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English-German Dictionary

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marital separation eheliche Trennung {f}
marital spat [Am.] Partnerstreit {m} [Ehepartner]
marital spats Ehestreitereien {pl}
marital status Familienstand {m}
marital status Personenstand {m}
marital status Ehestand {m}
marital status {sg} Familienverhältnisse {pl}
marital strifeEhestreit {m}
marital union eheliche Gemeinschaft {f}
marital violence eheliche Gewalt {f}
marital warEhekrieg {m}
marital yoke [hum.]Ehejoch {n} [hum.]
maritally ehelich
maritime zur See gehörig
maritime See- [Meeres-]
maritime zur See gehörend
maritime accidentSchiffsunglück {n} [auf dem Meer]
maritime accident Schiffsunfall {m} [auf dem Meer]
maritime adventurerSeeabenteurer {m}
maritime affairs and fisheriesmaritime Angelegenheiten {pl} und Fischerei
Maritime AlpsSeealpen {pl}
Maritime Alps Meeralpen {pl}
maritime archaeology [underwater]Unterwasserarchäologie {f} [am Meeresboden]
maritime area Seegebiet {n}
maritime area Meeresgebiet {n}
maritime art maritime Kunst {f}
maritime artist Maler {m} von Seestücken
maritime borderSeegrenze {f}
maritime border Meeresgrenze {f}
maritime boundary Seegrenze {f}
maritime buoyage systemBetonnungssystem {n}
maritime casualtySeeunfall {m}
maritime casualty investigation Seeunfalluntersuchung {f}
maritime casualty investigation board Seeamt {n}
maritime chronometer Marinechronometer {n}
maritime city Seestadt {f}
maritime climatemaritimes Klima {n}
maritime climateMeeresklima {n}
maritime climateSeeklima {n}
maritime commercial law Seehandelsrecht {n}
maritime container Seecontainer {m}
Maritime Customs Service [Germany] Wasserzoll {m} [Wasserzolldienst; zollrechtliche Grenzsicherung, Deutschland]
maritime declaration of healthSeegesundheitserklärung {f}
maritime disaster Schiffskatastrophe {f}
maritime distress signalsSeenotsignale {pl}
maritime dock [Rumex maritimus, syn.: R. fueginus, R. persicarioides] Ufer-Ampfer {m}
maritime dock [Rumex maritimus, syn.: R. fueginus, R. persicarioides] Strand-Ampfer {m}
maritime environment Meeresumwelt {f}
maritime event maritimes Ereignis {n}
maritime exerciseSeeübung {f}
maritime family Seefahrerfamilie {f}
maritime freight Seefracht {f}
maritime gardensnail / garden snail [Cernuella virgata, syn.: C. variabilis, Helicella virgata, Helix variabilis, H. virgata, Theba virgata, Trochus virgatus] Sand-Heideschnecke / Sandheideschnecke {f}
maritime gardensnail / garden snail [Cernuella virgata, syn.: C. variabilis, Helicella virgata, Helix variabilis, H. virgata, Theba virgata, Trochus virgatus]Veränderliche Trockenschnecke {f}
maritime garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus] Quebec-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
maritime health insurance fundSee-Krankenkasse {f}
maritime helicopter maritimer Hubschrauber {m}
maritime industry maritime Industrie {f}
maritime industry Schifffahrtsindustrie {f}
maritime industry Seefahrtsindustrie {f}
maritime industrySchifffahrtsbranche {f}
maritime insurance Seeversicherung {f}
maritime jurisdictionSeegerichtsbarkeit {f}
maritime lawSeerecht {n}
maritime law Schifffahrtsrecht {n}
maritime lien Seepfandrecht {n}
maritime lienSchiffspfandrecht {n}
maritime mining Meeresbergbau {m}
maritime museum Seefahrtsmuseum {n}
maritime museum [for marine science] Meereskundemuseum {n}
maritime museum [for seafaring]Schifffahrtsmuseum {n}
maritime nationSeenation {f}
maritime nation Seefahrernation {f}
maritime nation [people] Seevolk {n}
maritime navigationSeeschifffahrt {f}
maritime paintingmaritime Malerei {f}
maritime painting [picture] maritimes Gemälde {n}
maritime paintings maritime Gemälde {pl}
maritime patrol aircraft Seeaufklärer {m}
maritime patrol aircraft <MPA> Seeaufklärungsflugzeug {n}
maritime people seefahrendes Volk {n}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster, syn.: Pinus maritima] Bordeaux-Kiefer {f}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster, syn.: Pinus maritima]Igel-Kiefer {f}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster, syn.: Pinus maritima]Meer-Kiefer {f}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster, syn.: Pinus maritima] Seestrand-Kiefer {f}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster, syn.: Pinus maritima]Strand-Kiefer {f}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster]Seekiefer {f}
maritime pine [Pinus pinaster] Sternkiefer {f}
maritime plantain [Plantago maritima, syn.: P. decipiens]Strand-Wegerich / Strandwegerich {m}
maritime police {pl} Hafenpolizei {f}
maritime policyMeerespolitik {f}
maritime pollution Meeresverschmutzung {f}
maritime powerSeemacht {f}
Maritime Provinces [Can.]Maritimprovinzen {pl}
Maritime Provinces [Can.] [Maritimes] [also: Maritime provinces] Seeprovinzen {pl} [die kanadischen Provinzen Neuschottland, Neubraunschweig und Prince Edward Island]
maritime radio Seefunk {m}
maritime (radio) band Marinefunkband {n}
maritime reconnaissance (mission) Hochseeaufklärung {f}
maritime region Meeresregion {f}
« margMarimarimarimarimarimarimarkmarkmarkmark »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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