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measuring equipment [IEC 60050]Messeinrichtung {f} [IEC 60050]
measuring equipment [IEC 60050] Messmittel {n} [IEC 60050]
measuring equipment analysis Messmittelanalyse {f}
measuring equipment capability Messmittelfähigkeit {f}
measuring errorMessfehler {m}
measuring error Fehlmessung {f} [Messfehler]
measuring errorMessabweichung {f}
measuring field Messfeld {n}
measuring fluid Messflüssigkeit {f}
measuring frequency Messfrequenz {f}
measuring functionMessfunktion {f}
measuring funnel Messtrichter {m}
measuring funnel Meßtrichter {m} [alt]
measuring gage [Am.]Messlehre {f} [Messgerät]
measuring gauge [Br.] Messlehre {f} [Messgerät]
measuring gear Messgetriebe {n}
measuring geometryMessgeometrie {f}
measuring glassMessglas {n}
measuring glass with graduation marks Mensur {f} / Mensurglas {n} mit Graduierung [Labor]
measuring headMesskopf {m}
measuring inaccuracyMessungenauigkeit {f}
measuring instituteMessinstitut {n}
measuring instruction Messvorschrift {f}
measuring instrument Messinstrument {n}
measuring instrument Meßinstrument {n} [alt]
measuring instrument Messeinrichtung {f}
measuring instrument Messvorrichtung {f}
measuring instrumentMessmittel {n}
measuring instrumentMessapparatur {f}
measuring instrument Messwerkzeug {n}
measuring instrument [IEC 60050]Messgerät {n} [IEC 60050]
measuring instrument errorsMessgerätfehler {pl} [selten für: Messgerätefehler]
measuring instrument manufacturerMessgerätehersteller {m}
measuring instruments Messwerkzeuge {pl}
measuring instruments Messgeräte {pl}
Measuring Instruments Directive <MID> [Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments] Messgeräterichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/22/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 31. März 2004 über Messgeräte]
measuring jugMessbecher {m}
measuring leg [caliper] Messschenkel {m} [Messschieber]
measuring leg length [caliper] Messschenkellänge {f} [Messschieber]
measuring level Messebene {f}
measuring leverDosierhebel {m}
measuring light beam Messlichtstrahl {m}
measuring line <ML> Messlinie {f}
measuring line <ML>Messleitung {f} <ML>
measuring line <ML>Messschnur {f}
measuring line <ML>issmus Messschnur {f}
measuring locationMessort {m}
measuring log Messprotokoll {n} [Log wird vom System direkt ausgegeben]
measuring machine Messmaschine {f}
measuring machines Messmaschinen {pl}
measuring mark Messmarkierung {f}
measuring mechanism Messmechanismus {m}
measuring mechanism Messwerk {n}
measuring medium Messmedium {n}
measuring method Messmethode {f}
measuring methodMessverfahren {n}
measuring microphoneMessmikrofon {n}
measuring microscope Messmikroskop {n}
measuring module Messeinheit {f}
measuring network Messnetz {n}
measuring nozzle Messdüse {f} [Messtechnik]
measuring object Messobjekt {n}
measuring (of) (urinary) bladder pressure Blasendruckmessung {f}
measuring orifice Messblende {f} [allg.]
measuring parameter Messparameter {m}
measuring period Messperiode {f}
measuring periodMesszeitraum {m}
measuring period Messdauer {f}
measuring period Messzeit {f} [Messdauer]
measuring pinMessbolzen {m}
measuring pipetteMesspipette {f}
measuring piston Messkolben {m}
measuring plane Messebene {f}
measuring platformMessfloß {n}
measuring platform Messplattform {f}
measuring plug Messamboss {m}
measuring plunger Messkolben {m}
measuring point Messpunkt {m}
measuring pointMeßstelle {f} [alt]
measuring point Messstelle {f}
measuring point Messort {m}
measuring point nameMessstellenbezeichnung {f}
measuring point operator Messstellenbetreiber {m}
measuring possibilityMessmöglichkeit {f}
measuring preflashMessvorblitz {m}
measuring principleMessprinzip {n}
measuring probeMesssonde {f}
measuring problem Messproblem {n}
measuring problems Messprobleme {pl}
measuring procedureMessvorgang {m}
measuring procedure Messverfahren {n}
measuring procedureMessprozedur {f}
measuring processMessvorgang {m}
measuring process Messprozess {m}
measuring processMessverfahren {n}
measuring program [Am.] Messprogramm {n}
measuring programme [Br.] Messprogramm {n}
measuring radiusMessradius {m}
measuring range Meßbereich {m} [alt]
measuring rangeMessbereich {m}
« meanmeasmeasmeasmeasmeasmeasmeasmeatmeatmech »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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