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laundry starch Wäschestärke {f}
laundry symbol [on articles of clothing] Pflegesymbol {n} [an Kleidungsstücken]
laundry truckWäschereiwagen {m}
laundry tub Waschwanne {f}
laundry tub Waschschaff {n} [österr.] [südd.]
laundry tub Waschbalje {f} [nordd. für: Waschzuber, Zinkwanne]
laundry washingWäschewaschen {n}
laundry whirligigWäscheständer {m} [rund]
laundry woman Wäscherin {f}
(laundry) care symbolPflegesymbol {n}
laundryman Waschmann {m}
laundrywoman Waschfrau {f}
laundrywomen Waschfrauen {pl}
Lauoumera white-eye [Zosterops consobrinorum]Celebesbrillenvogel {m}
laura [monastery] Laura {f}
Laura's woodland warbler [Phylloscopus laurae]Boultonlaubsänger {m}
LaurasiaLaurasia {f} [Laurasien]
LaurasiaLaurasien {n} [Laurentia + Asien]
laureatePreisträger {m}
laureate Laureat {m}
laureate [archaic] [signified by a laurel wreath] lorbeerbekränzt
laureate [female]Preisträgerin {f}
laureate [female] Laureatin {f}
laureate concert Preisträgerkonzert {n}
laureated [poet.]lorbeerbekränzt
laureates Preisträger {pl}
laureateshipWürde {f}
laurelLorbeer {m}
laurelLorbeerbaum {m}
laurel [attr.] [e.g. branch, forest, leaf, tree, wreath] Lorbeer- [z. B. Zweig, Wald, Blatt, Baum, Kranz]
laurel [fig.] [honour, distinction] Ruhm {m} [Lorbeeren]
Laurel and Hardy Dick und Doof
laurel branch Lorbeerzweig {m}
laurel crownLorbeerkranz {m}
laurel family {sg} [family Lauraceae]Lorbeergewächse {pl}
laurel family {sg} [family Lauraceae] Lauraceen {pl}
laurel fly [Trioza alacris, syn.: T. lauri, Lauritrioza alacris] Lorbeerblattfloh {m}
laurel fly [Trioza alacris, syn.: T. lauri, Lauritrioza alacris] Lorbeerblattsauger {m}
laurel forest Laurisilva {m}
laurel forestLorbeerwald {m}
laurel greenbrier [Smilax laurifolia]Lorbeerblättrige Stechwinde {f}
laurel greenbrier [Smilax laurifolia] Sarsaparille {f}
laurel greenbrier [Smilax laurifolia]Sassaparille {f} [veraltend] [Sarsaparille]
laurel leaf Lorbeerblatt {n}
laurel oak [Quercus hemisphaerica] [sand laurel oak] Sandlorbeereiche {f} [selten]
laurel oak [Quercus laurifolia] [swamp laurel oak]Lorbeerblättrige Eiche {f}
laurel oak (tree) [Quercus imbricaria] [shingle oak] Schindel-Eiche {f} [auch: Schindeleiche]
laurel pigeon [Columba junoniae]Lorbeertaube {f}
laurel psyllid [Trioza alacris, syn.: T. lauri, Lauritrioza alacris] Lorbeerblattfloh {m}
laurel psyllid [Trioza alacris, syn.: T. lauri, Lauritrioza alacris] Lorbeerblattsauger {m}
laurel rockrose [Cistus laurifolius] Lorbeerblättrige Cistrose / Zistrose {f}
laurel skimmia [Skimmia laureola] Lorbeer-Skimmie {f}
laurel thicket Lorbeergebüsch {n}
laurel treeLorbeerbaum {m}
laurel tree [Laurus nobilis]Echter Lorbeer {m}
laurel tree [Laurus nobilis]Edler Lorbeer {m}
laurel tree [Laurus nobilis] Gewürzlorbeer {m}
laurel vinegarLorbeeressig {m} [auch: Lorbeer-Essig]
laurel willow [Salix pentandra] Bitter-Weide / Bitterweide {f}
laurel willow [Salix pentandra]Lorbeer-Weide / Lorbeerweide {f}
laurel wreath Siegerkranz {m}
laurel wreath Lorbeerkranz {m}
laurel-crowned lorbeerbekränzt
laurelite [Pb7F12Cl2] Laurelit {m}
laurel-leaf cistus [Cistus laurifolius]Lorbeerblättrige Cistrose / Zistrose {f}
laurelleaf greenbrier [Smilax laurifolia] Sarsaparille {f}
laurelleaf greenbrier [Smilax laurifolia] Sassaparille {f} [veraltend] [Sarsaparille]
laurel-leaf snailseed [Cocculus laurifolius] Kokkelstrauch {m}
laurel-leaf snailseed [Cocculus laurifolius] Himalaja-Kokkelstrauch {m}
laurel-leaved cistus [Cistus laurifolius]Lorbeerblättrige Cistrose / Zistrose {f}
laurel-leaved daphne [Daphne laureola]Lorbeer-Seidelbast {m}
laurel-leaved daphne [Daphne laureola]Immergrüner Seidelbast {m}
laurel-leaved daphne [Daphne laureola] Waldlorbeer {m}
laurel-leaved rockrose / rock rose [Cistus laurifolius] Lorbeerblättrige Cistrose / Zistrose {f}
laurel-leaved snail tree [Cocculus laurifolius] Himalaja-Kokkelstrauch {m}
laurels Lorbeeren {pl}
laurels [family Lauraceae] Lauraceen {pl}
laurels [family Lauraceae] Lorbeergewächse {pl}
Laurence Lorenz {m}
Laurence-Moon syndrome <LMS> Laurence-Moon-Syndrom {n} <LMS>
Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome <LMBBS, LMBB syndrome>Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bardet-Syndrom {n} <LMBBS, LMBB-Syndrom>
Laurent polynomialLaurent-Polynom {n}
Laurent series Laurent-Reihe {f}
Laurentian Laurentisch {n}
Laurentian laurentisch
Laurentian litany Lauretanische Litanei {f}
Laurentian Mountains [Quebec] Laurentische Berge {pl}
Laurentian Plateau [Canadian Shield] Laurentischer Schild {m} [Kanadischer Schild]
laurentianite [Na3Nb3Si4O17·9H2O]Laurentianit {m}
Laurentians [Quebec]Laurentische Berge {pl}
Laurentides [Quebec] Laurentische Berge {pl}
Laurent's file snake [Mehelya laurenti]Kongolesische Feilennatter {f}
Laurent's green tree snake [Dipsadoboa viridis]Grüne Nachtbaumnatter {f}
Laurent's Mountain bush viper [Atheris hispida, syn.: A. hispidus, A. squamigera] Rauschuppen-Buschviper {f} [auch: Rauschuppenbuschviper]
Laurent's Mountain bush viper [Atheris hispida, syn.: A. hispidus, A. squamigera] Kielschuppige Buschviper {f}
Laurer's canallauerscher Kanal {m}
Laurer's canalLaurer'scher Kanal {m}
Laurer's desmatodon moss [Tortula laureri, syn.: Desmatodon laureri]Laurers Bandzahnmoos {n}
« latilattlaudlauglaunlaunLaurlavalavilawglawo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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