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means available verfügbare Mittel {pl}
means available vorhandene Mittel {pl}
means of advertising Werbemittel {n}
means of authenticating Beglaubigungsmittel {n}
means of barter Tauschmittel {n}
means of carriage [Br.] Transportmittel {pl}
means of cashless payment bargeldloses Zahlungsmittel {n}
means of coercionZwangsmittel {n}
means of communicationKommunikationsmittel {n}
means of communication Nachrichtenübermittlungsträger {pl}
means of communicationVerkehrsmittel {pl}
means of communicationVerkehrsweg {m}
means of communication by land Verkehrsweg {m} zu Lande
means of communication by seaVerkehrsweg {m} zur See
means of condensing Kondensationsmittel {n}
means of controlKontrollmaßnahmen {pl}
means of control Steuerungsmittel {n}
means of conveyance Transportmittel {pl}
means of conveyance {sg} {pl} Beförderungsmittel {n} {pl}
means of correction Zuchtmittel {n}
means of defenceVerteidigungsmittel {pl}
means of defence [Br.] Abwehrmittel {n}
means of defense [Am.]Abwehrmittel {n}
means of distance communication Fernkommunikationsmittel {pl}
means of documentationDokumentationsmittel {n}
means of enforcing Erzwingungsmöglichkeit {f}
means of escape Fluchtmittel {n}
means of escapeFluchtmöglichkeit {f}
means of evidence Beweismaterial {n}
means of evidenceBeweismittel {pl}
Means of Evil, and other Stories [Ruth Rendell]Die Wege des Bösen
means of exchange Tauschmittel {n}
means of exerting pressure Druckmittel {n}
means of existence Existenzbasis {f}
means of existence Existenzgrundlage {f}
means of expression Ausdrucksmittel {n}
means of expressionAusdrucksmöglichkeiten {pl}
means of finance Finanzierungsinstrumente {pl}
means of grace {pl} Gnadenmittel {pl}
means of grace [singular in construction] Gnadenmittel {n}
means of incomeEinnahmequellen {pl}
means of knowledge [treated as sg. or pl.] Erkenntnismittel {n} {pl}
means of labor [Am.] Arbeitsmittel {pl}
means of labour [Br.] Arbeitsmittel {pl}
means of livelihood Erwerbsquelle {f}
means of living Erwerbsquelle {f}
means of local transportNahverkehrsmittel {pl}
means of locomotion Transportmittel {pl}
means of mass exterminationMassenvernichtungsmittel {pl}
means of mass transportation Massenverkehrsmittel {n}
means of office communicationBürokommunikationsmittel {n}
means of payment of all kindsZahlungsmittel {pl} aller Art
means of production Produktionsmittel {pl}
means of productionArbeitsmittel {pl}
means of propulsion Antriebssystem {n}
means of protectionSchutzmaßnahmen {pl}
means of protectionSchutzmittel {n}
means of protection Schutzmittel {pl}
means of public transport {sg}öffentliches Verkehrsmittel {n}
means of raising capital Formen {pl} der Kapitalaufnahme
means of salvation Heilsmittel {n}
means of subsistenceLebensunterhalt {m}
means of subsistenceErwerbsquelle {f}
means of subsistence Existenzmittel {pl}
means of subsistenceSubsistenzmittel {pl}
means of subsistence Unterhaltsmittel {pl}
means of taxationSteuermittel {pl}
means of traffic Verkehrsmittel {n}
means of transmission Übertragungsmittel {n}
means of transmission Übertragungswege {pl}
means of transportTransportmittel {n} {pl}
means of transportBeförderungsmittel {pl}
means of transport Reisemittel {n} [Fahrzeug]
means of transport {sg} Beförderungsmittel {n}
means of transport {sg} {pl}Verkehrsmittel {n} {pl}
means of transportationTransportmittel {n}
means of transportationFortbewegungsmittel {n}
means of transportation {pl} Beförderungsmittel {pl}
means of transportation {sg} Beförderungsmittel {n}
means of travel Reisemittel {n} [Fahrzeug]
means of travel {sg} {pl}Verkehrsmittel {n} {pl}
means of travel {sg} {pl} Beförderungsmittel {n} {pl}
means of violenceGewaltmittel {pl}
means of war Kriegsmittel {pl}
means of work and communication Arbeitsmittel und Kommunikationsmittel [Arbeits- und Kommunikationsmittel]
(means of) conveyance Transportmittel {n}
(means of) transportation Verkehrsmittel {n}
means test Bedürftigkeitstest {m}
means testBedürftigkeitsnachweis {m}
means test Bedürftigkeitsprüfung {f}
means testVermögensprüfung {f}
means test Mittellosigkeitsnachweis {m} [selten]
means testing Einkommensüberprüfung {f}
means testingKreditwürdigkeitsüberprüfung {f}
means testing Untersuchung {f} der Bedürftigkeit
means testingVermögensüberprüfung {f}
means-end orientation Zweckorientiertheit {f}
means-end rationality [Weber] Zweckrationalität {f}
Means-Lerman scratch (murmur) Means-Lerman-Reiben {n} [Reibegeräusch nach Means-Lermann; hochfrequentes systolisch-diastolisches Geräusch]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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