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English-German Dictionary

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meat-based foodFleischnahrung {f}
meat-based productsFleischerzeugnisse {pl}
meat-centric [of a cuisine or dish] fleischlastig
meat-eatersFleischesser {pl} [Menschen]
meat-eating fleischfressend
meatfest [Am.]Gelage {n}
meat-free fleischfrei
meatgrinder Fleischwolf {m}
meat-hatchetFleischerbeil {n}
meathead [Am.] [sl.]Blödmann {m} [ugs.]
meathead [Am.] [sl.] Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
meathead [Am.] [sl.]Schwachkopf {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
meatheads [Am.]Dummköpfe {pl}
meatheads [Am.] [coll.]Blödmänner {pl} [ugs.]
meatitis Meatitis {f}
meatitis Gangwandentzündung {f}
meatless fleischlos
meatloaf Hackbraten {m}
meatloafFleischkäse {m}
meatloafHeuchelhase {m} [regional] [Hackbraten]
meatloaf faschierter Braten {m} [bes. österr.] [Hackbraten]
meatloaffalscher Hase {m} [Hackbraten]
meatmanFleischverkäufer {m}
meatoantrotomy Meatantrotomie {f}
meatocisternographyMeatozisternographie {f}
meatocisternography Meatozisternografie {f}
meatomy Meatomie {f}
meatotomy Meatotomie {f}
meatpacking Fleischverarbeitung {f}
meat-processing Fleisch verarbeitend
meats Fleischsorten {pl}
meat-safe [suspended] Fleischhimmel {m} [regional] [altertümlich]
meatspace [coll.]wirkliche Welt {f} [nicht-virtuelle Welt]
meatus Meatus {m}
meatusGang {m}
meatus Kanal {m}
meatusÖffnung {f}
meatus of the nose {pl} [Meatus nasi / nasale]Nasengänge {pl}
meaty fleischig
meaty [fig.] [substantial] gehaltreich
meaty flavor [Am.]Fleischgeschmack {m}
meaty flavor [Am.] fleischiger Geschmack {m}
meaty flavour [Br.] fleischiger Geschmack {m}
meaty flavour [Br.] Fleischgeschmack {m}
mebbe [sl.] vielleicht
mebendazole <MBZ> [C16H13N3O3]Mebendazol {n} <MBZ>
mebeverine Mebeverin {n}
mebeverine hydrochlorideMebeverinhydrochlorid {n}
mebibyte <MiB> Mebibyte {n} <MiB>
mecarbam [C10H20NO5PS2] Mecarbam {n}
Mecca [also fig.] Mekka {n} [auch fig.]
mecca [fig.] (zentraler) Anlaufpunkt {m}
MeccanMekkaner {m}
MeccansMekkaner {pl}
mech hanger Schaltauge {n}
mecha Mech {m} [pilotierter Laufroboter]
mechanicHandwerker {m}
mechanic Mechaniker {m}
mechanicMonteur {m}
mechanic Handwerksmann {m} [veraltet]
mechanic Mechanikus {m} [veraltet] [ugs.] [hum.]
mechanic [archaic] handwerklich [handgefertigt]
mechanic [female] Mechanikerin {f}
mechanic couplermechanischer Kuppler {m}
mechanic for agricultural and construction machinery technologyMechaniker {m} für Land- und Baumaschinentechnik
mechanic for agricultural and construction machinery technology [female]Mechanikerin {f} für Land- und Baumaschinentechnik
mechanical schematisch
mechanicalDruckvorlage {f}
mechanical / chemical prestressingmechanische / chemische Vorbeanspruchung {f}
mechanical agitation mechanisches Rühren {n}
mechanical aid mechanische Hilfe {f}
mechanical arts Handwerke {pl}
mechanical assembly Mechanikbaugruppe {f}
mechanical axis Beinachse {f}
mechanical bookkeeping mechanische Buchführung {f}
mechanical brake mechanische Bremse {f}
mechanical breakdownFahrzeugpanne {f}
mechanical breakdown Maschinenschaden {m}
mechanical bull mechanischer Bulle {m}
mechanical calculator [based on punch card input]Lochkartenrechner {m} [Rechenmaschine]
mechanical charging mechanische Verbuchung {f}
mechanical checkingmaschinelle Überprüfung {f}
mechanical clock mechanische Uhr {f}
mechanical clutch mechanische Kupplung {f}
mechanical component mechanisches Bauteil {n}
mechanical componentsmechanische Bauteile {pl}
mechanical contraceptive device mechanisches Verhütungsmittel {n}
mechanical countermechanischer Zähler {m}
mechanical counter mechanisches Zählwerk {n}
mechanical crane scale mechanische Kranwaage {f}
mechanical damage mechanische Beschädigung {f}
mechanical data mechanische Daten {pl}
« measmeasmeasmeatmeatmeatmechmechmechmedamedi »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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