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English-German Dictionary

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magnesium isotope Magnesiumisotop {n}
magnesium lactate [E-329] Magnesiumlactat {n}
magnesium level Magnesiumgehalt {m} [Magnesiumspiegel]
magnesium levelMagnesiumspiegel {m}
magnesium lightMagnesiumlicht {n}
magnesium malate [C4H4MgO5] Magnesiummalat {n}
magnesium nitrate [Mg(NO3)2]Magnesiumnitrat {n}
magnesium nitride [Mg3N2]Magnesiumnitrid {n}
magnesium oreMagnesiumerz {n}
magnesium orotate [C10H6MgN4O8] Magnesiumorotat {n}
magnesium oxalate [MgC2O4] Magnesiumoxalat {n}
magnesium oxide [MgO] [E-530] Magnesiumoxyd {n} [Rsv.]
magnesium oxide [MgO] [E-530]Magnesiumoxid {n}
magnesium perchlorate [Mg(ClO4)2]Magnesiumperchlorat {n}
magnesium peroxide [MgO2] Magnesiumperoxid {n}
magnesium phosphateMagnesiumphosphat {n}
magnesium phosphide [Mg3P2]Magnesiumphosphid {n}
magnesium polonide [MgPo]Magnesiumpolonid {n}
magnesium powder Magnesiumpulver {n}
magnesium preparation Magnesiumpräparat {n}
magnesium productsMagnesiumprodukte {pl}
magnesium silicate [E-553]Magnesiumsilikat {n}
magnesium silicate [E-553] Magnesiumsilicat {n}
magnesium sourceMagnesiumquelle {f}
magnesium status Magnesiumstatus {m}
magnesium stearate [C36H70MgO4, Mg(C18H35O2)2]Magnesiumstearat {n}
magnesium sulfate [MgSO4] [Am.]Magnesiumsulfat {n}
magnesium sulphate [MgSO4] [Br.]Magnesiumsulfat {n}
magnesium taurate [C4H12MgN2O6S2] Magnesiumtaurat {n}
magnesium threonate Magnesiumthreonat {n}
magnesium titanate [MgTiO3]Magnesiumtitanat {n}
magnesium titanium oxide [MgTiO3] Magnesiumtitanoxid {n}
magnesium torchMagnesiumfackel {f}
magnesium treatment Magnesiumbehandlung {f}
magnesium tungstate [MgWO4] Magnesiumwolframat {n}
magnesium turnings Magnesiumspäne {pl}
magnesium-chlorophoenicite Magnesiumchlorophonicit {m}
magnesium-chlorophoenicite [(Mg,Mn)3Zn2(AsO4)(OH,O)6] Magnesium-Chlorophoenizit {m} [auch: Magnesiumchlorophoenizit]
magnet Magnet {m}
magnet armature Magnetanker {m}
magnet axis Magnetachse {f}
magnet boardMagnettafel {f}
magnet bore [MR scanner] Magnetöffnung {f} [MR-Scanner]
magnet coil Feldspule {f}
magnet component Magnetteil {n} [Magnetkomponente, -bauteil]
magnet configurationMagnetaufbau {f}
magnet cooling Magnetkühlung {f}
magnet cooling system Magnetkühlsystem {n}
magnet coreMagnetkern {m}
magnet coupling Magnetkupplung {f}
magnet coverMagnetverkleidung {f}
magnet filling level Magnetfüllstand {m}
magnet fishingMagnetfischen {n}
magnet fishingMagnetangeln {n}
magnet flangeMagnetflansch {m}
magnet foot Magnetfuß {m}
magnet for tourists Touristenmagnet {m}
magnet for visitorsBesuchermagnet {m}
magnet geometry Magnetgeometrie {f}
magnet holder Magnethalter {m}
magnet housing Magnetgehäuse {n}
magnet reaction Magnetreaktion {f} [Magnus-Reaktion; bei Neugeborenen]
magnet reaction Magnus-Reaktion {f}
magnet rotation (Faraday effect) Magnetrotation {f}
magnet school [Am.] Magnetschule {f}
magnet systemMagnetsystem {n}
magnet therapy <MT> Magnettherapie {f} <MT>
magnet valveMagnetventil {n}
magnet wheel Polrad {n}
magnetarMagnetar {m}
magnetic Magnet-
magnetic magnetisch
magnetickuckuck magnetisch
magnetic [smile] unwiderstehlich
magnetic amplifier Magnetverstärker {m}
magnetic amplifierTransduktor {m}
magnetic anomaly magnetische Anomalie {f}
magnetic anomaly Magnetanomalie {f} [seltener] [magnetische Anomalie]
magnetic attraction magnetische Anziehung {f}
magnetic attraction Magnetanziehung {f}
magnetic ballast magnetisches Vorschaltgerät {n} <MVG>
magnetic bearing <MB> magnetische Peilung {f}
magnetic board Magnethafttafel {f} [auch: Magnet-Hafttafel]
magnetic boardmagnetische Tafel {f}
magnetic boardMagnettafel {f}
magnetic borderMagnetleiste {f}
magnetic brake Magnetbremse {f}
magnetic bubble Magnetblase {f}
magnetic bubble memory Magnetblasenspeicher {m}
magnetic cardMagnetkarte {f}
magnetic card numberMagnetkartennummer {f}
magnetic card reader Magnetkartenleser {m}
magnetic card storage Magnetkartenspeicher {m}
magnetic card storage Magnetkartenspeicherung {f}
magnetic card systemMagnetkartensystem {n}
magnetic cartridgemagnetischer Tonabnehmer {m}
magnetic cassette Magnetkassette {f}
magnetic catch Magnetverschluss {m}
magnetic catchMagnetschnäpper {m}
« MafiMagdmagimagimagmmagnmagnmagnmagnmagnMagn »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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