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« backPage 175 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
matterSache {f}
matter Stoff {m} [Materie, Material]
matter Substanz {f}
matter Eiter {m}
matter Anliegen {n} [Angelegenheit]
matter [affair, issue, business]Angelegenheit {f}
matter [affair]Chose {f} [ugs.] [Angelegenheit, Sache]
matter [case, instance]Fall {m} [Angelegenheit]
matter [reason] Grund {m}
matter [substance, also: subject, question] Materie {f}
matter at hand [Am.] Betrachtungsgegenstand {m}
matter close to one's heart [idiom] Herzensanliegen {n}
matter constant Materialkonstante {f}
matter constantStoffkonstante {f} [Materialkonstante]
matter cycleMateriekreislauf {m}
matter densityMateriedichte {f}
matter eraMaterieära {f}
matter fluxStofffluss {m}
matter for a civil court Zivilsache {f}
matter for a poem Stoff {m} für ein Gedicht
matter for a story Stoff {m} für eine Geschichte
matter for debate Aussprachethema {n}
matter for discussion Diskussionsthema {n}
matter for negotiation Verhandlungssache {f}
matter for reflection Angelegenheit {f} zum Nachdenken
matter for the boss Chefsache {f}
matter giving rise to a claim anspruchsbegründender Sachverhalt {m}
matter in contention Streitfrage {f}
matter in controversyStreitwert {m}
matter in dispute Streitgegenstand {m}
matter in disputestrittige Angelegenheit {f}
matter in disputeumstrittene Angelegenheit {f}
matter in handvorliegende Sache {f}
matter in hand vorliegender Fall {m}
matter in questionfragliche Angelegenheit {f}
matter of argumentStreitangelegenheit {f}
matter of belief Glaubenssache {f} [ugs.]
matter of business geschäftliche Angelegenheit {f}
matter of choice Entscheidungssache {f}
matter of concern [cause for alarm] Grund {m} zur Sorge
matter of concern [important matter] wichtige Angelegenheit {f}
matter of confidence Vertrauenssache {f}
matter of conscience Gewissenssache {f}
matter of conscienceGewissensfrage {f}
matter of consequence Angelegenheit {f} von Bedeutung
matter of consequencesAngelegenheit {f} von Bedeutung
matter of course Selbstverständlichkeit {f}
matter of definitionDefinitionssache {f}
matter of delicacydelikate Angelegenheit {f}
matter of disciplineSache {f} der Disziplin
matter of discretion Ermessensfrage {f}
matter of dispute Streitfrage {f}
matter of expense Kostenpunkt {m}
matter of factTatbestand {m}
matter of factTatsache {f}
matter of fact Tatfrage {f}
matter of faith Glaubenssache {f} [ugs.]
matter of faith Glaubensangelegenheit {f}
matter of faith Glaubensfrage {f}
matter of form Sache {f} der äußeren Form
matter of form Formsache {f}
matter of girls Mädchensache {f}
matter of great urgencyeilige Angelegenheit {f}
matter of habit Sache {f} der Gewohnheit
matter of habit Gewohnheitssache {f}
matter of honour [Br.] Ehrensache {f}
matter of importance wichtige Angelegenheit {f}
matter of interpretation Auslegungssache {f}
matter of interpretationInterpretationssache {f}
matter of interpretation Frage {f} der Interpretation
matter of judgment Gefühlssache {f}
matter of law Rechtsfrage {f}
matter of less importance weniger wichtige Angelegenheit {f}
matter of life and death Sache {f} auf Leben und Tod
matter of life and death Existenzfrage {f}
matter of luckGlücksache {f}
matter of momentSache {f} von Bedeutung
matter of moment [important matter]Sache {f} von Belang
matter of money Geldangelegenheit {f}
matter of national concernnationales Anliegen {n}
matter of negotiationVerhandlungssache {f}
matter of no consequencebelanglose Angelegenheit {f}
matter of no importance bedeutungslose Angelegenheit {f}
matter of no importanceunwichtige Angelegenheit {f}
matter of no particular importance Sache {f} ohne Bedeutung
matter of opinionAnsichtssache {f}
matter of opinion Ermessensfrage {f}
matter of opinionAuffassungssache {f} [Ansichtssache]
matter of particular interest Sache {f} von besonderem Interesse
matter of practiceÜbungssache {f}
matter of prestigePrestigefrage {f}
matter of price Preisfrage {f}
matter of principle Sache {f} des Prinzips
matter of principle Prinzipienfrage {f}
matter of public concern Angelegenheit {f} von öffentlichem Belang
matter of public concern Angelegenheit {f} von öffentlichem Interesse
matter of public interest Angelegenheit {f} von öffentlichem Interesse
matter of relative importance Angelegenheit {f} von ziemlicher Bedeutung
matter of remedyprozessrechtliche Frage {f}
matter of routine Routineangelegenheit {f}
« matemathmatimatrmatrmattmattmattmatuMaurmavi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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