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English-German Dictionary

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Maschke's theorem [also: theorem of Maschke]Satz {m} von Maschke
mascons [mass concentrations] Mascons {pl} [Massenkonzentrationen]
mascot Maskottchen {n}
mascotTalisman {m}
mascotMaskotte {f} [selten] [Maskottchen]
mascot performerMaskottchen-Darsteller {m}
mascot raceMaskottchenrennen {n}
mascotsMaskottchen {pl}
masculineMaskulinum {n}
masculine [qualities] mannhaft
masculine <masc.> männlich <männl.>
masculine person männliche Person {f}
masculine pride Mannesstolz {m}
masculine rhyme männlicher Reim {m}
masculinisation [Br.]Maskulinisierung {f}
masculinisation [Br.]Virilisierung {f}
masculinism Maskulismus {m}
masculinism Maskulinismus {m}
masculinist maskulinistisch
masculinist Maskulinist {m} [Vertreter maskulinistischer Ideen]
masculinity Männlichkeit {f}
masculinity Maskulinität {f}
masculinity researcherMaskulinitätsforscher {m}
masculinization Maskulinisierung {f}
masculinizationVirilisierung {f}
masculinizationVermännlichung {f}
masculinized vermännlicht
masculinizing chest surgery [subcutaneous mastectomy] [for transgender men] subkutane Mastektomie {f} [hier: geschlechtsangleichende Operation von Frau zu Mann]
masculismMaskulismus {m}
masculism Maskulinismus {m} [Maskulismus]
maserMaser {m}
maser clock Maseruhr {f}
maser-tree / maser [Acer campestre] [field maple] Feld-Ahorn / Feldahorn {m}
Maseru Maseru {n}
mashMaische {f}
mash Brei {m}
mash Maisch {m} [selten für: Maische]
mash Mus {n} [regional auch {m}]
mash [Br.] [coll.] [mashed potatoes] Kartoffelbrei {m}
mash [coll.] [purée]Püree {n}
mash filter Maischefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
mash hammer Fäustel {m}
mash tubMaischekessel {m}
mash tunMaischbottich {m}
mash tunMaischkessel {m}
mash tunMaischebottich {m}
mash tun Maischekessel {m}
mash tun Maischepfanne {f}
mash tun kettle Maischbottichpfanne {f}
MASH units [U.S. Army] MASH-Einheiten {pl} [ugs.] [US-Armee]
mashed püriert
mashed zerdrückt [Kartoffeln etc.]
mashed [sl.] [intoxicated] berauscht
mashed [mixed] gemischt
mashed chestnutsKastanienpüree {n}
mashed onions Zwiebelmus {n}
mashed potatoKartoffelbrei {m}
mashed potato Kartoffelmus {n} [seltener {m}] [regional]
mashed potatoes Stampfkartoffeln {pl} [regional]
mashed potatoes Schneekartoffeln {pl} [regional]
mashed potatoesQuetschkartoffeln {pl} [regional]
mashed potatoes {pl}Kartoffelpüree {n}
mashed potatoes {pl}Erdäpfelkoch {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Kartoffelbrei]
mashed potatoes {pl} Kartoffelbrei {m}
mashed potatoes {pl}Kartoffelstock {m} [schweiz.]
mashed potatoes {pl} Erdäpfelpüree {n} [südd.] [österr.]
mashed potatoes {pl} Kartoffelschnee {m} [regional]
mashed potatoes {pl} Kartoffelmus {n} [seltener {m}] [regional]
mashed potatoes {pl} Kartoffelstampf {m} [regional]
mashed sweet potatoes Süßkartoffelpüree {n}
masher Stampfer {m}
masher [archaic] [sl.]Weiberheld {m} [ugs.]
Mashgiach Maschgiach {m}
Mashhad Maschhad {n}
mashhouse Sudhaus {n}
mashie [dated] [5-iron golf club] Eisen 5 {n} [Golfschläger]
mashie-niblick [dated] [7-iron golf club]Eisen 7 {n} [Golfschläger]
mashingmischend [pürierend]
mashingAnmaischung {f}
mashing Maischen {n}
mashing processMaischverfahren {n}
mashing-inEinbrauen {n}
Mashona hyliota [Hyliota australis] Maschona-Hyliota / Maschonahyliota {f}
Mashona mole-rat [Fukomys darlingi] Mashona-Graumull {m}
Mashriq / Mashreq / MashrekMaschrek / Maschrik / Maschriq {m}
mashup Vermanschung {f}
mashupCollage {f}
mashup Mashup {m}
mashupBastard-Pop {m}
mashup Mischmasch {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.]
Masjed Soleyman Masdsched Soleyman {n}
masjid [mosque] Masdschid {m} {n} [Moschee]
mask Maske {f}
mask Abdeckung {f}
maskSchablone {f}
maskMasque {f}
« marsMarsMartmaruMaryMascMaskmaskmasomassmass »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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