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English-German Dictionary

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massive party Riesenparty {f} [ugs.]
massive presence of police massive Präsenz {f} der Polizei
massive presence of policemassives Aufgebot {n} der Polizei
massive solar array Solar-Großanlage {f}
massive spectaclegewaltiges Spektakel {n}
massive spectacle riesiges Spektakel {n}
massive strokeschwerer Schlaganfall {m}
massive success Massenerfolg {m}
massive towerwuchtiger Turm {m}
massive transfusion Massentransfusion {f}
massive turnout [elections]hohe Wahlbeteiligung {f}
massive wall starke Mauer {f}
massive wildfire Großfeuer {n} [Flächenbrand]
massively klobig [bauen, sich abheben]
massively [coll.] äußerst
massively amended [e.g. a draft]massiv nachgebessert [z. B. einen Entwurf]
massively built wuchtig gebaut
massively exaggeratedtotal übertrieben [ugs.]
massively multiplayer online role-playing game <MMORPG> Massen-Mehrspieler-Online-Rollenspiel {n}
massiveness Massives {n}
massivenessGewaltigkeit {f}
massiveness Massivität {f}
massiveness [esp. physical] Wuchtigkeit {f}
massless masselos
masslessmassenlos [ugs.] [masselos]
massless particle masseloses Teilchen {n}
Masson Island Masson-Insel {f}
Masson's pine [Pinus massoniana]Massons Kiefer {f}
Masson's pine [Pinus massoniana] Masson-Kiefer {f}
Masson's trichrome stain Massons Trichromfärbung {f}
mass-produced in großen Mengen hergestellt
mass-produced massenproduziert
mass-produced fabrikmäßig hergestellt [in großen Mengen]
mass-produced article Massenartikel {m}
mass-produced article Massenprodukt {n}
mass-produced goods Massengüter {pl}
mass-produced goods {pl}Massenware {f}
mass-produced items Massenartikel {pl}
mass-produced productsMassenprodukte {pl}
mass-produced wine Tafelwein {m} [Qualitätsbezeichnung]
mass-produced wineMassenwein {m}
mass-related massebezogen
mass-related massenbezogen
mass-selective massenselektiv
mass-selective detector <MSD>Massendetektor {m}
mass-spring systemMasse-Feder-System {n}
masstigehochwertige Massenware {f}
mass-to-charge ratio Masse-zu-Ladung-Verhältnis {n}
massy massig
massy [full-bodied] [hair] [literary] voluminös
massy [literary] massiv
massy [weighty] schwer [Gewicht]
mastMast {m}
mast Mastbaum {m} [auf Schiff]
mast Schiffsmast {m}
mast [the fruit of the oak and beech or other forest trees, used as food for hogs and other animals] Eichelmast {f}
mast [the fruit of the oak and beech or other forest trees, used as food for hogs and other animals]Schweinemast {f} mit Eicheln [auch: Eichelmast od. Eckerich]
mast boot Mastschuh {m}
mast bulkheadMastschott {n}
mast cell Mastzelle {f}
mast cell degranulation Mastzelldegranulation {f}
mast cell leukaemia <MCL> [Br.] Mastzellenleukämie {f} <MCL>
mast cell leukaemia <MCL> [Br.]Mastzellleukämie {f} <MCL>
mast cell leukemia <MCL> [Am.]Mastzellenleukämie {f} <MCL>
mast cell leukemia <MCL> [Am.] Mastzellleukämie {f} <MCL>
mast cell population Mastzellpopulation {f}
mast cell tumor [Am.] Mastzellentumor {m}
mast cell tumour [Br.]Mastzellentumor {m}
mast collar Mastmanschette {f} [Segelboot]
mast craneMastkran {m}
mast disco [Phaeohelotium fagineum, syn.: Hymenoscyphus fagineus, Ombrophila faginea, Peziza faginea]Buchenfruchtschalen-Stängelbecherling {m}
mast disco [Phaeohelotium fagineum, syn.: Ombrophila faginea, Peziza faginea]Buchenfruchtschalen-Becherling {m}
mast disco [Phaeohelotium fagineum, syn.: Ombrophila faginea, Peziza faginea] Bucheckern-Becherchen {n}
mast flange Mastflansch {m}
mast light Mastleuchte {f}
mast mount Masthalterung {f}
mast rakeMastfall {n}
mast sleeve [windsurfing] Masttasche {f}
mast step Mastfuß {m}
mast switch Mastschalter {m}
mast systemMastanlage {f} [Antennen]
mast topMastspitze {f}
mast track Mastschiene {f}
mast warning lights {pl} Mastbefeuerung {f} [Schiff]
mast yearMastjahr {n}
(mast) thwart Mastducht {f}
mastaba Mastaba {f}
mastaba cemetery Mastaba-Friedhof {m}
mastadenomaBrustdrüsenadenom {n}
mastalgia Mastodynie {f}
mastalgiaMastalgie {f}
mastatrophy Mastatrophie {f}
mastax Mastax {f} [Kaumagen der Rädertierchen]
mastax ganglion Mastaxganglion {n}
mastax type Mastaxtyp {m}
mastectomized mastektomiert
mastectomy Brustamputation {f}
« massmassmassmassmassmassmastmastmastmastmast »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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