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English-German Dictionary

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Marsic War [91 BC - 88 BC] Marsischer Krieg {m}
Marsican brown bear [Ursus arctos marsicanus] Marsischer Braunbär {m}
marsquake Marsbeben {n}
Marston Glacier Marston-Gletscher {m}
marsturite [NaCaMn3Si5O14(OH)]Marsturit {m}
marsupial beutelartig
marsupialBeuteltier {n}
marsupial [order Marsupialia]Beutler {m}
marsupial anteater [Myrmecobius fasciatus] Numbat {m}
marsupial anteater [Myrmecobius fasciatus] Ameisenbeutler {m}
marsupial fossil Beuteltierfossil {n} [auch: Beuteltier-Fossil]
marsupial lion [family Thylacoleonidae] Beutellöwe {m}
marsupial mice [family Dasyuridae] Raubbeutler {pl}
marsupial moles [family Notoryctidae] Beutelmulle {pl}
marsupial shrews [genus Phascolosorex] Streifenbeutelmäuse {pl}
marsupial species Beuteltierart {f}
marsupial species Beutelsäugerart {f}
marsupialisation [Br.]Marsupialisation {f}
marsupialization Marsupialisation {f}
marsupials [infraclass Marsupialia]Beuteltiere {pl}
marsupials [Metatheria / Marsupialia] Beutelsäuger {pl}
marsupium Marsupium {n}
marsupium Brutraum {m} [z. B. der Wasserflöhe]
mart Handelszentrum {n}
martMarkt {m}
mart [esp. open air market]Markt {m} [Wochenmarkt]
Martaban water snake [Homalopsis semizonata]Burmesische Boa-Wassertrugnatter {f}
martagon [Lilium lancifolium, syn.: L. tigrinum, L. lancifolium var. fortunei] [tiger lily] Tiger-Lilie / Tigerlilie {f}
martagon lily [Lilium martagon, syn.: Lilium versicolor] Türkenbundlilie {f}
martagon lily [Lilium martagon]Türkenbund-Lilie {f}
martagon lily [Lilium martagon]Türkenbund {m}
martagon (lily) [Lilium martagon, syn.: Lilium versicolor]Rote Türkenbund-Lilie / Türkenbundlilie {f}
martelStreithammer {m}
martel Streitaxt {f}
MartelangeMartelingen {n}
Martello tower Martello-Turm {m}
marten Marder {m}
marten {pl} Marder {pl}
marten bites {pl} Marderverbiss {m}
marten fur Marderfell {n}
marten repellent (system)Marderscheuche {f}
marten repellent (system) Marderschreck {m} [ugs.] [Marderabwehr, Marderschrecksystem]
marten skull Marderschädel {m}
marten trapMarderfalle {f}
[marten chewing through cables and wires in engines] Automarder {m} [ugs.] [Marder, der Schäden an Kabeln in Autos anrichtet]
marten-proof [attr.] [e.g. corrugated tube, profile, kit]Marderschutz-
martens [family Mustelidae]Marder {pl}
martens [genus Martes, family Mustelidae]Echte Marder {pl}
marten's tail Marderschwanz {m}
marten's tailLunte {f} [jägerspr.] [Marderschwanz]
martensite Martensit {m}
martensiticmartensitisch [Stahl]
martensitic instrument steelmartensitischer Instrumentenstahl {m}
martensitic steel martensitischer Stahl {m}
Martens's spikemoss / spike-moss / spike moss [Selaginella martensii] Martens Moosfarn {m}
Martha's groundsnake / ground snake [Atractus marthae] Oriental-Spindelnatter {f}
marthozite [Cu [(UO2)3|O2|(SeO3)2]·8H2O]Marthozit {m}
martial kriegerisch
martial martialisch [geh.]
martial [bearing] soldatisch [Auftreten]
Martial [the Roman poet Marcus Valerius Martialis]Martial {m} [der römische Dichter Marcus Valerius Martialis]
martial art Kampfkunst {f}
martial artist Kampfsportler {m}
martial artist Kampfkünstler {m}
martial arts Kampfkünste {pl}
martial arts {pl} Kampfsport {m}
martial arts center [Am.]Kampfkunstzentrum {n}
martial arts centre [Br.] Kampfkunstzentrum {n}
martial arts classes {pl} Kampfsportunterricht {m}
martial arts schoolKampfkunstschule {f}
martial eagle [Polemaetus bellicosus] Kampfadler {m}
martial game Kampfspiel {n}
martial hawk-eagle [Polemaetus bellicosus]Kampfadler {m}
martial law Kriegsrecht {n}
martial law Standrecht {n}
martial law Kriegsgesetz {n}
martial lawAusnahmezustand {m}
martial music Militärmusik {f}
martial rageKriegstaumel {m}
martial supremacy militärische Überlegenheit {f}
martialness kriegerisches Aussehen {n}
MartianMarsmensch {m}
Martian auf dem Mars [nachgestellt]
Martian vom Mars
Martian Mars-
MartianMarsbewohner {m}
Martian Marsianer {m} [ugs.]
Martian marsianisch [ugs.]
Martian atmosphereMarsatmosphäre {f}
Martian canals Marskanäle {pl}
Martian craterMarskrater {m}
Martian landing moduleMars-Landemodul {n}
Martian landscapeMarslandschaft {f}
Martian missionMarsmission {f}
Martian rocks {pl}Marsgestein {n}
Martian skyMarshimmel {m}
Martian soil Marsboden {m}
Martian (space) probe Mars-Sonde {f}
« marrmarsmarsmarsmarsMarsMartmaruMaryMascMask »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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