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Martian (space) probe Mars-Raumsonde {f}
Martian surfaceMarsoberfläche {f}
Martian volcano Marsvulkan {m}
Martian winter Marswinter {m}
Martian year Marsjahr {n}
martin Hausschwalbe {f}
MartinMartin {m}
martin bug [Oeciacus hirundinis]Schwalbenwanze {f}
Martin Luther [Irving Pichel] Martin Luther
Martin Luther King Day [Am.] Martin-Luther-King-Tag {m} [15. Januar]
Martin-Bell syndrome <MBS> Martin-Bell-Syndrom {n} <MBS>
martinetDrillmeister {m}
martinetZuchtmeister {m}
martinet Klopfpeitsche {f} [regional] [Martinet]
martinet [a punitive device traditionally used in France; whip] Martinet {m} [mehrriemige, kleine Peitsche]
martinet [Am.] Leuteschinder {m}
martinet [female]Zuchtmeisterin {f}
martineta tinamou [Eudromia elegans] Perlsteißhuhn {n}
martineta tinamou [Eudromia elegans]Schopftinamu {m}
martingale [horseriding] Martingal {n}
martingale [system of gambling] [das Verdoppeln des Wetteinsatzes nach Verlust]
martingale convergence theorems Martingalkonvergenzsätze {pl}
martingale propertyMartingaleigenschaft {f}
Martin-Gruber anastomosisMartin-Gruber-Anastomose {f}
martini [cocktail]Martini {m} [Cocktail]
Martini ®Martini ® {m}
MartinicanMartinikaner {m}
Martinique <.mq> Martinique {n}
Martinique amazon [Amazona martinicana] Martiniqueamazone {f} [ausgestorben]
Martinique amazon [Amazona martinicana]Martinique-Amazone {f} [ausgestorben]
Martinique flycatcher [Myiarchus oberi berlepschii] [Lesser Antillean flycatcher (Barbuda, St. Kitts, Nevis)] Barbudaschopftyrann {m}
Martinique flycatcher [Myiarchus oberi sclateri] [Lesser Antillean flycatcher (Martinique)]Martiniqueschopftyrann {m}
Martinique giant ameiva [Ameiva major] [extinct] Martinique-Ameive {f} [ausgestorben]
Martinique ground snake [Erythrolamprus cursor] Martinique-Glattnatter {f}
Martinique lancehead [Bothrops lanceolatus] Martinique-Lanzenotter {f}
Martinique oriole [Icterus bonana] Braunkopftrupial {m}
Martinique pinktoe [Caribena versicolor, syn.: Avicularia versicolor]Martinique-Baumvogelspinne {f}
Martinique red tree spider [Caribena versicolor, syn.: Avicularia versicolor] Martinique-Baumvogelspinne {f}
Martinique smooth snake [Erythrolamprus cursor] Martinique-Glattnatter {f}
MartinismMartinismus {m}
martinite [(Na,Ca)11Ca4(Si,S,B)14B2O40F2·4(H2O)] Martinit {m}
Martin-Löf type theory Martin-Löf-Typentheorie {f}
MartinmasMartini {n} [Martinstag]
Martinmas Martinstag {m}
Martino's snow vole [Dinaromys bogdanovi] Martino-Schneemaus {f}
Martino's vole [Dinaromys bogdanovi] Bergmaus {f}
martins [family Hirundinidae]Schwalben {pl}
Martin's disease Martin-Syndrom {n} [ugs.] [Periosteoarthritis des Fußes]
Martin's disease [from excessive walking] Periosteoarthritis {f} des Fußes
Martin's Lie [Gian Carlo Menotti] Martins Lüge
Martin's rufous motmot [Baryphthengus martii]Zimtbrustmotmot {m} [auch: Zimtbrust-Motmot]
Martinsburg FormationMartinsburg-Formation {f}
Martins's tamarin [Saguinus martinsi] Martin-Tamarin {m} [Krallenaffe]
Martins's tamarin [Saguinus martinsi] Martin-Mantelaffe {m}
martite [Fe2O3] Martit {m}
Martlemass [Br.] [less often] [St. Martin's Day, Martinmas] Martini {n} [Martinstag]
martlet [Apus apus] [archaic] Mauersegler {m}
marts Handelszentren {pl}
Marty [Delbert Mann] Marty
martyite [Zn3V2O7(OH)2·2H2O]Martyit {m}
martyrMärtyrer {m}
martyr Martyrer {m} [Rsv.] [in der kath. Kirche auch für Märtyrer]
martyrBlutzeuge {m}
martyr [female]Märtyrerin {f}
martyr bishop Märtyrerbischof {m}
martyr to scienceMärtyrer {m} der Wissenschaft
martyrdom Martyrium {n}
martyrdom Märtyrertod {m}
martyrdomOpfertod {m}
martyrdomMärtyrertum {n}
Martyrdom of the Ten ThousandMarter der zehntausend Christen [Albrecht Dürer]
martyrdoms Martyrien {pl}
martyred gemartert [geh.]
martyria {pl} Martyrien {pl}
martyring marternd
martyring peinigend
martyrion Martyrion {n}
martyrium Martyrium {n} [Grab oder Grabkirche eines christlichen Märtyrers]
martyrology [catalog of martyrs]Martyrologium {n}
martyrology [catalog of martyrs]Märtyrerverzeichnis {n} [Martyrologium]
martyrsMärtyrer {pl}
martyrs [female] Märtyrerinnen {pl}
martyrs' blood Märtyrerblut {n} [Blut von Märtyrern]
martyr's blood Märtyrerblut {n} [Blut eines Märtyrers]
martyr's deathTod {m} eines Märtyrers
martyr's death Märtyrertod {m}
Martyrs Mirror [Thieleman J. van Braght]Märtyrerspiegel {m}
martyr's palmMärtyrerpalme {f}
martyryMärtyrerkapelle {f}
martyryMärtyrerschrein {m}
maruca pod borer [Maruca vitrata] [moth]Hülsenbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
maruca pod borer [Maruca vitrata] [moth] Soja-Hülsenbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
maruca pod borer [Maruca vitrata] [moth] Mung-Hülsenbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Marucians / Marrucini {pl} Marukiner {pl}
marula [Sclerocarya birrea]Marula-Baum {m}
marula [Sclerocarya birrea] Elefantenbaum {m}
marula (fruit) fly [Ceratitis cosyra, syn.: Pardalaspis cosyra, P. parinarii, Pterandrus cosyra, Trypeta cosyra] Natalfruchtfliege / Natal-Fruchtfliege {f}
marumi kumquat [Fortunella japonica, syn.: Citrus japonica, C. madurensis] Marumi-Kumquat / Marumikumquat {f}
« marsmarsmarsmarsMarsMartmaruMaryMascMaskmask »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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