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laboratory studies Laboratoriumsstudien {pl}
laboratory studiesLaborstudien {pl}
laboratory studyLaborstudie {f}
laboratory studyLaboruntersuchung {f}
laboratory suiteLaborbereich {m}
laboratory supplies {pl}Laborbedarf {m}
laboratory synthesis Laborsynthese {f}
laboratory system Laborsystem {n}
laboratory system Beobachtersystem {n}
laboratory technicianLabortechniker {m}
laboratory technician Laborant {m}
laboratory technician [female]Laborantin {f}
laboratory technician [female] Labortechnikerin {f}
laboratory techniqueLabortechnik {f}
laboratory technologist Labortechnologe {m}
laboratory technologist [female]Labortechnologin {f}
laboratory technologyLabortechnik {f}
laboratory technologyLabortechnologie {f}
laboratory test Labortest {m}
laboratory testLaborversuch {m}
laboratory test Laboruntersuchung {f}
laboratory testLaboratoriumuntersuchung {f}
laboratory test Laboratoriumstest {m}
laboratory testingLaborprüfung {f}
laboratory testing Laboruntersuchung {f}
laboratory testing Labortestung {f}
laboratory thermometer Laborthermometer {n} [österr., schweiz. auch {m}]
laboratory timerLaborwecker {m}
laboratory trial Untersuchung {f} im Laboratorium
laboratory trolleyLaborwagen {m}
laboratory tutorialLaborübung {f}
laboratory use Laboreinsatz {m}
laboratory utensilsLaborgeräte {pl}
laboratory value [experimental data value] Laborwert {m}
laboratory verificationLaborverifizierung {f}
laboratory work Laborarbeit {f}
laboratory workLaboratoriumsarbeit {f}
laboratory work {sg} [laboratory activities]Laborarbeiten {pl}
laboratory workerLaborant {m}
laboratory worker [female]Laborantin {f}
laboratory workers Labormitarbeiter {pl}
laboratory worker's lung Laborarbeiterlunge {f}
laboratory workstationLaborarbeitsplatz {m}
(laboratory) hoodAbzug {m} (im Chemielabor)
laboratory-based laborgestützt
laboratory-confirmed laborbestätigt
laboratory-diagnostically labordiagnostisch
laboratory-flutedlaborgewellt [Papier]
labored [Am.] schwerfällig
laborer [Am.] Arbeiter {m}
laborer [Am.] Hilfsarbeiter {m}
laborer [Am.] ungelernter Arbeiter {m}
laborer [Am.] Büezer {m} [schweiz.]
laborer [Am.] Lohnarbeiter {m}
laborer [Am.]Arbeitsmann {m} [veraltet]
laboring [Am.] arbeitend
laboring class [Am.] Arbeiterklasse {f}
laboring man [Am.] Arbeitsmann {m}
laboringly [Am.] arbeitend
labor-intensive [Am.] arbeitsintensiv
labor-intensive [Am.]arbeitsaufwendig
labor-intensive [Am.]arbeitsaufwändig
labor-intensive [Am.]beschäftigungsintensiv
labor-intensive [Am.] arbeitskraftintensiv
laborious mühsam
laborious mühselig
laboriousumständlich [mühsam]
laborious angestrengt
laboriousarbeitsaufwändig [Rsv.]
laborious arbeitsaufwendig
laborious mühevoll
laborious aufwendig
laborious beschwerlich
laborious [industrious] arbeitsam
laborious [time-consuming] zeitaufwendig
laborious commentarymühsam ausgearbeiteter Kommentar {m}
laborious negotiations mühselige Verhandlungen {pl}
laboriously mühselig
laboriously mühsam
laboriously umständlich
laboriousnessMühseligkeit {f}
laboriousness [industriousness] Fleiß {m}
laborism [Am.] Laborismus {m}
laboristic laboristisch
labor-market reform [Am.] Arbeitsmarktreform {f}
labor-market reforms [Am.]Arbeitsmarktreformen {pl}
labor-market segmentation [Am.]Arbeitsmarktsegmentierung {f}
laborous [obs. form of laborious] mühselig
labors of Hercules [Am.] Heraklestaten {pl}
labor-saving [Am.] arbeitssparend
laborsaving [Am.] arbeitssparend
labor-saving [Am.] arbeitsparend
laborsome [Am.] [dated]mühsam
Labour Labour-Partei {f}
labour {sg} [Br.] Wehen {pl}
labour {sg} [Br.]Geburtswehen {pl}
labour {sg} [Br.] [people] Arbeitskräfte {pl}
labour {sg} [Br.] [persons]Arbeiter {pl} [Arbeitskräfte]
labour [Br.]Arbeit {f}
« labelabolabolabolabolabolaboLabolabolabrlace »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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