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Luzon tailorbird [Orthotomus derbianus]Luzonschneidervogel {m}
Luzon (tarictic) hornbill [Penelopides manillae] Luzon-Hornvogel {m}
Luzon (tarictic) hornbill [Penelopides manillae]Luzon-Tariktikhornvogel {m}
Luzon tryphomys [Tryphomys adustus] Mearns-Luzonratte {f}
Luzon (water) redstart [Rhyacornis bicolor]Luzonrötel {m}
Luzon white-eye [Zosterops meyeni]Luzonbrillenvogel {m} [auch: Luzon-Brillenvogel]
Luzon wren-babbler [Napothera rabori, syn.: Robsonius rabori] Rabor-Timalie {f}
Luzon wren-babbler [Napothera rabori, syn.: Robsonius rabori]Rostgesichttimalie {f}
Luzon wren-babbler [Napothera rabori]Raboatimalie {f}
luzonite [Cu3AsS4] Luzonit {m}
lvalue [L-value]Linkswert {m} [auch: Links-Wert]
Lviv Lemberg {n}
Lviv Lwiw {n}
Lvov Lwiw {n}
LvovLemberg {n} [Lwiw]
Lwów [name of Lviv under Polish rule]Lemberg {n}
Lwów-Warsaw school Lemberg-Warschau-Schule {f}
Lyakhovsky Islands Ljachow-Inseln {pl}
Lyall's wren [Xenicus (Traversia) lyalli] [extinct]Stephenschlüpfer {m} [ausgestorben]
Lyapunov stabilityLyapunov-Stabilität {f}
lyase Lyase {f}
Lybia crab [Lybia tessellata] Pompom-Krabbe {f} [auch: Pom-Pom-Krabbe]
Lybia crab [Lybia tessellata] [mosaic boxer crab]Boxerkrabbe {f}
lycaenid species Bläulingsart {f}
lycan [short for lycanthrope] Lykaner {m}
lycanthrope Lykanthrop {m}
lycanthrope [an individual affected with lycanthropy] an Lykanthropie Leidender {m}
lycanthrope [werewolf]Werwolf {m}
lycanthropy Lykanthropie {f}
lycanthropyWerwolfglaube {m}
Lycaon Lykaon {m}
LycaoniaLykaonien {n}
Lycaonian lykaonisch
Lycaonian Lykaonier {m}
LycaonianLykaonisch {n}
lyceumLehrstätte {f}
lyceum Vortragssaal {m}
Lyceum [school of Aristotle] Lyzeum {n} [Lehrstätte des Aristoteles]
lyceums Vortragssäle {pl}
lych gate überdachtes Friedhofstor {n}
Lychakiv Cemetery Lytschakiwski-Friedhof {m}
lychee Litschi {f}
lychee Lychee {f}
lychee [Litchi chinensis]Litschipflaume {f}
lychee [Litchi chinensis] Litschibaum {m}
lychee [Litchi chinensis] Litchibaum {m}
lychee [Litchi chinensis] Chinesische Haselnuss {f}
lychee [Litchi chinensis] Liebesfrucht {f}
lychee disease Litschi-Krankheit {f}
lychee juice Litschisaft {m} [seltener auch: Litschi-Saft]
lychee juice Lycheesaft {m} [seltener auch: Lychee-Saft]
lychee nut Litschipflaume {f}
lychee nutLitschi {f}
lychee nut Lychee {f}
lychees Lychees {pl}
lych-gate [archaic](überdachtes) Friedhofstor {n}
lychgate [spv.] [archaic] (überdachtes) Friedhofstor {n}
Lychnapsia [Roman Empire; festival of lamps on August 12]Lychnapsia {f} [Römisches Reich, ein Irisfest]
lychnis [Hadena bicruris] [moth] Lichtnelken-Eule {f} [Nachfalterspezies]
lychnis [Hadena bicruris] [moth] Gemeine Kapseleule {f} [Nachfalterspezies]
lychnobite [obs.] [night worker] Nachtarbeiter {m}
Lychrel number Lychrel-Zahl {f}
Lycia Lykien {n}
Lycians Lykier {pl}
lycodontine snakes [genus Lycodon] Wolfszahnnattern {pl}
Lycomedes Lykomedes {m}
lycopeneLycopen {n}
lycopene [C40H56]Lycopin {n} [auch: Lycopen, Leukopin]
lycoperdonosis [hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by puffball fungus spores] Lycoperdonose {f} [Hypersensitivitätspneumonitis verursacht durch Sporen des Pilzes Lycoperdon]
Lycopodiopsida [class of vascular plants] Bärlapppflanzen {pl} [Bärlappgewächse]
lycopodiopsids [class Lycopodiopsida] Bärlapppflanzen {pl}
lycopods [family Lycopodiaceae] Lycopodiaceen {pl}
lycopods [family Lycopodiaceae] Bärlappgewächse {pl}
lycopsid genusLycopsidengattung {f}
lycopsids Lycopsiden {pl}
lycorine [C16H17NO4] Lycorin {n}
lycoris (plants) [genus Lycoris] [spider lilies] Spinnenlilien {pl}
Lycos ValleyLykostal {n}
Lycra ® Lycra ® {n}
Lycra lout [coll.] [Br.] Fahrrad-Rowdy {m} [ugs.]
LycurgusLykurg {m}
Lycurgus [Thrace] Lykurgos {m} [Thrakien]
LycusLykos {m}
Lyddan IslandLyddan-Insel {f}
lydditeLyddit {n}
Lydekker's line Lydekker-Linie {f}
Lydersen method Lydersen-Methode {f}
LydiaLydien {n}
Lydian lydisch
Lydian ♭7 scale [acoustic scale]akustische Skala {f}
Lydian dominant scale [acoustic scale]akustische Skala {f}
Lydian mode lydischer Modus {m}
Lydian scalelydische Tonleiter {f}
Lydians Lyder {pl}
Lydia's little snake [Tantilla lydia] Atlántida-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
lyditeKieselschiefer {m}
lydite [radiolarite]Lydit {m} [Radiolarit]
lye Lauge {f}
« lurklustluteLutrluxuLuzolye lymplymplyonLysi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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