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« backPage 199 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
mean-spirited knauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
mean-spirited geizig
meanspiritedgemein [nicht großzügig]
mean-spirited [characterized by pettiness]kleinlich [pingelig, engstirnig]
mean-spiritednessKnauserigkeit {f} [ugs.]
means-tested bedürftigkeitsorientiert
means-tested benefits bedarfsorientierte Leistungen {pl}
means-tested minimum income scheme Bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung {f} [österr.]
means-tested payment [Ireland] vermögensabhängige Leistung {f} [Sozialleistung, Irland]
meant gemeint
meant by gemeint mit
meant for zugedacht [geh.]
meant for sb./sth. [designed] ausgelegt für jdn./etw.
meantime Zwischenzeit {f}
meantime solution [rare] [temporary solution] Zwischenlösung {f}
meantone mitteltönig
meantone temperament mitteltönige Temperatur {f}
meantone tuningmitteltönige Stimmung {f}
mean-value theorem Mittelwertsatz {m}
mean-water level Mittelwasserstand {m}
meanwhileindessen [geh.] [unterdessen]
meanwhile inzwischen
meanwhile unterdessen
meanwhilein der Zwischenzeit
meanwhile mittlerweile
meanwhile indes [geh.] [seltener für: indessen, inzwischen]
meanwhile derweil
meanwhilewährenddem [ugs.]
meanwhile unterdes [seltener]
meanwhile einstweilen [inzwischen]
meanwhilederweilen [veraltet]
meanwhileschon (mal) [inzwischen]
meanwhile schon (einmal) [inzwischen]
meanwhile unterdeß [Rsv.] [alt] [seltener]
meanwhilewährenddes [veraltet]
meanwhile solange [währenddessen]
Meanwhile we ask you to ... Inzwischen bitten wir Sie ...
Meanwhile we remain ...Inzwischen verbleiben wir ...
meany [coll.] Widerling {m}
meany [coll.] Fiesling {m} [ugs.]
Mearns' flicker [Colaptes auratus] Goldspecht {m}
Mearns' flicker [Colaptes auratus] Kupferspecht {m}
Mearn's partridge [Cyrtonyx montezumae] Montezumawachtel {f}
Mearn's partridge [Cyrtonyx montezumae] Massenawachtel {f} [auch: Massena-Wachtel]
Mearns' woodpecker [Melanerpes formicivorus, syn.: Balanosphyra formicivora]Eichelspecht {m} [auch: Eichel-Specht]
Mearns's quail [Cyrtonyx montezumae] Montezumawachtel {f}
Mearns's quail [Cyrtonyx montezumae]Massenawachtel {f} [auch: Massena-Wachtel]
Mearns's squirrel [Tamiasciurus mearnsi]Mearns-Hörnchen {n}
Mearns's squirrel [Tamiasciurus mearnsi] Mearns-Rothörnchen {n}
measles Morbilli {pl} [Masern]
measles {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Masern {pl}
measles [treated as sg.] Finnenbefall {m} [Zystizerkose]
measles encephalitisMasernenzephalitis {f} [auch: Masern-Enzephalitis]
measles epidemic Masernepidemie {f}
measles outbreakMasernausbruch {m}
measles vaccination Masernimpfung {f}
measles vaccineMasernvakzine {f}
measles vaccine Masernimpfstoff {m}
measles virusMasernvirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
measles-mumps-rubella vaccination <MMR vaccination>Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Schutzimpfung {f} <MMR-Schutzimpfung>
measles-mumps-rubella vaccination <MMR vaccination>Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Impfung {f} <MMR-Impfung>
measlier [coll.] schäbiger
measliest [coll.] schäbigste
measliness Schäbigkeit {f}
measly [coll.]erbärmlich
measly [coll.] armselig
measly [coll.] mickrig [ugs.]
measly [coll.]schäbig [fig.]
measly tapeworm [Taenia solium] Schweinebandwurm {m}
measurability Messbarkeit {f}
measurability Meßbarkeit {f} [alt]
measurablemeßbar [alt]
measurable [perceptible] nachweisbar
measurable [perceptible]erkennbar
measurable characteristic messbares Merkmal {n}
measurable effect messbare Wirkung {f}
measurable functionmessbare Funktion {f}
measurable improvement messbare Verbesserung {f}
measurable quantity messbare Menge {f}
measurable residual disease <MRD> [previously known as "minimal residual disease"] messbare Resterkrankung {f} [auch engl. Abk.: MRD]
measurable set messbare Menge {f}
measurably messbar
measurand Messgröße {f}
measure Maß {n} [Maßeinheit]
measure Maßeinheit {f}
measure Metrum {n}
measureRhythmus {m}
measureMeste {f} [veraltet]
measureMass {n} [schweiz.]
measureMaßstab {m}
measureGradmesser {m}
measure [Am.]Takt {m}
measure [archaic] [dance]Tanz {m}
« Meahmealmeanmeanmeanmeanmeasmeasmeasmeasmeas »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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