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mercurialityUnbeständigkeit {f}
mercurially quecksilbrig
mercurialness Lebhaftigkeit {f}
Mercurian [e.g. atmosphere, crater, surface, year]Merkur- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Krater, Oberfläche, Jahr]
Mercurian [hypothetical or fictional inhabitant of the planet Mercury]Merkurianer {m} [Merkurbewohner]
Mercurian atmosphere Merkuratmosphäre {f}
Mercurian craterMerkurkrater {m} [auch: Merkur-Krater]
Mercurian day Merkurtag {m}
Mercurian north pole [also: Mercurian North pole] Merkur-Nordpol {m} [auch: Merkurnordpol]
Mercurian perihelionMerkurperihel {n}
Mercurian surfaceMerkuroberfläche {f}
Mercurian transit Merkurtransit {m}
Mercurian yearMerkurjahr {n}
mercuric amidochloride [Hg(NH2)Cl] Quecksilberamidochlorid {n}
mercuric azanide chloride [Hg(NH2)Cl] Quecksilberamidochlorid {n}
mercuric bromide [HgBr2]Quecksilberdibromid {n}
mercuric bromide [HgBr2] Quecksilber(II)-bromid {n}
mercuric chloride [HgCl2] Quecksilberchlorid {n}
mercuric chloride [HgCl2] Quecksilber(II)-chlorid {n}
mercuric chloride [HgCl2]Quecksilberdichlorid {n}
mercuric chloride [HgCl2]Quecksilberbichlorid {n}
mercuric chloride [Hydrargyrum bichloratum] [also: mercury chloride] Sublimat {n} [veraltet]
mercuric fluoride [HgF2]Quecksilber(II)-fluorid {n}
mercuric fluoride [HgF2] Quecksilberdifluorid {n}
mercuric fulminate Knallquecksilber {n}
mercuric nitrate [Hg(NO3)2]Quecksilber(II)-nitrat {n}
mercuric oxide [HgO]Quecksilber(II)-oxid {n}
mercuric oxide cellQuecksilberoxidzelle {f} [auch: Quecksilberoxid-Zelle]
mercuric telluride [HgTe] [also: mercury(II) telluride] Quecksilbertellurid {n} [auch: Quecksilber(II)-tellurid]
mercurous bromide [Hg2Br2] Quecksilber(I)-bromid {n}
mercurous bromide [Hg2Br2] Diquecksilberdibromid {n}
mercurous chloride [Hg2Cl2] [mercury(I) chloride] Quecksilber(I)-chlorid {n}
mercurous fluoride [Hg2F2]Quecksilber(I)-fluorid {n}
mercurous fluoride [Hg2F2]Diquecksilberdifluorid {n}
mercurous nitrate [Hg2(NO3)2] Quecksilber(I)-nitrat {n}
mercurous oxide [Hg2O] Quecksilber(I)-oxid {n}
mercurous oxide [Hg2O]Diquecksilbermonoxid {n}
mercurous sulfate [Am.] [Hg2SO4] Quecksilber(I)-sulfat {n}
mercuryBote {m}
Mercury Merkur {m} [röm. Götterbote; Handelsgott]
mercury Merkur {m} {n} [alchemist. Bez. für: Quecksilber]
mercury [genus Mercurialis] Bingelkraut {n}
mercury [temperature] Quecksilbersäule {f}
mercury / mercuric oxide battery Quecksilberoxidbatterie {f} [auch: Quecksilberoxid-Batterie, Quecksilberoxyd-Batterie]
Mercury <☿> Merkur {m} <☿>
mercury <Hg> Quecksilber {n} <Hg>
mercury arc lampQuecksilberdampflampe {f}
mercury arc rectifier Quecksilberdampfgleichrichter {m}
mercury atom Quecksilberatom {n}
mercury barometerQuecksilberbarometer {n}
mercury battery Quecksilber-Batterie {f} [auch: Quecksilberbatterie]
mercury battery / cell Quecksilberoxidbatterie {f} [auch: Quecksilberoxid-Batterie, Quecksilberoxyd-Batterie]
mercury beating heartschlagendes Quecksilberherz {n}
mercury beating heartpulsierendes Quecksilberherz {n}
mercury bichloride [HgCl2]Quecksilberbichlorid {n}
mercury bluet [Coenagrion mercuriale]Helm-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
mercury cadmium telluride <MCT> Quecksilber-Cadmium-Tellurid {n}
mercury cell Quecksilberoxid-Zink-Batterie {f}
mercury cell Quecksilberzelle {f}
mercury column Quecksilbersäule {f}
mercury compoundQuecksilberverbindung {f}
mercury concentrationQuecksilberkonzentration {f}
mercury contact Quecksilberkontakt {m}
mercury dichloride [HgCl2]Quecksilberdichlorid {n}
mercury dispenser Quecksilberdosierer {m}
mercury electrodeQuecksilberelektrode {f}
mercury fluorideQuecksilberfluorid {n}
mercury fulminate Knallquecksilber {n}
Mercury Glacier Merkur-Gletscher {m}
mercury glass Bauernsilber {n} [Silberglas]
mercury goosefoot [Aristolochia rotunda] Rundknollige Osterluzei {f}
mercury goosefoot [Chenopodium album](Weißer) Gänsefuß {m} [auch: Weiß-Gänsefuß]
mercury hardening Quecksilberhärtung {f}
mercury intoxicationQuecksilbervergiftung {f}
mercury intoxication Quecksilberintoxikation {f}
mercury isotopeQuecksilberisotop {n} [auch: Quecksilber-Isotop]
Mercury line [palmistry]Merkurlinie {f} [Handlesekunst]
mercury manometer Quecksilbermanometer {n}
Mercury map Merkurkarte {f}
mercury oxide [HgO] Quecksilberoxid {n}
mercury oxide cell Quecksilberoxidzelle {f} [auch: Quecksilberoxid-Zelle]
mercury (oxide) battery Quecksilberoxid-Zink-Batterie {f}
Mercury plunges. [idiom]Die Quecksilbersäule fällt.
mercury poisoning <MP> Quecksilbervergiftung {f}
mercury polonide [HgPo]Quecksilberpolonid {n}
mercury porosimetryQuecksilber-Porosimetrie {f}
Mercury probeMerkur-Sonde {f}
Mercury probe Merkursonde {f}
mercury productionQuecksilberproduktion {f}
mercury pump Quecksilberpumpe {f}
mercury purification Quecksilberreinigung {f}
Mercury Rising [Harold Becker]Das Mercury Puzzle
mercury selenide [HgSe] Quecksilberselenid {n}
mercury source Quecksilberquelle {f}
Mercury space probe Merkur-Raumsonde {f}
mercury sulfide [Am.] [HgS] Quecksilbersulfid {n}
mercury telluride [HgTe] Quecksilbertellurid {n}
mercury thermometer Quecksilberthermometer {n}
mercury (tilt) switchQuecksilberschalter {m}
« mentmentmephmercmercmercmercmeremerimerlmerr »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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