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English-German Dictionary

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meiocyte Meiocyte {f}
meiofauna Meiofauna {f}
meiofaunal Meiofauna-
meiosis Meiose {f}
meiosis Meiosis {f}
meiosisReifeteilung {f}
meiosis [rhetorical figure]Meiose {f} [Stilfigur] [seltener] [Meiosis]
meiosporangium Meiosporangium {n}
meiosporeMeiospore {f}
meiospore formation Meiosporenbildung {f}
meiotic meiotisch
meiotic divisionmeiotische Teilung {f}
meiotic drivemeiotischer Drang {m}
meiotic drivemeiotischer Drive {m} [selten]
meiotically meiotisch
meiozoospore Meiozoospore {f}
Meisenheimer rearrangement Meisenheimer-Umlagerung {f}
Meisner's banksia [Banksia meisneri] Meisners Banksie {f}
Meissel-Mertens constantMeissel-Mertens-Konstante {f}
MeissenMeißen {n}
Meissen porcelainMeissener Porzellan ® {n}
Meissen porcelainMeißener Porzellan {n} [Handelsmarke: Meissener Porzellan]
MeissenishMeißenisch {n}
Meissenish Meißnisch {n} [Rsv.]
Meissner effect Meißner-Ochsenfeld-Effekt {m}
Meissner stateMeißner-Zustand {m}
Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect Meißner-Ochsenfeld-Effekt {m}
Meissner's corpuscle Meissner-Körperchen {n}
Meissner's plexus Meissner-Plexus {m}
Meissner's receptor [also: Meissner receptor]Meissner-Körperchen {n}
-meister -meister
meistergesang Meistersang {m}
meistersinger Meistersinger {m}
meistersingingals Meistersinger auftretend
meistersingingMeistergesang {m}
meitnerium <Mt>Meitnerium {n} <Mt>
meitnerium atom Meitneriumatom {n}
meitnerium isotope Meitneriumisotop {n} [auch: Meitnerium-Isotop]
Meix-le-Tige Deutsch Meer {n}
mejillonesite [NaMg2(PO3OH)(PO4)H(OH)·2H2O]Mejillonesit {m}
mejonite [Ca4Al6Si6O24CO3] Mejonit {m}
Mekanikles [Aladdin] [Disney]Mechanikles
Mekhilta Mechilta {f}
Mekhitarist Mechitarist {m}
Mekong DeltaMekongdelta {n}
Mekong freshwater stingray [Hemitrygon laosensis, syn.: Dasyatis laosensis] Laos-Stechrochen {m}
Mekong giant catfish [Pangasianodon gigas] Mekong-Riesenwels {m}
Mekong giant salmon carp [Aaptosyax grypus, syn.: Aptosyax grypus] Lachskarpfen {m}
Mekong masked water snake [Homalopsis nigroventralis] Mekong-Boa-Wassertrugnatter {f}
Mekong (River) Mekong {m}
Mekong wagtail [Motacilla samveasnae]Mekongstelze {f}
mel <mel>Mel {n} <mel> [Maßeinheit für die psychoakustische Größe Tonheit mit dem Formelzeichen Z oder z]
mel scale Mel-Skala {f}
mela-andesite Mela-Andesit {m}
melaena [esp. Br.]Melaena {f}
melaena [esp. Br.] [tarry stool]Meläna {f} [Teerstuhl]
melaleuca oil australisches Teebaumöl {n}
melaleuca tree Myrtenheide {f}
melamineMelamin {n}
melamine resin Melaminharz {n}
melamine resin coated melaminharzbeschichtet
melamine resin laminated panel melaminharzbeschichtete Platte {f}
melamine-faced chipboard melaminharzbeschichtete Spanplatte {f}
melamine-formaldehyde resin <MF resin> Melamin-Formaldehyd-Harz / Melamin-Formaldehydharz {n} <MF-Harz>
melamine-impregnated melaminharzgetränkt
melampittas [family Melampittidae]Neuguineaflöter {pl}
Melampus Melampus {m}
melampyrum [genus Melampyrum] Wachtelweizen {m}
melanaemia [Br.] Melanämie {f}
melanated [saturated with skin pigment] stark pigmentiert [bes. Haut]
melancholia Schwermut {f}
melancholia Tiefsinn {m}
melancholiaMelancholie {f}
Melancholia [Lars von Trier]Melancholia
melancholiac melancholisch
melancholiacMelancholiker {m}
melancholic melancholisch
melancholic Melancholiker {m}
melancholic typeMelancholiker {m}
melancholic type [female] Melancholikerin {f}
melancholically melancholisch
melancholiness Melancholien {pl}
melancholy Melancholie {f}
melancholy Schwermut {f}
melancholy schwermütig
melancholy Tiefsinn {m}
melancholy Wehmut {f}
melancholy düster [fig.]
melancholy Gemütskrankheit {f} [altertümlich]
melancholy voller Wehmut [nachgestellt]
melancholy trübsinnig
melancholywehmutsvoll [geh.]
melancholy nerite [Puperita pupa tristis, syn.: P. tristis] Zebra-Nixenschnecke {f} [Brackwasserschnecke]
melancholy thistle [Cirsium heterophyllum, syn.: C. helenioides] Alantkratzdistel / Alant-Kratzdistel {f}
melancholy thistle [Cirsium heterophyllum, syn.: C. helenioides] Filzige Kratzdistel {f}
« medumeermeetmegamegameiomelameldMellmelomelt »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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