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maroon-chinned fruit dove [Ptilinopus subgularis] Dunkelkinn-Fruchttaube {f}
maroonedvon der Außenwelt abgeschnitten
marooned im Stich gelassen
Marooned [John Sturges] Verschollen im Weltraum
maroon-faced parakeet [Pyrrhura leucotis]Weißohrsittich {m}
maroon-fronted parrot [Rhynchopsitta terrisi]Maronenstirnsittich {m}
maroong [Callitris preissii, syn.: C. gracilis, C. propinqua, C. robusta, C. tuberculata, Frenela crassivalvis, F. gulielmi, F. robusta] [aboriginal name]Preiss' Schmuckzypresse {f}
maroong [Callitris preissii, syn.: C. gracilis, C. propinqua, C. robusta, C. tuberculata, Frenela crassivalvis, F. gulielmi, F. robusta] [aboriginal name] Harzige Schmuckzypresse {f}
marooningim Stich lassend
maroon-rumped hanging parrot [Loriculus stigmatus, syn.: Loriculus quadricolor]Rotplättchen {n}
Maroons [people] Maroons {pl}
maroon-tailed conure [Pyrrhura melanura] Braunschwanzsittich {m}
marotte [fool's sceptre] Marotte {f} [Narrenszepter]
marouflageMarouflage {f}
maroute [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] [stinking chamomile] Stink-Hundskamille {f}
maroute [Anthemis cotula, syn.: A. foetida] [stinking chamomile](Stinkende) Hundskamille {f}
marozi [Panthera leo maculatus] Marozi {m}
MaroziaMarozia {f}
MarpessaMarpessa {f}
Marpissa muscosa [a species of jumping spider] Rindenspringspinne {f}
marplot [archaic] Störenfried {m}
marqueAutomarke {f}
marquee Markise {f}
marqueeLaufschrift {f}
marquee begehrt
marquee [Am.] Schriftdisplay {n} [über Kino- oder Theatereingängen]
marquee [Am.] [canopy] Vordach {n}
marquee [Am.] [sign] Aushang {m} [Werbemittel]
marquee [esp. Am.] [modifier]Weltklasse-
marquee [esp. Br.] [large tent] Zelt {n} [Festzelt]
marquee [esp. Br.] [large tent] großes Festzelt {n}
marquee [esp. Br.] [tent] Partyzelt {n}
marquee [large tent] großes Zelt {n}
marquee [large tent]Großraumzelt {n}
marquees Zelte {pl}
Marquesan ground dove [Gallicolumba rubescens] Marquesastaube {f}
Marquesan ground dove [Gallicolumba rubescens]Marquesen-Erdtaube {f}
Marquesan monarch [Pomarea mendozae]Marquesasmonarch {m}
Marquesan reed warbler [Acrocephalus mendanae] Marquesas-Rohrsänger {m}
Marquesan swiftlet [Collocalia ocista]Marquessasalangane {f}
Marquesas butterfly [Chaetodon declevis]Marquesa-Falterfisch {m}
Marquesas butterflyfish [Chaetodon declivis]Marquesas-Falterfisch {m}
Marquesas flycatcher [Pomarea mendozae] Marquesasmonarch {m}
Marquesas ground dove [Gallicolumba rubescens]Marquesastaube {f}
Marquesas (imperial) pigeon [Ducula galeata] Marquesasfruchttaube {f}
Marquesas (imperial) pigeon [Ducula galeata] Marquesas-Fruchttaube {f}
Marquesas Islands Marquesasinseln {pl}
Marquesas IslandsMarquesas-Inseln {pl}
Marquesas kingfisher [Todiramphus godeffroyi]Marquesasliest {m}
Marquesas swamphen [Porphyrio paepae] [probably extinct] Koau {m} [wahrscheinlich ausgestorben]
marquess [British title] Marquess {m} [britischer Adelstitel]
marquessate [Br.]Marquisat {n}
marquetry Marketerie {f}
marquetry Intarsia {f}
marquetry Einlegearbeit {f}
marquetry flooring Intarsienparkett {n}
marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke] Marquis {m}
Marquis de Sade's Justine [Jess Franco (pseudonym of Jesús Franco)] Marquis de Sade: Justine
marquisate Marquisat {n}
marquisate [domain] Markgrafschaft {f}
marquise [noblewoman] Marquise {f}
marquisette Marquisette {m} {f}
Marr GlacierMarr-Gletscher {m}
Marrakech Marrakesch {n}
MarrakechMarrakech {n} [inoffiziell; seltener, aber nicht selten, neben: Marrakesch]
Marrakesh [spv.]Marrakesch {n}
marram grass [Ammophila arenaria]Gewöhnlicher Strandhafer {m}
marram grass [genus Ammophila]Dünengras {n}
marram grass [genus Ammophila]Helmgras {n}
marram matweed [Carex arenaria] Sandsegge / Sand-Segge {f}
marrangle [obs.] [meringue] Meringue {f} {n} [bes. schweiz.]
Marrano [pej.] Marrane {m} [pej.]
Marranos Marranen {pl}
marred geschädigt
marred ruiniert
marred beschädigt
marred [e.g. landscape]entstellt [Landschaft etc.]
marred [happiness, mood]getrübt [Glück, Stimmung]
mar-resistant kratzfest
marri [Corymbia calophylla, syn.: Eucalyptus calophylla]Marri-Eukalyptus {m}
marri (tree) [Corymbia calophylla, syn.: Eucalyptus calophylla] Marribaum {m}
marriage Ehe {f}
marriage Heirat {f}
marriageTrauung {f}
marriage Vermählung {f}
marriage Eheschließung {f}
marriage Heiraten {n}
marriage Verheiratung {f}
marriageVerehelichung {f} [Amtsspr.]
marriageMariage {f} [geh.] [veraltet]
marriage Allianz {f} [veraltet] [Heirat]
marriage Eheverbindung {f}
marriage [attr.] [e.g. advertisement, certificate, impostor, licence, politics, proposal] Heirats- [z. B. Annonce, Urkunde, Schwindler, Erlaubnis, Politik, Antrag]
marriage [attr.] [e.g. agency, ban, counsellor, court, guidance, promise]Ehe- [z. B. Vermittlung, Verbot, Berater, Gericht, Beratung, Versprechen]
marriage [fig.]Verbindung {f}
marriage [state of being married] Ehestand {m}
marriage [wedding] Hochzeit {f} [Eheschließung]
Marriage ActEhegesetz {n}
marriage advertisementHeiratsannonce {f}
« markmarkmarkmarkmarlmaromarrmarrmarrmarsmars »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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