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mastery Überlegenheit {f}
mastery Beherrschung {f}
mastery Meisterhaftigkeit {f}
masteryMeisterung {f}
mastery Bewältigung {f}
mastery Kontrolle {f} [Herrschaft, Beherrschung]
mastery(herausragendes) Können {n}
mastery Meistern {n}
mastery Meisterschaft {f}
masteryBeherrschen {n}
mastery of Beherrschung {f} von
mastery of a languageBeherrschung {f} einer Sprache
mastery of a passionZügelung {f} einer Leidenschaft
mastery of nature Naturbeherrschung {f}
mastery of oneself Selbstbezwingung {f}
mastery of the worldWeltbeherrschung {f}
mastery of the worldWeltherrschaft {f}
mastheadMasttop {m}
mastheadTitelkopf {m} [Zeitung]
masthead Titel {m} [Zeitung]
masthead Mastspitze {f}
masthead Masttopp {m}
masthead [newspaper]Impressum {n} [Zeitung]
masthead [newspaper] Druckvermerk {m}
masthead lightTopplaterne {f}
masthead rigTopprigg {n}
(masthead) fly Verklicker {m}
mastic Mastix {m}
mastic [Pistacia lentiscus]Mastixstrauch {m}
mastic [Pistacia lentiscus] Wilde Pistazie {f}
mastic [Pistacia lentiscus] Mastix-Pistazie {f}
mastic [Pistacia lentiscus]Mastix-Baum / Mastixbaum {m}
mastic [Pistacia lentiscus] Mastix-Strauch / Mastixstrauch {m}
mastic asphalt Gussasphalt {m}
mastic asphalt screed <AS> Gussasphaltestrich {m} <AS>
mastic gum Mastix {m}
mastic gum Gummiharz {n}
mastic gunDichtstoff-Pistole {f}
mastic gun Dichtstoffpistole {f}
mastic pitchPechharz {n}
mastic sealingMastixversiegelung {f}
mastic sealingMastixabsiegelung {f}
mastic seam sealant dauerelastische Nahtdichtmasse {f}
mastic shrub [Pistacia lentiscus]Mastix-Pistazie {f}
mastic shrub [Pistacia lentiscus] Mastix-Baum / Mastixbaum {m}
mastic shrub [Pistacia lentiscus]Mastix-Strauch / Mastixstrauch {m}
mastic tree [Pistacia chinensis] Chinesischer Pistazienstrauch {m}
masticable kaubar
masticating juicer [cold-press] Saftpresse {f} [Pressschneckenentsafter]
masticationKauen {n}
mastication Mastikation {f}
masticationKauakt {m}
mastication roller Walze {f} [für Gummi]
mastication rollerMastikationswalze {f}
mastication roller Knetwalze {f} [für Gummi]
masticatorMastiziermaschine {f}
masticatorMastikator {m}
masticator [chewer]Kauender {m}
masticator [female] [chewer] Kauende {f}
masticatory apparatusKauapparat {m}
masticatory cycle Kauzyklus {m} [Kauvorgang]
masticatory efficiencyKautüchtigkeit {f}
masticatory force Kaukraft {f}
masticatory force transmission Kaukraftübermittlung {f}
masticatory movement Kaubewegung {f}
masticatory muscleKaumuskel {m}
masticatory muscle myositis <MMM> Kaumuskelmyositis {f}
masticatory muscles {pl}Kaumuskulatur {f}
masticatory musculature Kiefermuskulatur {f}
masticatory organ Kauorgan {n}
masticatory organs Kauwerkzeuge {pl}
masticatory pressureKaudruck {m}
masticatory systemKausystem {n}
mastiffDogge {f}
mastiff Mastiff {m}
mastiff bat [Tadarida teniotis] Europäische Bulldoggfledermaus {f}
mastiff bats [genus Eumops]Bulldoggfledermäuse {pl}
mastiff nose [nasal aplasia] Doggennase {f} [Nasenmissbildung]
mastiffs Doggen {pl}
mastigonemes Geißelhärchen {pl} [Mastigonemata]
mastigophoran Geißeltierchen {n}
mastigophoranzu den Geißeltierchen gehörig
mastigophoransMastigophoren {pl}
mastigophorans Geißeltierchen {pl}
mastihaMastiha {m}
Mastino Napoletano [Neapolitan mastiff] Mastino Napoletano {m}
mastitisMastitis {f}
mastitisBrustdrüsenentzündung {f}
mastitis treatment Mastitisbehandlung {f}
mastitis-metritis-agalactia <MMA> Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie {f} <MMA>
mastitis-metritis-agalactia complex <MMA complex>Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie-Komplex {m} <MMA-Komplex>
mastocyte Mastzelle {f} [Mastozyt]
mastocyte [mast cell] Mastozyt {m}
mastocytoma Mastozytom {n}
mastocytosisMastozytose {f}
« massMastmastmastmastmastmastmatcmatcmatemate »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers