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English-German Dictionary

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mechanocardiogramMechanokardiogramm {n}
mechanocardiographyMechanokardiographie {f}
mechanocardiographyMechanokardiografie {f}
mechanochemistryMechanochemie {f}
mechanoenzyme Mechanoenzym {n}
mechanoluminescenceMechanolumineszenz {f}
mechanoperceptive mechanoperzeptiv
mechanophobia Mechanophobie {f}
mechanoreception Mechanorezeption {f}
mechanoreceptive mechanorezeptiv
mechanoreceptor Mechanorezeptor {m}
mechanoreceptorsMechanorezeptoren {pl}
mechanosensitive mechanosensitiv
mechanosensitivity Mechanosensitivität {f}
mechanosensor Mechanosensor {m}
mechanosensory mechanosensorisch
mechanosynthesis Mechanosynthese {f}
mechanotaxis Mechanotaxis {f}
mechanotransductionMechanotransduktion {f}
mechatronic grippermechatronischer Greifer {m}
mechatronic housing Mechatronikgehäuse {n}
mechatronic part Mechatronik-Bauteil {n}
mechatronic part Mechatronikbauteil {n}
mechatronic technicianMechatroniker {m}
mechatronics [treated as sg.]Mechatronik {f}
mechatronics engineerMechatroniker {m}
mechatronics engineer [female]Mechatronikerin {f}
mechatronics fitter Mechatroniker {m}
Mechelen Mecheln {n}
Mechitarists Mechitaristen {pl}
Mechlin Mecheln {n}
Mechow's mole rat [Fukomys mechowii] Riesengraumull {m}
Mecisteus Mekisteus {m}
Meckel snail [Pleurobranchaea meckeli, syn.: P. chiajei, P. dellechiaii, P. notmec, P. vayssierei, Pleurobranchidium meckeli] Pleurobranchaea meckeli {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Meckel syndrome Meckel-Syndrom {n}
Meckel-Gruber syndrome Meckel-Gruber-Syndrom {n}
Meckel's cartilages Meckelscher Knorpel {m}
Meckel's cave <MC> [Cavum meckeli] Cavum Meckeli {n}
Meckel's diverticulum [Diverticulum ilei]Meckel-Divertikel {n}
Meckel's diverticulum [Diverticulum ilei] Meckel'sches Divertikel {n}
Mecki [fictional character]Mecki {m}
Mecklenburg [attr.] mecklenburgisch
Mecklenburg [historically a self-governing territory of the German Empire] Mecklenburg {n} [vor 1918 ein reichsunmittelbarer Bestandteil des dt. Kaiserreichs]
Mecklenburg Bay Mecklenburger Bucht {f}
Mecklenburg Lake District Mecklenburgische Seenplatte {f}
Mecklenburg style auf mecklenburgische Art [nachgestellt]
Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania Mecklenburg-Vorpommern {n} <MV>
Mecklenburgian [female] [native or inhabitant of Mecklenburg]Mecklenburgerin {f}
Mecklenburgian [native or inhabitant of Mecklenburg] Mecklenburger {m}
Mecklenburgians Mecklenburger {pl}
Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaMecklenburg-Vorpommern {n} <MV>
meclozine Meclozin {n}
meconic acidOpiumsäure {f}
meconic acid Mohnsäure {f}
meconic acid [C7H4O7] Mekonsäure {f} [auch: Meconsäure]
meconium Mekonium {n}
meconium Kindspech {n}
meconium Mohnsaft {m}
meconium aspirationMekoniumaspiration {f}
meconium aspiration syndrome <MAS> Mekoniumaspirationsyndrom {n} <MAS>
meconium ileus Mekoniumileus {m}
meconium test Mekoniumtest {m}
Mecoptera fauna Mecopterenfauna {f}
mecopteran fauna Mecopterenfauna {f}
med. [coll.] [medical] medizinisch
med [coll.] [medical]medizinisch
med [esp. Am.] [coll.] [medicine, medicament]Medikament {n}
med [esp. Am.] [coll.] [medicine] Medizin {f}
med school [coll.] [short for: medical school] medizinische Fakultät {f}
med school [coll.] [short for: medical school] medizinische Hochschule {f}
med student [esp. Am.] [coll.]Medizinstudent {m}
med student [female] [esp. Am.] [coll.] Medizinstudentin {f}
medaillon of pork filletSchweinefiletmedaillon {n}
medaillons [also: médaillons]Medaillons {pl}
medaillons of pork Schweinemedaillons {pl}
medaite [(Mn,Ca)6(V,As)Si5O18(OH)] Medait {m}
medaka [Oryzias latipes] Medaka {m}
medaka [Oryzias latipes] Japanischer Reisfisch {m}
medaka [Oryzias latipes] Reiskärpfling {m}
medal Medaille {f}
medalOrden {m} [Medaille]
medal chancesMedaillenchancen {pl}
medal collectionMedaillensammlung {f}
medal contender Medaillenanwärter {m}
medal count Medaillenspiegel {m}
medal for braveryTapferkeitsmedaille {f}
Medal for Gallantry and Merit for Members of the Eastern Peoples [WW II German Armed Forces] Tapferkeits- und Verdienstauszeichnung {f} für Angehörige der Ostvölker
Medal for Merit Verdienstmedaille {f}
medal hopes Medaillenhoffnungen {pl}
medal of honor [Am.]Ehrenmedaille {f}
Medal of Honor [Am.] Tapferkeitsmedaille {f}
medal of honour [Br.]Ehrenmedaille {f}
Medal of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Verdienstmedaille {f} des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
medal podiumMedaillenpodest {n}
medal pressMedaillenpräger {m}
medal ribbon Ordensband {n}
medal tableMedaillenspiegel {m}
medal winnerMedaillengewinner {m}
medal winner [female] Medaillengewinnerin {f}
« measmeatmeatmechmechmechmedamedimedimedimedi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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