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English-German Dictionary

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megaphoneSprechtrichter {m}
megaphoneFlüstertüte {f} [ugs. für: Megaphon]
megaphone [cytotoxic lignan produced from the plant Aniba megaphylla] Megaphon {m} [zytotoxischer Neolignan von Aniba megaphylla]
megaphone diplomacy [fig.] Megaphon-Diplomatie {f} [fig.]
megapixel Megapixel {n}
megapixels Megapixel {pl}
megaplankton Megaplankton {n}
megapode [Megapodius cumingii] Philippinenhuhn {n}
megapodes [family Megapodiidae] Großfußhühner {pl}
megapolis Megalopolis {f}
megapolisRiesenstadt {f}
megapolisMillionenstadt {f}
megapolis Metropole {f}
megapolisMegastadt {f}
megaprimeMegaprimzahl {f}
megaproject Megaprojekt {n}
mega-project [spv.] [megaproject] Großprojekt {n}
megaprothalliumMegaprothallium {n}
mega-quake [coll.]Extrembeben {n}
megaquake [coll.]Megabeben {n} [ugs.]
megarad Megarad {n}
megarectum Megarektum {n}
Megarian banded centipede [Scolopendra cingulata] Gürtelskolopender {m}
Megarian banded centipede [Scolopendra cingulata]Europäischer Riesenläufer {m}
Megarian banded centipede [Scolopendra cingulata]Mittelmeerskolopender {m}
mega-rich megareich
megarich [spv.] megareich
megaron Megaron {n}
megasclereMegasklere {f}
megascopic megaskopisch
megasomeMegasom {n}
megasporangial Megasporangien-
megasporangiumMegasporangium {n}
megaspore Megaspore {f}
megaspore cell Megasporenzelle {f}
megaspore formationMegasporenbildung {f}
megaspore mother cell Megasporenmutterzelle {f}
megaspore tetradMegasporentetrade {f}
megasporophyll Megasporophyll {n}
megastarMegastar {m} [ugs.]
megastardomMegastarruhm {m}
megasubspecies Megasubspezies {f}
megaton <Mt> Megatonne {f} <Mt>
megaton bomb Megatonnenbombe {f}
megatons Megatonnen {pl}
megatrend Megatrend {m}
mega-trends Megatrends {pl}
megatsunami Megatsunami {m} {f}
megaureter Megaureter {m}
megaureter megacystis syndrome Megaureter-Megazystis-Syndrom {n}
megavitamin therapy Vitaminstoßtherapie {f}
Megavolt [Darkwing Duck]Megavolt
megavolt <MV> Megavolt {n} <MV>
megawatt <MW>Megawatt {n} <MW>
megawatt hour <MWh>Megawattstunde {f} <MWh>
megawite [CaSnO3] Megawit {m}
megger Isolationsmessgerät {n}
Megiddo [ancient city state in northern Palestine] Megiddo {n} [antiker Stadtstaat im nördl. Palestina]
Megingjord [Old Norse: Megingjörð] Megingiard {m}
megohm <MΩ> Megohm {n} <MΩ>
megophryids [family Megophryidae] Asiatische Krötenfrösche {pl}
Megrelian Mengrelisch {n}
megrimMigräne {f}
megrim [Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis]Glasbutt {m}
megrim [Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis] Flügelbutt {m}
megrim [Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis]Scheefsnut {f} [niederd.] [Flügelbutt]
megrim [Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis] Scheefschnut {f} [nordd.] [Flügelbutt]
megrims {pl} [archaic] [depression]Depression {f}
megrims [archaic] [staggers]Dummkoller {m}
Meh. [coll.] Na ja.
meh [coll.] [apathetic] wurstig [ugs.] [gleichgültig, desinteressiert]
meh [coll.] [bored]fad [ugs.] [gelangweilt]
meh [coll.] [boring]langweilig
Meh. [I don't care] [coll.]Meinetwegen. [Mir egal.]
Meh. [I don't care] [coll.]Mir egal.
Meh. [I don't know] [coll.] Weiß nicht.
Meh. [I don't know] [coll.]Was weiß ich?
Meh. [I don't know] [coll.] Keine Ahnung.
Meh. [Whatever.] [coll.]Was soll's.
Mehely's horseshoe bat [Rhinolophus mehelyi] Meheley-Hufeisennase {f}
Mehely's horseshoe bat [Rhinolophus mehelyi] Mehely-Hufeisennase {f}
Mehler reaction Mehler-Reaktion {f}
Mehlis gland Mehlis-Drüse {f}
Mehlis gland Mehlissche Drüse {f} [alt]
Mehlis' gland [also: Mehlis gland] Mehlis'sche Drüse {f}
mehndi [Indian henna body painting]Mehndi {n} [indische Henna-Hautmalerei]
Meibomian gland [also: meibomian gland] [Glandula tarsalis]Meibom'sche Drüse {f}
meibomian gland [Glandula tarsalis] Meibom-Drüse {f}
meibomian gland [often also: Meibomian gland] [Glandula tarsalis] Meibomsche Drüse {f} [alt]
Meibomian gland adenoma [also: meibomian gland adenoma]Adenom {n} der Meibom-Drüsen [Tarsaldrüsenadenom]
meibomian glands [Glandulae tarsales]Meibom-Drüsen {pl}
Meige's syndrome Meige-Syndrom {n}
Meighen Island Meighen-Insel {f}
Meigs' syndrome <MS> [also: Meigs syndrome] Meigs-Syndrom {n} [auch: Meigs-Cass-Demons-Syndrom]
Meiji Constitution Meiji-Verfassung {f}
Meiji Restoration Meiji-Restauration {f}
Meiningen Ensemble {sg} [also: Meiningen Company] Die Meininger {pl}
meiobenthic meiobenthisch
meiobenthologyMeiobenthologie {f}
meiobenthos Meiobenthos {n}
« medimedumeermeetmegamegameiomelameldMellmelo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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