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market convention [custom] Marktgepflogenheit {f} [geh.]
market conventionalityMarktüblichkeit {f}
market correctionKorrektur {f} der Kurse
market correctionMarktkorrektur {f}
market coverageAbdeckung {f} des Marktes
market coverage Marktabdeckung {f}
market crash Börsenkrach {m}
market crisis Wirtschaftskrise {f}
market crisisMarktkrise {f}
market cross Marktkreuz {n}
market cultivation Marktbearbeitung {f}
market customersMarktkunden {pl}
market cycleKonjunkturzyklus {m}
market cycle Marktzyklus {m}
market dataMarktdaten {pl}
market dates Markttermine {pl}
market dayBörsentag {m}
market day Markttag {m}
market demandGesamtnachfrage {f} des Marktes
market demand Nachfrage {f} am Markt
market demandMarktnachfrage {f}
market demandMarktbedarf {m}
market demarcationMarktabgrenzung {f}
market depression Schwäche {f} des Marktes
market depthMarkttiefe {f}
market designMarktgestaltung {f}
market development Marktentwicklung {f}
market development Marktgeschehen {n}
market development funds <MDF> [marketing development funds] Werbekostenzuschuss {m} <WKZ>
market diffusionMarktdiffusion {f}
market disruption Zerrüttung {f} des Marktes
market disruption [contract law]Marktstörung {f} [Vertragsrecht]
market distortion Marktverwerfung {f}
market disturbanceStörung {f} des Marktes
market disturbanceMarktstörung {f}
market dominanceBeherrschung {f} des Marktes
market dominance Marktdominanz {f}
market dynamicsMarktdynamik {f}
market economy Marktwirtschaft {f}
market entrance Markteintritt {m}
market entrant Markteinsteiger {m}
market entry Markteintritt {m}
market entry Markteinstieg {m}
market entry strategy Markteintrittsstrategie {f}
market environment Marktumfeld {n}
market equilibrium Marktgleichgewicht {n}
market exitMarktaustritt {m}
market expansionAusdehnung {f} des Marktes
market expansion Marktexpansion {f}
market expansion Markterweiterung {f}
market expansionMarktausweitung {f}
market expectation Markterwartung {f}
market expectations Markterwartungen {pl}
market experienceMarkterfahrung {f}
market exposure Marktrisiko {n} [eines Aktienindex]
market failure Marktversagen {n}
market favourites Marktfavoriten {pl}
market financing [rare]Absatzfinanzierung {f}
market flexibilityFlexibilität {f} des Marktes
market flexibility Nachfrageflexibilität {f}
market flexibility Marktflexibilität {f}
market floatation öffentliche Emission {f}
market fluctuation Marktschwankung {f}
market fluctuations Marktschwankungen {pl}
market folks Marktleute {pl}
market for accessories Zubehörmarkt {m}
market for booksBuchmarkt {m}
market for futuresTerminmarkt {m}
market for securities Wertpapiermarkt {m}
market for sharesAktienmarkt {m}
market for shares <font color=blue>Kuckucksei</font> Aktienmarkt {m}
market for treasury billsMarkt {m} für Schatzanweisungen
market forces Kräfte {pl} des Marktes
market forces Marktkräfte {pl}
market forecastVorhersage {f} der Marktentwicklung
market forecastMarktprognose {f}
market forecastsMarktprognosen {pl}
market foreclosure Marktabschottung {f}
market fountain Marktbrunnen {m}
market functionMarktfunktion {f}
market fundamentalism Marktfundamentalismus {m}
market gap Lücke {f} im Markt
market garden Gärtnerei {f}
market garden Gartenbauunternehmen {n}
market garden Gemüseanbau {m}
market garden Gartenbaubetrieb {m}
market garden [Br.] Gemüsegärtnerei {f}
market gardenerGemüseanbauer {m}
market gardener [Br.] Gemüsegärtner {m}
market gardener [Br.]Krauter {m} [veraltet] [Gemüsegärtner]
market gardening Gartenbau {m}
market gardening Gemüseanbau {m} [Handelsgärtnerei]
market gardeningHandelsgärtnerei {f} [Sparte]
market gardening(gewerbsmäßiger) Anbau {m} von Gemüse
market grounds {pl} Marktgelände {n}
market growth Marktwachstum {n}
market growthMarktzuwachs {m}
market hallMarkthalle {f}
market imageMarktauftritt {m}
market improvement Verbesserung {f} des Marktes
« marimarimarimarkmarkmarkmarkmarkmarkmarkmark »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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