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member of the band Bandmitglied {n} [Mitglied der Band]
member of the bandMitglied {n} der Band
member of the Blue Cross organization Blaukreuzler {m}
member of the board Vorstandsmitglied {n}
member of the board Direktoriumsmitglied {n}
member of the board of directorsMitglied {n} des Vorstands
member of the board of directors Verwaltungsratsmitglied {n}
member of the board of trustees Kuratoriumsmitglied {n}
member of the border patrol [USA] Grenzpolizist {m}
Member of the Bundestag [also: member of the Bundestag] Mitglied {n} des Bundestages <MdB, M. d. B.>
member of the cabinet Kabinettsmitglied {n}
member of the cartelKartellmitglied {n} [Mitglied des Kartells]
member of the clergyMitglied {n} des Klerus
member of the commissionKommissionsmitglied {n} [Mitglied der Kommission]
member of the community [esp. religious community] Gemeindemitglied {n}
member of the congress Kongressteilnehmer {m} [Teilnehmer des Kongresses]
member of the Council of States [Switzerland]Ständerat {m} [Schweiz] [Person]
member of the courtGerichtsperson {f}
member of the crew Besatzungsmitglied {n} [Mitglied der Besatzung]
member of the Curia [of the Holy See]Kurienmitarbeiter {m}
member of the ecclesiastical council Kirchenrat {m} [Mitglied des Kirchenrats]
member of the educated classesBildungsbürger {m}
Member of the European Parliament <MEP> Mitglied {n} des Europaparlaments <MdEP>
Member of the European Parliament <MEP>Mitglied {n} des europäischen Parlaments <MdEP>
member of the executive boardVorstandsmitglied {n}
member of the expedition Expeditionsteilnehmer {m} [Teilnehmer der Expedition]
member of the expedition [female] Expeditionsteilnehmerin {f} [Teilnehmerin der Expedition]
member of the family Familienangehöriger {m}
member of the family Familienmitglied {n}
member of the family [female]Familienangehörige {f}
member of the French nobility Pair {m}
member of the gentry / nobility [by conferral of a title]Geadelter {m}
member of the governing council Regierungsrat {m} [schweiz.]
member of the governing council [female]Regierungsrätin {f} [schweiz.]
member of the government Mitglied {n} der Regierung
member of the group Gruppenmitglied {n} [Mitglied der Gruppe]
member of the Hanseatic League Hanseat {m}
member of the High Consistory Oberkirchenrat {m} [Person]
member of the imperial familyMitglied {n} der kaiserlichen Familie
Member of the Landtag Mitglied {n} des Landtages <MdL, M. d. L.>
Member of the Landtag [also: member of the Landtag]Landtagsabgeordneter {m} <MdL, M. d. L.> [Mitglied des Landtages]
Member of the Legislative Council <MLC> [esp. Br.] [Aus.] [NZ] Mitglied {n} des Legislativrats [seltener: Legislativratsmitglied]
member of the lily familyLiliengewächs {n}
member of the management Mitglied {n} der Geschäftsführung
member of the master raceHerrenmensch {m}
member of the military policeFeldjäger {m} [Bundeswehr]
member of the National Council Nationalrat {m} [österr.,schweiz., ugs.]
member of the National Council [female] Nationalrätin {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
member of the navy Marineangehöriger {m}
member of the occupying forcesBesatzer {m}
member of the Order of Merit <OM>Träger {m} des Verdienstordens
Member (of the Order) of the British Empire <MBE>Angehöriger {m} des Ordens des Britischen Weltreiches
member of the papilionaceae familySchmetterlingsblütler {m}
member of the public Mitglied {n} der Öffentlichkeit
member of the Reformed Church Reformierter {m}
member of the resistanceWiderstandskämpfer {m}
member of the resistance [female]Widerstandskämpferin {f}
member of the same speciesArtgenosse {m}
Member of the Scottish Parliament <MSP>Mitglied {n} des schottischen Parlaments
member of the staff Mitglied {n} der Belegschaft
member of the state parliament [female] Landtagsabgeordnete {f}
member of the stock exchangeMitglied {n} der Börse
member of the supervisory board Aufsichtsrat {m} [Einzelperson]
member of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsmitglied {n}
member of the supervisory board [female] Aufsichtsrätin {f}
member of the third order of the Dominicans Dominikanerterziar {m}
member of the upper / ruling class Adliger {m}
member of the works council Betriebsrat {m} [Einzelperson]
member of the works council [female]Betriebsrätin {f}
member services {pl}Mitgliederbetreuung {f}
member stateMitgliedsstaat {m} [nicht amtsspr.]
member state Mitgliedstaat {m} [amtsspr. für: Mitgliedsstaat]
member stateGliedstaat {m}
member stateMitgliedsland {n}
member state of the European Union Mitgliedstaat {m} der Europäischen Union [auch: EU-Mitgliedstaat]
member statesMitgliedstaaten {pl}
member states Gliedstaaten {pl}
member states Mitgliedsstaaten {pl}
member statesTeilnehmerstaaten {pl}
member states [of an international organization] Mitgliedsländer {pl} [Mitgliedsstaaten]
member supportMitgliederbetreuung {f}
member survey Mitgliederbefragung {f}
member ticket Mitgliedsticket {n}
member with accrued rightsAnwartschaftsberechtigter {m}
[member / supporter of the 'Austrian Freedom Party']Blauer {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
[member of a cantonal council in Switzerland] [female]Kantonsrätin {f} [Schweiz]
[member of a congregational chapel, sect or devout practicioner] Stündeler {m} [schweiz.] [pej.]
[member of an intelligence agency] Schlapphut {m} [ugs.] [Mitglied eines Geheimdienstes]
[member of Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces]Landsturmmann {m}
[member of the Annona genus] Annone {f}
[member of the Austrian police force or prison officer]Exekutivbediensteter {m} [österr.] [Polizei-/Vollzugsbeamter]
[member of the Austro-Hungarian naval forces] Marineur {m} [österr.] [veraltet]
[member of the cantonal parliament in Bern and other cantons] Großrat {m} [schweiz., regional] [männliches Mitglied des Großrats]
[member of the Government in one of the States of Austria] Landesrat {m} [Österreich]
[member of the SVP, Swiss people's Party]SVPler {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Mitglied der Schweizerischen Volkspartei] [Schweiz]
[member of the Swiss FDP] Freisinniger {m} [schweiz.] [Mitglied der Schweizer FDP]
[member or follower of the CDU/CSU] Schwarzer {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [Politiker der CDU/CSU od. Anhänger]
[member or follower of the SPD] Roter {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [Politiker der SPD od. Anhänger]
[member or supporter of the conservative Austrian People's Party] Schwarzer {m} [österr.] [ÖVPler]
membered gegliedert
« melamelimelomeltMEMtmembmembmembmembmemomemo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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