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English-German Dictionary

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marasca cherry (tree) [Prunus cerasus var. marasca] Maraska-Kirsche {f}
marasca cherry (tree) [Prunus cerasus var. marasca]Maraschinokirsche / Maraschino-Kirsche {f} [ugs.] [Maraska-Kirsche (Baum)]
maraschino [drink]Maraschino {m}
maraschino cherries Maraschinokirschen {pl}
maraschino cherry Maraschinokirsche {f}
maraschino cherryBelegkirsche {f} [Maraschino-Kirsche]
maraschino cherryCocktailkirsche {f} [Maraschino-Kirsche]
marasmatic marastisch
marasmic marastisch
marasmusschwere Unterernährung {f}
marasmus Marasmus {m}
marasmus Verfall {m} [Marasmus]
marasmusKräfteschwund {m} [Marasmus]
Maratha [also: Mahratta, Mahratti]Marathe {m}
Marathi Marathi {n}
MarathiMarathen {pl}
marathon Marathonlauf {m}
marathon Marathon {m} [kurz für: Marathonlauf]
Marathon [Greece]Marathon {n} [Griechenland]
marathon [long-lasting and difficult task] Marathon {m} [seltener {n}] [langdauernde und schwierige Aufgabe]
marathon call [very long call]Dauertelefonat {n}
marathon concert Marathonkonzert {n}
marathon dance Marathontanz {m}
marathon debateMarathondebatte {f}
marathon distance Marathondistanz {f}
marathon event Marathon-Veranstaltung {f}
marathon gateMarathontor {n}
Marathon Man [novel: William Goldman, film: John Schlesinger] Der Marathon-Mann
marathon negotiations Marathonverhandlungen {pl}
marathon negotiations {pl} Verhandlungsmarathon {m}
marathon raceMarathonlauf {m}
marathon readingMarathonlesen {n}
marathon run Marathonlauf {m}
marathon runnerMarathonläufer {m}
marathon runner [female]Marathonläuferin {f}
marathon runningMarathonlaufen {n}
marathon session Marathonsitzung {f}
marathon session Sitzungsmarathon {m}
marathon speech Marathonrede {f}
marathon talksMarathongespräche {pl}
marathoner Marathonläufer {m}
marathons Marathonläufe {pl}
marauder Plünderer {m}
marauder Marodeur {m}
marauders Marodeure {pl}
marauding räuberisch [Stämme]
marauding marodierend
marauding soldiery Soldateska {f}
maraviroc <MRV> Maraviroc {n} <MRV>
Marbella Marbella {n}
marble Glaskugel {f}
marble Marmor {m}
marbleMurmel {f}
marble Marmel {f} [regional Rsv.]
marble Marmel {m} [veraltet] [Marmor]
marble Klicker {m} [regional] [Murmel]
marbleSchusser {m} [regional (bes. südd.)] [Murmel]
marble Schlatzkugerl {n} [österr. regional]
marble [attr.]Marmor-
marble [attr.]marmorn
marble [attr.] [made of marble] aus Marmor [nachgestellt]
marble [attr.] [made of marble]aus Marmor [nachgestellt] <strike>easter egg</strike>
marble [ball]Märbel {f} [regional] [Murmel]
marble [stone] Marmelstein {m} [veraltet]
marble archMarmorbogen {m}
marble bamboo [Chimonobambusa marmorea]Marmorierter Winterbambus {m}
marble base [pedestal] Marmorsockel {m}
marble bath Marmorbad {n}
marble bathroomMarmorbadezimmer {n}
marble bone disease [osteopetrosis] Marmorknochenkrankheit {f}
marble bust Marmorbüste {f}
marble cake Marmorkuchen {m}
marble cake Schwarz-Weiß-Kuchen {m} [Marmorkuchen]
marble cake recipe Marmorkuchenrezept {n}
marble cliffsMarmorklippen {pl}
marble columnMarmorsäule {f}
marble columns Marmorsäulen {pl}
marble cone [Conus marmoreus, syn.: C. crosseanus, C. maculatus, C. pseudomarmoreus, C. suffusus, Cucullus proarchithalassus]Marmor-Kegelschnecke {f}
marble cone [Conus marmoreus, syn.: C. crosseanus, C. maculatus, C. pseudomarmoreus, C. suffusus, Cucullus proarchithalassus] Marmorkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
marble cone [Conus marmoreus, syn.: C. crosseanus, C. maculatus, C. pseudomarmoreus, C. suffusus, Cucullus proarchithalassus] Marmor-Conus {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
marble copy Marmorkopie {f}
marble cutter Marmorschleifer {m}
marble dust Mamormehl {n}
marble facadeMarmorfassade {f}
marble floor Marmorboden {m}
marble fountainMarmorbrunnen {m}
marble gall wasp [Andricus kollari] Schwammkugel-Gallwespe {f} [bes. österr.]
marble goby [Oxyeleotris marmorata]Marmorgrundel {f}
marble group Marmorgruppe {f}
marble gypsumMarmorgips {m}
marble head Marmorkopf {m}
marble headstone Grabstein {m} aus Marmor
marble headstone Marmorgrabstein {m}
marble horse Marmorpferd {n}
marble lion Marmorlöwe {m}
marble look Marmoroptik {f}
marble mining Marmorabbau {m}
marble monument Marmordenkmal {n}
« manymanymanymappmappmaramarbmarbMarcMarcMare »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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