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English-German Dictionary

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lap welding [also: overlap welding] Überlappschweißen {n}
lap windingSchleifenwicklung {f}
lapacho [Tabebuia avellanedae] Lapacho {m}
laparoceleLaparozele {f}
laparoceleBauchwandbruch {m}
laparocentesisLaparozentese {f} [selten]
laparoendoscopic / laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery <LESS surgery> LESS-Chirurgie {f}
laparoenterostomy Laparoenterostomie {f}
laparogastrostomy Laparogastrostomie {f}
laparogastrotomy Laparogastrotomie {f}
laparoschisisLaparoschisis {f} [Darmlageanomalie]
laparoscope Laparoskop {n}
laparoscope with working channelLaparoskop {n} mit Arbeitskanal
laparoscopes Laparoskope {pl}
laparoscopic laparoskopisch
laparoscopic bowel injurylaparoskopische Darmverletzung {f}
laparoscopic hernia repair <LHR> laparoskopische Hernienoperation {f}
laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy <LASH>laparoskopische suprazervikale Hysterektomie {f} <LASH>
laparoscopic surgeon Laparoskopeur {m}
laparoscopic surgery laparoskopische Chirurgie {f}
laparoscopical laparoskopisch
laparoscopyBauchspiegelung {f}
laparoscopy Laparoskopie {f}
laparoscopy probeLaparoskopiesonde {f}
laparoscopy without gas (insufflation)gaslose Laparoskopie {f}
laparotomyLaparotomie {f}
lap-band [LAP-BAND ®] [weight loss surgery] Magenband {n}
lap-band [LAP-BAND ®] [weight loss surgery] Lap-Band ® {n}
lapboard Schoßbrett {n}
lapdance Schoßtanz {m}
lapdogSchoßhündchen {n}
lapdogSchoßhund {m}
lapelAufschlag {m}
lapel Rockaufschlag {m}
lapelJackenaufschlag {m}
lapel Revers {n} [österr. {m}]
lapel Spiegel {m} [Kragen, Aufschlag]
lapel badge Anstecknadel {f}
lapel collar Reverskragen {m}
lapel microphone Knopflochmikrofon {n}
lapel microphoneLavalier-Mikrofon {n}
lapel mike Knopflochmikro {n}
lapel pin Reversnadel {f}
lapel pinReversabzeichen {n} [Anstecker]
lapels Aufschläge {pl}
lapels Revers {pl}
lapeyreite [Cu3O [AsO3(OH)]2·H2O] Lapeyreit {m}
Lapeyrous' lady's mantle [Alchemilla lapeyrousii]Nierenförmiger Frauenmantel {m}
laphamite [As2(Se,S)3] Laphamit {m}
lapidarian lapidar
lapidarian writingLapidarschrift {f}
lapidaries Edelsteinschneider {m}
lapidarist [formal or archaic] [also: lapidary]Edelsteinschleifer {m}
lapidariumLapidarium {n}
lapidary kurz und bündig
lapidary lapidar
lapidary Edelsteinschleifer {m}
lapidaryEdelsteinschneider {m}
lapidary lapidarisch [lapidar]
lapidary [book about stones] [dated] Steinbuch {n}
lapidary snail [Helicigona lapicida] Steinpicker {m} [Schneckenart]
lapidary snail [Urticicola umbrosus] Schatten-Laubschnecke {f}
lapidary styleLapidarstil {m}
lapidationSteinigung {f}
lapieite [CuNiSbS3] Lapieit {m}
lapilli Lapilli {pl}
lapin Kaninchenfell {n}
lapinKaninchen {n} [kastriert]
lapinkastriertes Kaninchen {n}
lapis lazuli Lapislazuli {m}
lapis lazuli Lapis Lazuli {m} [Rsv.]
lapis lazuli deposit Lapis-Lazuli-Lagerstätte {f}
lapis specularis [archaic] [selenite]Lapis specularis {m} [veraltet] [Spiegelstein, Marienglas]
lapis specularis [archaic] [selenite] Spekularstein {m} [auch: Specularstein] [veraltet]
Lapis tetra [Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia] Lapis-Tetra {m}
Lapita culture Lapita-Kultur {f}
LapithsLapithen {pl}
lap-joint flange(loser) Flansch {m} mit Bund
Laplace distributionLaplace-Verteilung {f}
Laplace experiment [probability theory] Laplace-Experiment {n} [Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie]
Laplace filter Laplace-Filter {m}
Laplace number <La> Laplace-Zahl {f} <La>
Laplace operator <Δ>Laplace-Operator {m} <Δ>
Laplace plane Laplace-Ebene {f}
Laplace probability Laplace-Wahrscheinlichkeit {f}
Laplace transform Laplace-Transformation {f}
Laplace's Demon Laplacescher Dämon {m}
Laplace's Demon laplacescher Dämon {m}
Laplace's equation Laplace-Gleichung {f}
Laplace's equation Laplace'sche Gleichung {f} [veraltend] [Laplace-Gleichung]
Laplace's equation Laplacesche Gleichung {f} [alt] [veraltend für: Laplace-Gleichung]
Laplace's theory Laplace'sche Theorie {f}
Laplace's theorylaplacesche Theorie {f}
Laplace'sch laplacesch
Laplacian <Δ>Laplace-Operator {m} <Δ>
Laplacian plane Laplace-Ebene {f}
LaplandLappland {n}
Lapland amphidium moss [Amphidium lapponicum] Lappländisches Bandmoos {n}
Lapland beard lichen [Usnea lapponica] Warzige Bartflechte {f}
« langlanglanglanklanylapwLapllapslardlarglarg »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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