSS> lumbale Spinalkanalstenose {f} <LSS>
lumbar spinal stenosis <LSS> Lumbalstenose {f}
lumbar spine <LS> Lendenwirbelsäule {f} <LWS>
lumbar spondylosis <LS>lumbale Spondylose {f}
lumbar stone [coll.] [jade]Lendenstein {m} [veraltet] [Jade aus Mittelamerika]
lumbar support Lendenwirbelstütze {f}
lumbar support Lordosenstütze {f}
lumbar support Lordosestütze {f} [seltener für: Lordosenstütze]
lumbar veins [Venae lumbales] Lumbalvenen {pl}
lumbar veins [Venae lumbales] Lendenvenen {pl}
lumbar vertebra Lendenwirbel {m}
lumbar vertebraLumbalwirbel {m}
lumbar vertebra fracture Lendenwirbelbruch {m}
lumbar vertebra fracture Lendenwirbelfraktur {f}
lumbar vertebrae [Vertebrae lumbales]Lendenwirbel {pl}
lumbar vertebrae [Vertebrae lumbales] Lendenwirbelkörper {pl}
lumbar vertebral body <LVB>Lendenwirbelkörper {m} <LWK>
lumber Trödelkram {m}
lumberSchurrmurr {m} [ugs.] [Gerümpel]
lumber [Am.]Holz {n} [bes. zum Bauen, Schreinern]
lumber [Am.]Nutzholz {n}
lumber [Am.] [Can.] Bauholz {n}
lumber [attr.] [Am.] [e.g. industry, price, trade]Holz- [z. B. Wirtschaft, Preis, Handel]
lumber boom [Am.]Holzboom {m}
lumber camp [Am.]Holzfällerlager {n}
lumber car [Am.]Langholzwagen {m}
lumber industry [Am.] Holzwirtschaft {f}
lumber industry [Am.] Holzindustrie {f}
lumber jacketHolzfällerjacke {f}
lumber market [Am.] Holzmarkt {m}
lumber mill [Am.] Sägewerk {n}
lumber mill [Am.] Sägemühle {f}
lumber price [Am.]Holzpreis {m}
lumber resources [esp. Am.] Holzvorkommen {pl}
lumber room [Br.] Rumpelkammer {f} [ugs.]
lumber room [Br.] Abstellkammer {f}
« lucelucklucrLuerlugglullLumblumilumilumpluna »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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