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English-German Dictionary

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Mafia family Mafiafamilie {f}
Mafia methodsMafiamethoden {pl} [verbrecherische Methoden der Mafia]
mafia methods [also fig.]Mafiamethoden {pl} [auch fig.]
mafia state Mafiastaat {m} [auch: Mafia-Staat]
(Mafia) don [Am.] [coll.] Mafiaboss {m} [ugs.]
mafia-like mafiös
mafia-style [attr.]mafiös
mafic mafisch
mafiosiMafiosi {pl}
mafioso Mafioso {m}
mafioso Mafiote {m} [veraltet] [selten]
mafiosos Mafiosi {pl}
mag [coll.] [magazine (of ammunition)] Magazin {n} [Behälter an Schusswaffe]
mag [coll.] [magazine] Illustrierte {f}
mag wheel [coll.] [magnesium alloy wheel] Magnesium-Felge {f} [Magnesium-Alufelge]
MAGA movementMAGA-Bewegung {f}
magadiite [NaSi7O13(OH)3·3H2O]Magadiit {m}
magaldrate Magaldrat {n}
Magallanes Strait [rare] [Straits / Strait of Magellan]Magellanstraße {f}
magalog Magalog {m} [Werbemittel: Verbindung aus Magazin und Katalog]
magamp [magnetic amplifier]Magnetverstärker {m}
magamp [magnetic amplifier]Transduktor {m}
magamp [magnetic amplifier] Transduktor {m}dummy
Magas Magas {n}
Magat dam Magat-Staudamm {m}
Magat reservoirMagat-Stausee {m}
magazine Illustrierte {f}
magazineMagazin {n}
magazine Lagerhaus {n}
magazine Warenlager {n}
magazine Heft {n} [Zeitschrift]
magazine [military storehouse] Speicher {m}
magazine [storeroom] Magazin {n} [Waffen- oder Munitionslager]
magazine [tower for gunpowder] Pulverturm {m}
magazine <mag.> Zeitschrift {f} <Ztschr.>
magazine advertising Zeitschriftenwerbung {f}
magazine article Zeitschriftenartikel {m}
magazine articleZeitschriftenaufsatz {m}
magazine buttMagazinboden {m}
magazine camera Magazinkamera {f}
magazine capacity Magazinkapazität {f}
magazine cassette Magazinkassette {f}
magazine catch Magazinhalter {m}
magazine catch spring Magazinhalterfeder {f}
magazine changeMagazinwechsel {m}
magazine coverMagazinabdeckung {f}
magazine file Stehsammler {m}
magazine file [magazine holder]Zeitschriftensammler {m} [Stehsammler]
magazine for kids [coll.]Kinderzeitschrift {f}
magazine group Zeitschriftengruppe {f}
magazine market Zeitschriftenmarkt {m}
magazine numberMagazinnummer {f}
magazine paper Illustrationsdruckpapier {n}
magazine paperZeitschriftenpapier {n}
magazine paper Magazinpapier {n}
magazine post Zeitschriftensendung {f}
magazine pouchMagazintasche {f}
magazine program [Am.] Magazin {n}
magazine publisherMagazinverlag {m}
magazine publishing house Zeitschriftenverlag {m}
magazine rack Zeitschriftenständer {m}
magazine rackZeitungsständer {m}
magazine report Magazinbericht {m}
magazine report Magazinbeitrag {m}
magazine serial Illustriertenroman {m}
magazine status Magazinstatus {m}
magazine status Magazinzustand {m}
magazine subscriptionZeitschriftenabonnement {n}
magazine technique Magazintechnik {f}
magazine wellMagazinschacht {m}
magazines Zeitschriften {pl}
magazines illustrierte Zeitschriften {pl}
magazinesIllustrierten {pl} [seltener]
magazinesIllustrierte {pl}
magazinist [Am.] Zeitschriftenjournalist {m}
magbasite [KBa(Al,Sc)(Mg,Fe)6Si6O20F2]Magbasit {m}
Magdalen Islands Magdalenen-Inseln {pl}
Magdalen laundryMagdalenenheim {n} [Magdalenen-Wäscherei]
Magdalena lizard eater [Mastigodryas ruthveni] Magdalena-Echsennatter {f}
Magdalena night snake [Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha venusta] [Unterart der Küsten-Nachtnatter (Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha)]
Magdalena rat [Xenomys nelsoni] Magdalena-Ratte {f}
Magdalena River Rio Magdalena {m}
Magdalena River Magdalenenstrom {m}
Magdalena spindle snake [Atractus careolepis] Magdalena-Spindelnatter {f}
Magdalena tinamou [Crypturellus erythropus saltuarius]Magdalenentinamu {m}
Magdalena woodrat [Xenomys nelsoni] Magdalena-Ratte {f}
Magdalene asylumMagdalenenheim {n}
Magdalene asylum Magdalenenhaus {n}
Magdalene laundry [also: asylum] Heim {n} für gefallene Mädchen
Magdalenian Magdalénien {n} [jüngerer Abschnitt des Jungpaläolithikums]
MagdalenianRentierzeit {f} [Magdalénien]
Magdalenian artMagdalénien-Kunst {f} [auch: Magdalénienkunst]
Magdalenian artKunst {f} des Magdalénien [auch: Kunst des Magdaléniens]
Magdalenian settlementMagdalénien-Siedlung {f}
Magdalenian site Magdalénien-Fundstelle {f} [auch: Magdalénienfundstelle]
Magdalenian site Magdalénien-Fundplatz {m} [auch: Magdalénienfundplatz]
[Magdalenian] Renntierzeit {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Magdalénien]
Magdeburg Magdeburg {n}
Magdeburg [attr.]Magdeburger [indekl.]
Magdeburg Centuries Magdeburger Centurien {pl}
« MadamadamadeMadeMadoMafiMagdmagimagimagmmagn »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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