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lyric Text {m}
lyric [lyric poem]lyrisches Gedicht {n}
lyric [lyric poetry as a literary genre]Lyrik {f} [als dichterische Gattung]
lyric / lyrical sopranolyrischer Sopran {m}
lyric credit Erwähnung {f} des Dichters
lyric poet Lyrikautor {m}
lyric poetLyriker {m}
lyric poet [female] Lyrikerin {f}
lyric poetry Lyrik {f}
lyrical gefühlvoll
lyrical lyrisch
lyrical [fig.] schwärmerisch
[lyrical I / self] lyrisches Ich {n}
lyrically gefühlvoll
lyrically lyrisch
lyrically schwärmerisch
lyrically melodisch
lyrically [referring to the text]textlich
lyricalness Lyrizität {f}
lyricism Lyrik {f}
lyricism Gefühlsbetontheit {f}
lyricism Gefühlsüberschwang {m}
lyricism Lyrismus {m} [geh.]
lyricismsLyrismen {pl} [geh.]
lyricistLyriker {m}
lyricist Texter {m}
lyricistLieddichter {m}
lyricist Schlagerdichter {m}
lyricist [female] Texterin {f}
lyricist [female]Lyrikerin {f}
lyricsText {m}
lyricsLiedtexte {pl}
lyricsSongtexte {pl}
lyrics {pl} Liedtext {m}
lyrics {pl}Songtext {m}
lyrics {pl} [treated as sg.] [lyric poetry] Lyrik {f}
lyriform organlyraförmiges Organ {n}
lyriform organlyriformes Organ {n}
lyrist Leierspieler {m}
lyristLyraspieler {m}
lyrist [female] Leierspielerin {f}
Lys [river in France and Belgium] Leie {f}
lysed [Br.] lysiert
Lysenkoism Lyssenkoismus {m}
lysergic acid [C16H16N2O2] Lysergsäure {f}
lysergic acid diethylamide <LSD> Lysergsäurediethylamid {n} <LSD> [fachspr. Rsv.]
lysergic acid diethylamide <LSD>Lysergsäurediäthylamid {n} <LSD>
lysergide <LSD> Lysergamid {n} <LSD> [Lysergsäurediethylamid]
lysergide <LSD> [lysergic acid diethylamide]Lysergid {n} <LSD> [Lysergsäurediethylamid]
Lysidice Lysidike {f}
lysimeter Lysimeter {n}
lysinLysin {n} [Antikörper]
lysine <Lys, K> Lysin {n} <Lys, K>
lysine contentLysingehalt {m} [auch: Lysin-Gehalt]
lysine plantLysinanlage {f}
lysine plant Lysin-Anlage {f}
lysine residue Lysinrest {m}
lysinoalanine <LAL>Lysinoalanin {n} <LAL>
lysinuria Lysinurie {f}
LysippeLysippe {f}
LysipposLysipp {m}
Lysippos Lysippos {m} [Lysipp]
lysis [cell disruption]Lyse {f} [Auflösung von Zellen]
Lysis [Platonic dialogue]Lysis {m} [platonischer Dialog]
lysis areaLysishof {m}
lysis haloLysishof {m}
lysocline Lysokline {f}
lysogen Lysogen {n}
lysogenic lysogen
lysogenic cycle lysogener Zyklus {m}
lysogenisation [Br.]Lysogenisierung {f}
lysogenizationLysogenisierung {f}
Lysol ® [Am.] [hygiene products, cleaning products] Sagrotan ® {n} [Hygiene-Produkte, Reinigungsmittel usw.]
lysophosphatidylcholineLysophosphatidylcholin {n}
lysophospholipase <LPL>Lysophospholipase {f} <LPL>
lysopine Lysopin {n}
lysosomal membraneLysosomenmembran {f}
lysosomal storage disease <LSD> lysosomale Speicherkrankheit {f} <LSK>
lysosome Lysosom {n}
lysozyme Muramidase {f}
lysozyme [E-1105] Lysozym {n}
lyssa [rabies] Lyssa {f} [Tollwut]
lyssophobiaLyssophobie {f}
Lystran lystrisch
LystrosaurusLystrosaurus {m}
Lysychansk Lyssytschansk {n}
lysyl oxidase <LOX>Lysyloxidase {f}
lytic agent lytischer Wirkstoff {m}
lytic cycle lytischer Zyklus {m}
Lyubertsy Ljuberzy {n}
lyxose Lyxose {f}
lyzed [Am.] lysiert
« luxulychlyinlymplymplyriM   macaMacemachmach »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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