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mechanical ventilation maschinelle Beatmung {f}
mechanical vibrationKörperschall {m}
mechanical watch mechanische Uhr {f}
mechanical wavemechanische Welle {f}
mechanical workshopmechanische Werkstatt {f}
mechanical zinc plating mechanisches Verzinken {n}
mechanical zinc platingmechanische Verzinkung {f}
(mechanical) load amplifierKraftverstärker {m}
(mechanical) scaling [underground mining, tuneling] Berauben {n} [Firste / Stöße unter Tage]
mechanically maschinell
mechanically mechanisch
mechanicallyauf mechanische Weise
mechanically schematisch
mechanically [by force of habit] aus Gewohnheit
mechanically actuated mechanisch betätigt
mechanically assistedmechanisch unterstützt
mechanically coupled mechanisch gekuppelt
mechanically coupled mechanisch gekoppelt
mechanically deboned meat <MDM>Separatorenfleisch {n}
mechanically deboned meat <MDM> Knochenputz {m} [Separatorenfleisch]
mechanically operatedmechanisch betätigt
mechanically poweredmechanisch betrieben
mechanically reclaimed meat <MRM>Separatorenfleisch {n}
mechanically recovered meat <MRM>Separatorenfleisch {n}
mechanically refrigerated containerKühlmaschinencontainer {m}
mechanically separated meat <MSM> Separatorenfleisch {n}
mechanically separated meat <MSM>Knochenputz {m} [Separatorenfleisch]
mechanician Maschinenmast {m}
mechanicianMechaniker {m}
mechanicians Mechaniker {pl}
mechanicism Mechanizismus {m}
mechanics Handwerker {pl}
mechanics {pl}Funktionsweise {f}
mechanics {pl} [treated as sg.] Bewegungslehre {f} [Mechanik]
mechanics [treated as sg.]Mechanik {f} [Wissenschaft, Maschinenkunde]
mechanics [treated as sg.] of solids Festkörpermechanik {f}
mechanics creeper Montagerollbrett {n}
mechanic's hands Mechanikerhände {pl}
mechanic's level Wasserwaage {f}
mechanic's nippers {pl} Rabitzzange {f}
mechanic's nippers {pl}Monierzange {f}
mechanics of fluidsFluidmechanik {f}
mechanics of materials Festigkeitslehre {f}
(mechanic's) creeper Liegepritsche {f} [für Automechaniker]
Mechanicus [Heron of Alexandria] Mechanicus {m} [Heron von Alexandria]
mechanisation [Br.] Mechanisierung {f}
mechanised [Br.]mechanisiert
mechanised cavalry [Br.] [branch of the armed forces] motorisierte Kavallerie {f}
mechanised infantrymanPanzergrenadier {m}
mechanised planting [Br.]Maschinenpflanzung {f}
mechanism Mechanismus {m}
mechanismVorrichtung {f}
mechanism Instrument {n} [fig.]
mechanism Werk {n}
mechanism [fig.] Vorgang {m}
mechanism of accommodationAkkommodationsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of actionWirkmechanismus {m}
mechanism of actionWirkungsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of action Wirkweise {f}
mechanism of action (pharm.)Wirkprinzip {n}
mechanism of catalysisKatalysemechanismus {m}
mechanism of compensationAusgleichsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of deformationDeformationsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of deformation Verformungsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of emplacement Einlagerungsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of evolutionEvolutionsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of evolutionMechanismus {m} der Evolution
mechanism of exchange Austauschmechanismus {m}
mechanism of fertilization Befruchtungsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of parturition Geburtsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of reaction Reaktionsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of repressionVerdrängungsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of respiration Respirationsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of respiration Atmungsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of sanctionsSanktionsmechanismus {m}
mechanism of thinking Denkmechanismus {m}
mechanisms Mechanismen {pl}
mechanisms of resistance Resistenzmechanismus {m}
mechanist Mechaniker {m}
mechanistic mechanistisch
mechanistic mechanisch [mechanistisch]
mechanistic model mechanistisches Modell {n}
mechanistically mechanistisch
mechanists Mechaniker {pl}
mechanization Mechanisierung {f}
mechanizationTechnisierung {f}
mechanizationMaschinisierung {f}
mechanized mechanisiert
mechanizedmechanisch [mechanisiert]
mechanized cavalry [Am.] [branch of the armed forces]mechanisierte Kavallerie {f}
mechanized division mechanisierte Division {f}
mechanized infantry [Am.]Panzergrenadier {m}
mechanized planting Maschinenpflanzung {f}
mechanized puppet mechanische Puppe {f}
mechanized system maschinelles System {n}
mechanized unitmechanisierte Einheit {f}
mechanized unitmechanisierter Verband {m}
mechanizingMechanisierung {f}
« measmeasmeatmeatmechmechmechmedamedimedimedi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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