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English-German Dictionary

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material incentivematerieller Anreiz {m}
material inletMaterialeingang {m}
material inlet Materialeinzug {m}
material inlet pressure Materialeingangsdruck {m}
material inspectionMaterialkontrolle {f}
material intake Materialeinzug {m}
material jointMaterialfuge {f}
material knowledgematerialkundlich
material lift [Br.]Lastenaufzug {m}
material limit [of volume, load, etc.] Materialgrenze {f} [bei Volumen, Belastung etc.]
material lockMaterialschleuse {f}
material logic Sachlogik {f}
material logistics [treated as sg. or pl.] Materiallogistik {f}
material lossMaterialverlust {m}
material machiningMaterialbearbeitung {f}
material managerMaterialmanager {m}
material masterMaterialstamm {m}
material misrepresentationwesentlich falsche Darstellung {f}
material mix Materialmix {m}
material modelMaterialmodell {n}
material model Werkstoffmodell {n}
material modeling [Am.] Werkstoffmodellierung {f}
material modeling [Am.] Materialmodellierung {f}
material modelling [Br.]Werkstoffmodellierung {f}
material modelling [Br.]Materialmodellierung {f}
material need Materialbedarf {m}
material nozzleMaterialdüse {f}
material numberArtikelnummer {f}
material number <material no., mat. no.>Material-Nummer {f} <Material-Nr., Mat.-Nr.>
material number <MN> Werkstoffnummer {f} <WNR>
material number <MN> Materialnummer {f} <MN>
material object Materialobjekt {n}
material obligations wesentliche Verpflichtungen {pl}
material on hand vorrätiges Material {n}
material on order bestelltes Material {n}
material outlet Materialausgang {m}
material overhead {sg}Materialgemeinkosten {pl}
material overviewMaterialübersicht {f}
material parameterMaterialparameter {m}
material parameter [relevant to a production process]Werkstoffkennwert {m}
material particleMaterieteilchen {n}
material particularsrechtserhebliche Tatsachenangaben {pl}
material performance Materialverhalten {n}
material pests Materialschädlinge {pl}
material picking Materialkommissionierung {f}
material pleasuresleibliche Vergnügen {pl}
material possessionmaterieller Besitz {m}
material price Materialpreis {m}
material prize Sachpreis {m}
material procurement Materialbeschaffung {f}
material profileMaterialprofil {n}
material proofSachbeweis {m}
material properties Materialeigenschaften {pl}
material propertiesWerkstoffeigenschaften {pl}
material properties {pl} Materialbeschaffenheit {f}
material propertyWerkstoffeigenschaft {f}
material property [characteristic] Materialeigenschaft {f}
material property [relevant to a production process] Werkstoffkennwert {m}
material qualityMaterialqualität {f}
material removalMaterialabtrag {m}
material removalAbtragen {n}
material removal Materialabtragung {f}
material removal rateZeitspanungsvolumen {n}
material reportWerkstoffbericht {m}
material required Materialbedarf {m}
material requirement Materialbedarf {m}
material requirements {pl} Materialbedarf {m}
material requirements planning <MRP> Materialbedarfsplanung {f} <MBP>
material requisitionMaterialanforderung {f}
material requisition card Materialentnahmekarte {f}
material requisition card Materialentnahmeschein {m}
material resourcesMaterialressourcen {pl}
material safety data sheet <MSDS> Sicherheitsdatenblatt {n} <SDB>
material sample Werkstoffprobe {f}
material savings {pl}Materialersparnis {f}
material science Materialforschung {f}
material scientistMaterialwissenschaftler {m}
material scientist [female] Materialwissenschaftlerin {f}
material scientistsMaterialwissenschaftler {pl}
material scope (of application) sachlicher Anwendungsbereich {m}
material selection Materialauswahl {f}
material separationMaterialtrennung {f}
material shortageMaterialengpass {m}
material specifications {pl} Werkstoffblatt {n}
material staging [esp. SAP]Materialbereitstellung {f} [bes. SAP]
material stiffness Materialsteifigkeit {f}
material stock Materialbestand {m}
material storing Materiallagerung {f}
material stream Materialstrom {m}
material streams [material flows]Stoffströme {pl}
material stressMaterialbelastung {f}
material stress Materialspannung {f}
material success materieller Erfolg {m}
material supply Materialversorgung {f}
material support [Am.] wesentliche Unterstützung {f}
material technologyMaterialtechnologie {f}
material test Materialprüfung {f}
material test <MT> Werkstoffprüfung {f} <WP, WSP>
material testing Materialprüfung {f}
material testing Werkstoffprüfung {f}
« mastmatamatcmatcmatematematematematemathmath »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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