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English-German Dictionary

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menu prompt Benutzerführung {f} durch Menü
menu screenMenübildschirm {m} [auch: Menü-Bildschirm]
menu selection Menüauswahl {f}
menu spoon Tischlöffel {m}
menu spoon [rare] [is unknown in the U.S.]Menülöffel {m}
menu suggestion Menüvorschlag {m}
menu window Menüfenster {n}
[menu] Menue {n} [FALSCH für: Menü]
menu-driven menügeführt
menu-driven menügesteuert
menu-driven menugeführt [veraltet für menügeführt]
menu-driven processor controllingmenügeführte Prozessorsteuerung {f}
menu-driven program selbsterklärendes Programmiermenü {n}
menu-driven programselbsterklärendes Programm {n}
menue [WRONG for: menu] [Menü]
Menufontaine Munerhof {n}
menu-guided menügeführt
menus Menüs {pl}
Menzbier's marmot [Marmota menzbieri] Menzbiers Murmeltier {n}
menzerite-(Y) Menzerit-(Y) {m}
Menzies' mouse [Abeomelomys sevia, syn.: Pogonomelomys sevia] Hochland-Bürstenmaus {f}
Menzies' spiny bandicoot [Echymipera echinista] Menzies-Stachelnasenbeutler {m}
Menzies's echymipera [Echymipera echinista] Menzies-Stachelnasenbeutler {m} [inoffiz.]
meow [Am.] Miauen {n}
meow meow [Br.] [sl.] [Mephedrone]Meow {n} [ugs.] [ausgesprochen: Miau] [Mephedron]
Meow! [Am.]Miau!
meowing [Am.]miauend
mepartricin [C60H88N2O19]Mepartricin {n}
meperidine [C15H21NO2] Meperidin {n}
mephedrone Mephedron {n}
Mephisto – Novel of a CareerMephisto – Roman einer Karriere [Klaus Mann]
MephistophelesMephistopheles {m}
Mephistopheles Mephisto {m}
mephiticmefitisch [geh.] [Rsv.]
mephiticmephitisch [geh.]
mephitic [literary] verpestet
mephitic [literary] [noxious smell, esp. from gas or vapor / vapour]übelriechend [speziell von Gas oder Dampf]
Mephitina Mephitina {f}
mephitisGestank {m}
mepindolol Mepindolol {n}
mepivacaine Mepivacain {n}
meptazinol Meptazinol {n}
meralgia [pain especially of a neuralgic kind in the thigh]Meralgie {f}
meralgia paresthetica <MP> [Am.] [Meralgia paraesthetica]Meralgia paraesthetica {f} <MP>
Meran Variation Meraner Variante {f}
MeranoMeran {n}
meranthium Meranthium {n}
meraspid stage [in trilobites] Meraspisstadium {n} [auch: Meraspis-Stadium] [bei Trilobiten]
Merauke blue-tongued skink [Tiliqua gigas evanescens] Südlicher Neuguinea-Blauzungenskink {m}
merbau [Intsia bijuga] Merbau Ipil {m}
merbau [Intsia bijuga] Kwila {m}
merbau [Intsia bijuga] Borneo-Teak {n} [Merbau] [im Handel auch als: Borneo Teak]
merbau [Intsia spp.] Merbau {n}
merbau floorMerbauboden {m}
(merbau) ipil [Intsia bijuga] [Malaysia]Merbau Ipil {m}
Merc [Am.] [coll.] [Mercury, made by Ford]Mercury {m}
merc [Am.] [sl.] Söldner {m}
Merc [Br.] [coll.] [car made by Mercedes-Benz]Benz {m} [ugs.] [Fahrzeug der Marke Mercedes-Benz]
Merc [Br.] [coll.] [Mercedes ®]Mercedes ® {m}
Merc [short for: Chicago Mercantile Exchange] Chicago Mercantile Exchange {f} <CME>
Merc driver [Br.] [coll.] [driver of a car made by Mercedes-Benz]Mercedes-Fahrer {m}
Merc driver [Br.] [coll.] [driver of a car made by Mercedes-Benz]Benz-Fahrer {m} [ugs.] [Fahrer eines Fahrzeugs von Mercedes-Benz]
Mercalli intensity scale Mercalliskala {f}
mercallite [KH [SO4]]Mercallit {m}
mercantile kaufmännisch
mercantile Handel treibend
mercantile [trading, engaged in trade] handeltreibend
mercantile agencyKreditauskunftei {f}
mercantile building Merkantilgebäude {n}
mercantile capitalismHandelskapitalismus {m}
mercantile caravan Handelskarawane {f}
mercantile cityHandelsstadt {f}
mercantile concern Handelsunternehmen {n}
mercantile customHandelsbrauch {m}
mercantile directory Branchenverzeichnis {n}
mercantile dynasty Kaufmannsdynastie {f}
mercantile exchange Handelsbörse {f}
mercantile expedition Handelsreise {f}
mercantile familyHändlerfamilie {f}
mercantile interests merkantile Interessen {pl} [geh.]
mercantile law Handelsrecht {n}
mercantile man Kaufmann {m}
mercantile marine Handelsmarine {f}
mercantile (marine) fleet Handelsflotte {f}
mercantile paper Handelsblatt {n}
mercantile people Kaufleute {pl}
mercantile systemMerkantilsystem {n}
mercantile trade Warenhandel {m}
mercantile tradition kaufmännische Tradition {f}
mercantile tradition Handelstradition {f}
mercantilismHandelsgeist {m}
mercantilism kaufmännischer Unternehmergeist {m}
mercantilismMerkantilismus {m}
mercantilismKrämergeist {m}
mercantilist Unternehmer {m}
mercantilistMerkantilist {m}
« men'mensmentmentMentmenumercmercmercmercmere »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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