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English-German Dictionary

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marine ecology marine Ökologie {f}
marine ecosystemmarines Ökosystem {n}
marine ecosystemMeeresökosystem {n}
marine energy industry maritime Energiewirtschaft {f}
marine engine Schiffsmotor {m}
marine engineSchiffsmaschine {f}
marine engine oilSchiffsmotorenöl {n}
marine engineer Schiffsingenieur {m}
marine engineer Marineingenieur {m}
marine engineeringSchiffsmaschinenbau {m}
marine engineering Schiffsbetriebstechnik {f}
marine environment marine Umwelt {f}
marine environmentMeeresumwelt {f}
marine environment Meeresmilieu {n}
Marine Expeditionary Brigade <MEB> [USMC] [Marineinfanterie-Eingreif-Brigade, US-Marine-Korps]
marine expert Seefahrtsfachmann {m}
marine faunaMeeresfauna {f}
marine file snake [Acrochordus granulatus]Indische Warzenschlange {f}
marine file snake [Acrochordus granulatus]Zwerg-Warzenschlange {f}
marine file snake [Acrochordus granulatus]Javanische Warzenschlange {f}
marine file snake [Acrochordus granulatus]Südostasiatische Warzenschlange {f}
marine fish {pl} Meeresfische {pl}
marine fish {pl} Seefische {pl}
marine fish {sg} Meeresfisch {m}
marine fishingSeefischerei {f}
marine flora Meeresflora {f}
marine food chain marine Nahrungskette {f}
marine gear [boat supplies]Bootszubehör {n}
marine geology Meeresgeologie {f}
marine geosciencesMeeresgeowissenschaften {pl}
marine gradeMarinequalität {f}
marine habitat Meereslebensraum {m}
marine horizon Meereshorizont {m}
marine hosesSeeschläuche {pl}
marine hull insuranceSeekaskoversicherung {f}
marine ice Meereis {n}
marine ice coverMeereseisdecke {f}
marine iguana [Amblyrhynchus cristatus]Meerechse {f}
marine iguanas [genus Amblyrhinchus] Meerechsen {pl}
marine iguanas [genus Amblyrhinchus] Galapagos-Meerechsen {pl}
marine industry Schiffsbau {m}
marine industry Schifffahrtsindustrie {f}
marine industry maritime Industrie {f}
marine infantry battalion [Imperial German Navy security and garrison troops] Seebataillon {n}
marine infantry corps [WW I Imperial German Navy security and garrison troops] Marinekorps {n}
marine insurance Seetransportversicherung {f}
marine insurance Versicherung {f} für den Überseetransport
marine insurance [ship insurance exclusive of cargo] Schiffsversicherung {f}
marine insurance policySeeversicherungspolice {f}
marine insurer Seeversicherer {m}
marine invertebrates wirbellose Meerestiere {pl}
marine lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina] Große Lamprete {f}
marine lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina]Meer-Neunauge / Meerneunauge {n}
marine law Seerecht {n}
marine liability insurance Seehaftpflichtversicherung {f}
marine life Meeresflora und -fauna {f}
marine life Meeresleben {n}
marine life {sg} Meereslebewesen {pl}
marine life conservation Schutz {m} des Meereslebens
marine luminescenceMeeresleuchten {n}
marine macroalgaemarine Makroalgen {pl}
marine mammalMeeressäuger {m}
marine mammal Meeressäugetier {n}
marine mammal conservation societyGesellschaft {f} zum Schutz der Meeressäuger
marine mammal protection act Gesetz {n} zum Schutz der Meeressäuger
marine mammals Meeressäuger {pl}
marine mammals Meeressäugetiere {pl}
marine map Seekarte {f}
marine microbiologymarine Mikrobiologie {f}
marine molasse Meeresmolasse {f}
marine morphologicalmeeresmorphologisch
marine mucilage Meeresverschleimung {f}
marine occupations Seefahrtsberufe {pl}
marine officer [naval officer, not a U.S. Marine officer] Seeoffizier {m}
marine officer [naval officer, not U.S. Marine officer]Marineoffizier {m}
marine opal [paua shell]Seeopal {m}
marine organisms Meereslebewesen {pl}
marine organisms Meeresorganismen {pl}
marine otter [Lontra felina]Küstenotter {m}
marine otter [Lontra felina] Chilenischer Fischotter {m}
marine otter [Lontra felina] Chungungo {m}
marine paintSchiffsfarbe {f}
marine paintSchiffslack {m}
marine painter Marinemaler {m}
marine painting Marinemalerei {f}
marine patrol Seepatrouille {f}
marine perilSeerisiko {n}
marine peril Seetransportrisiko {n}
marine peril {sg} Seegefahren {pl}
marine perils Gefahren {pl} der See
marine phosphorescence Meeresleuchten {n}
marine pilotHafenlotse {m}
marine pilot [female]Hafenlotsin {f}
marine plankton [treated as pl.]Haliplankton {n} [fachspr.] [Meerwasserplankton]
marine plant Meerespflanze {f}
marine ply Bootsbau-Sperrholz {n}
marine police {pl}Hafenpolizei {f}
marine policy Seeversicherungspolice {f}
marine policyMeerespolitik {f}
marine pollutionMeeresverschmutzung {f}
« margmargmargMariMarimarimarimarimarimarjmark »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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