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English-German Dictionary

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matrimonial marketHeiratsmarkt {m}
matrimonial matters Eheangelegenheiten {pl}
matrimonial misconduct Ehebruch {m}
matrimonial property scheme ehelicher Güterstand {m}
matrimonial property schemeGüterstand {m}
matrimonial (property) regimeeheliches Güterrecht {n}
matrimonial vow Ehegelübde {n}
matrimonies Ehen {pl}
matrimonies Ehestände {pl}
matrimony Ehe {f}
matrimonyEhebündnis {n}
matrimonyEhestand {m}
matriphagous matriphag
matriphagy Matriphagie {f}
matrix Mater {f}
matrix Matrix {f}
matrixMatrize {f}
matrix Rastermuster {n}
matrixGebärmutter {f}
matrix Mutterboden {m}
matrix Ganggestein {n}
matrix [fig.] Nährboden {m} [fig.]
matrix [mould]Pressform {f}
matrix additionMatrizenaddition {f}
matrix addition Matrixaddition {f}
matrix algebra Matrixalgebra {f}
matrix analysis Matrixanalyse {f}
matrix and patrix [in prosthodontics] Matrize und Patrize [in der Prothetik]
matrix areaMatrixbereich {m}
matrix band Matrizenband {n}
matrix calculations {pl} Matrizenrechnung {f}
matrix character Matrixzeichen {n}
matrix characters Matrixmerkmale {pl}
matrix clauseMatrixsatz {m}
matrix coilMatrixspule {f}
matrix componentMatrixkomponente {f}
matrix congruenceMatrixkongruenz {f}
matrix correlation Matrixkorrelation {f}
matrix data analysis <MDA> Matrix-Daten-Analyse {f}
matrix diffusionMatrixdiffusion {f}
matrix dot Rasterpunkt {m}
matrix element Matrixelement {n}
matrix expansionMatrixerweiterung {f}
matrix explosion [SAP term, RPM product]Matrixauflösung {f} [SAP-Begriff, RPM-Produkt]
matrix exponentialMatrixexponential {n}
matrix exponential function Matrix-Exponentialfunktion {f}
matrix groupMatrizengruppe {f}
matrix managementMatrixmanagement {n}
matrix memoryBildspeicher {m}
matrix memory Matrixspeicher {m}
matrix metalloproteinase <MMP> Matrixmetalloproteinase {f} <MMP>
matrix model Matrixmodell {n} [auch: Matrix-Modell]
matrix multiplication Matrixmultiplikation {f}
matrix multiplication Matrizenmultiplikation {f}
matrix notation Matrizendarstellung {f}
matrix of the boneKnochengrundsubstanz {f}
matrix operator Matrixoperator {m}
matrix organizationMatrixorganisation {f}
matrix plates [vacuum technology] Matrixplatten {pl} [Vakuumtechnik]
matrix polymer Matrixpolymer {n}
matrix porosity Matrixporosität {f}
matrix position Position {f} des Hauptsatzes
matrix potentialMatrixpotenzial {n}
matrix printer Matrixdrucker {m}
matrix printingMatrixdruck {m}
matrix printingdingsbums Matrixdruck {m}
matrix product Matrixprodukt {n}
matrix product Matrizenprodukt {n}
matrix proteaseMatrixprotease {f}
matrix representation Matrixdarstellung {f}
matrix resolution [e.g. with gamma cameras] Matrixauflösung {f} [z. B. bei Gamma-Kameras]
matrix retainerMatrizenspanner {m}
matrix ringMatrizenring {m}
matrix ringMatrixring {m}
matrix sentenceHauptsatz {m}
matrix size Matrixgröße {f}
matrix storage Koordinatenspeicher {m}
matrix storageMatrixspeicher {m}
matrix structure Matrixstruktur {f}
matrix subtraction Matrizensubtraktion {f}
matrix subtraction Matrixsubtraktion {f}
matrix sum Matrizensumme {f}
matrix sum Matrixsumme {f}
matrix theoryMatrizentheorie {f}
matrix transformation Matrizentransformation {f}
matrix transformationMatrixtransformation {f}
matrix verbMatrixverb {n}
matrix wasteGitterabzug {m}
matrix zoneMatrixzone {f}
matrixing (principle)Matrix-Prinzip {n} [statistisches Design bei Stabilitätsstudien]
matroclinal inheritance matrokline Vererbung {f}
matrocliny Matroklinie {f}
matroid Matroid {n}
matron Hausmutter {f}
matron würdige ältere Dame {f}
matron Oberin {f}
matron [older married woman, especially one who is staid or dignified] Matrone {f} [ältere, Gesetztheit und Würde ausstrahlende Frau]
matron of honor [married or mature] [Am.]Trauzeugin {f}
« matematemathmathmatimatrmatrmattMattmatumatw »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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