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manufacturer of branded products Markenartikelhersteller {m}
manufacturer of combs Kammacher {m} [alt]
manufacturer of inks Tintenhersteller {m}
manufacturer of sports equipment Sportartikelhersteller {m}
manufacturer of sports equipmentSporthersteller {m}
manufacturer rebate Herstellerrabatt {m}
manufacturers Handwerker {pl}
manufacturers Hersteller {pl}
manufacturers' agent Vertreter {m} der Hersteller
manufacturer's brand Herstellermarke {f}
manufacturers championshipsMarkenweltmeisterschaften {pl}
manufacturers' championshipsMarkenweltmeisterschaften {pl}
manufacturers' competition Konkurrenz {f} unter Herstellern
manufacturer's data Herstellerangaben {pl}
manufacturer's declaration Herstellererklärung {f}
manufacturer's designation Herstellerbezeichnung {f}
manufacturer's information {sg} Herstellerangaben {pl}
manufacturer's instructionsHerstelleranweisungen {pl}
manufacturer's instructions {pl} Herstelleranleitung {f}
manufacturer's instructions {pl} Herstelleranweisung {f}
manufacturer's liability Herstellerhaftung {f}
manufacturer's logo Herstellerzeichen {n}
manufacturer's nameHerstellername {m}
manufacturer's plateFabrikschild {n}
manufacturer's price Herstellerpreis {m}
manufacturers' representativeRepräsentant {m} der Hersteller
manufacturer's seal Herstellersiegel {n}
manufacturer's serial number <MSN> Seriennummer {f} <S/N> [des Herstellers]
manufacturer's son Fabrikantensohn {m}
manufacturer's specifications Herstellerangaben {pl}
manufacturer's suggested retail price <MSRP>unverbindliche Preisempfehlung {f} des Herstellers
manufacturer's warranty Herstellergewährleistung {f}
manufacturer's warranty Herstellergarantie {f}
manufacturer's works Herstellerwerk {n}
manufacturesFabrikationen {pl}
manufacturing fabrizierend
manufacturing Herstellungs-
manufacturing Fabrikation {f}
manufacturing Herstellung {f}
manufacturing Produktion {f}
manufacturing anfertigend
manufacturing [attr.] fertigungstechnisch
manufacturing [NACE Code C] Herstellung {f} von Waren [ÖNACE Code C] [österr.]
manufacturing <MFG>Fertigung {f}
manufacturing <MFG> Herstellung {f}
manufacturing accuracyHerstellungsgenauigkeit {f}
manufacturing accuracy Fertigungsgenauigkeit {f}
manufacturing agreementFertigungsvertrag {m}
manufacturing areaProduktionsbereich {m} [Fertigungsbereich]
manufacturing authorisation [Br.] [GMP certificate] Herstellungserlaubnis {f} [GMP-Zertifikat]
manufacturing base Produktionsstandort {m}
Manufacturing Belt [also: manufacturing belt] [USA] [dated] [Rust Belt] Manufacturing Belt {m} [veraltet] [Rostgürtel, Industriegürtel in den USA]
manufacturing branchIndustriezweig {m}
manufacturing capacityFertigungskapazität {f}
manufacturing centre [Br.]Herstellungszentrum {n}
manufacturing chain Herstellungskette {f}
manufacturing coatingFertigungsbeschichtung {f}
manufacturing companyFabrikationsbetrieb {m}
manufacturing company Produktionsgesellschaft {f}
manufacturing company Herstellerfirma {f}
manufacturing companyproduzierendes Unternehmen {n}
manufacturing concept Fertigungskonzept {n}
manufacturing concept Produktionskonzept {n}
manufacturing concept Herstellungskonzept {n}
manufacturing conditionsHerstellbedingungen {pl}
manufacturing conditions Produktionsbedingungen {pl}
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media [Mark Achbar, Peter Wintonick] Die Konsensfabrik. Noam Chomsky und die Medien
manufacturing contract Fertigungsvertrag {m}
manufacturing controlFertigungskontrolle {f}
manufacturing controlFertigungssteuerung {f}
manufacturing cost {sg} Fertigungskosten {pl}
manufacturing costs Herstellungskosten {pl}
manufacturing costsFertigungskosten {pl}
manufacturing country Herstellungsland {n}
manufacturing cycle effectiveness <MCE>Effektivität {f} des Fertigungszyklus
manufacturing data Produktionsdaten {pl}
manufacturing date <mfg. date>Herstellungsdatum {n}
manufacturing defect Fabrikationsfehler {m}
manufacturing defect Herstellungsfehler {m}
manufacturing defect Herstellungsdefekt {m}
manufacturing defectFertigungsfehler {m}
manufacturing defectsProduktionsfehler {pl}
manufacturing departmentFertigungsabteilung {f}
manufacturing deviationHerstellabweichung {f}
manufacturing directionsHerstellungsanweisungen {pl}
manufacturing documentArbeitspapier {n}
manufacturing document Arbeitsunterlage {f}
manufacturing drawing Fertigungszeichnung {f}
manufacturing efficiency Produktionsleistung {f}
manufacturing engineeringProduktionstechnik {f}
manufacturing engineeringFertigungstechnik {f}
manufacturing enterpriseproduzierendes Unternehmen {n}
manufacturing enterprise Fertigungsunternehmen {n}
manufacturing enterprise Produktionsunternehmen {n}
manufacturing environment Produktionsumgebung {f}
manufacturing environment Fertigungsumfeld {n}
manufacturing environment Produktionsumfeld {n}
manufacturing environment Fertigungsumgebung {f}
« man-man'mantmanumanumanumanumanumanymanymany »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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