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English-German Dictionary

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macrofauna Makrofauna {f}
macroflora Makroflora {f}
macroformation [also: macro-formation] Makroformation {f}
macrofossilMakrofossil {n}
macrofungi {pl}Großpilze {pl}
macrogametangium Makrogametangium {n}
macrogametes Makrogameten {pl}
macrogametocyteMakrogametozyt {m}
macrogametogenesis Makrogametogenese {f}
macrogametophyteMakrogametophyt {m}
Macrogastra attenuata [terrestrial snail in the family Clausiliidae, the door snails]Mittlere Schließmundschnecke {f}
Macrogastra badia [syn.: M. (Macrogastra) badia] [terrestrial snail in the family Clausiliidae, the door snails]Kastanienbraune Schließmundschnecke {f}
Macrogastra plicatula [terrestrial snail in the family Clausiliidae, the door snails] Gefältelte Schließmundschnecke {f}
Macrogastra ventricosa [terrestrial snail in the family Clausiliidae, the door snails] Bauchige Schließmundschnecke {f}
macrogeometryMakrogeometrie {f}
macroglia Makroglia {f}
macroglial cellMakrogliazelle {f}
macroglobulinaemia [Br.]Makroglobulinämie {f}
macroglobulinemia [Am.]Makroglobulinämie {f}
macroglobulins Makroglobuline {pl}
macroglossia Makroglossie {f}
macrognathia Makrognathie {f}
macrogyria Makrogyrie {f}
macrohabitatMakrohabitat {n}
macrohaematuria [Br.] Makrohämaturie {f}
macrohematuria [Am.]Makrohämaturie {f}
macro-historical makrohistorisch
macrohistoryMakrogeschichte {f}
macroinjury [also: macro-injury]Makroverletzung {f}
macro-instruction Macrobefehl {m}
macro-instructionMakrobefehl {m}
macro-instruction storageMakrobefehlsspeicher {m}
macroinvertebrate Makroinvertebrat {m}
macroinvertebrate communityMakroinvertebratengemeinschaft {f} [auch: Makroinvertebraten-Gemeinschaft]
macroinvertebrate speciesMakroinvertebratenarten {pl} [auch: Makroinvertebraten-Arten]
macro-invertebratesMakroinvertebraten {pl}
macroinvertebratesMakroinvertebraten {pl}
macrolactone Makrolakton {n}
macrolideMakrolid {n}
macrolide antibiotic Makrolidantibiotikum {n}
macrolide antibiotics Makrolid-Antibiotika {pl}
macrolide structureMakrolidstruktur {f}
macrolinguistics {pl} [treated as sg.]Makrolinguistik {f}
macrolithMakrolith {m}
Macrolon [spv.] [Makrolon ®] [polycarbonate] Makrolon ® {n} [Polycarbonat]
macromastia Makromastie {f}
macromerMakromer {n}
macromere Makromer {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
macromitophagy Makromitophagie {f}
macromolecular makromolekular
macromolecular chemistry Makromolekularchemie {f}
macromolecular chemistry makromolekulare Chemie {f}
macromolecular component makromolekulare Komponente {f}
macromolecular componentsmakromolekulare Komponenten {pl}
macromolecular crystallography makromolekulare Kristallographie {f}
macromolecular substancemakromolekularer Stoff {m}
macromoleculeMakromolekül {n}
macromolecules Makromoleküle {pl}
macromonomer Makromonomer {n}
macromutationMakromutation {f}
macromycete Makromyzet {m}
macron Längestrich {m}
macron Makron {n} [Längestrich]
macronesia Makronesie {f}
macrons Längestriche {pl}
macronucleus Makronukleus {m}
macronucleusMakronucleus {m}
macronutrientMakronährstoff {m}
macronutrientHauptnährstoff {m}
macroorchidism Makroorchidismus {m}
macropalaeobotanical [Br.] makropaläobotanisch
macropaleobotanical [Am.]makropaläobotanisch
macroparasiteMakroparasit {m}
macropathology Makropathologie {f}
macropeptide Makropeptid {n}
macrophageMakrophage {m}
macrophage number Makrophagenanzahl {f}
macrophage population Makrophagenpopulation {f}
macrophage recruitmentMakrophagenrekrutierung {f} [auch: Makrophagen-Rekrutierung]
macrophage-electrophoresis-motility testMakrophagen-Elektrophorese-Mobilitätstest {m}
macrophages Makrophagen {pl}
macrophagous makrophag
macrophanerophyteMakrophanerophyt {m}
macrophilia Makrophilie {f}
macrophobia Makrophobie {f}
macrophotographyMakrofotografie {f}
macrophotography Makrophotographie {f}
macrophyllous makrophyllisch
macrophyte Makrophyt {m}
macrophyte biomassMakrophytenbiomasse {f} [auch: Makrophyten-Biomasse]
macrophyte communityMakrophytengemeinschaft {f} [auch: Makrophyten-Gemeinschaft]
macrophyte diversity Makrophytendiversität {f} [auch: Makrophyten-Diversität]
macrophyte growthMakrophytenwachstum {n}
macrophyte patch Makrophytenbestand {m} [Wuchsstelle, Standort]
macrophyte population Makrophytenpopulation {f}
macrophyte speciesMakropyhtenart {f}
« machmachmachmackmacrmacrmacrmacuMadaMadamada »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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