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metal rims {pl} [one pair] [coll.] [metal-rimmed glasses]Nickelbrille {f}
metal road [NZ] (unbefestigte) Schotterstraße {f}
metal rod Metallstange {f}
metal roofMetalldach {n}
metal rosette (ring) Metallrosette {f}
metal round brush Metallrundbürste {f}
metal rulerMetalllineal {n} [auch: Metall-Lineal]
metal salt Metallsalz {n}
metal saltsMetallsalze {pl}
metal scrapMetallabfall {m}
metal scrap and raw metals Alt- und Rohmetalle {pl}
metal scrap and virgin metals Alt- und Rohmetalle {pl}
metal screw Metallschraube {f}
metal sculptor Metallbildhauer {m}
metal sculptor [female]Metallbildhauerin {f}
metal sealing ringMetalldichtring {m}
metal separation Metallabscheidung {f}
metal shade [of a light] Metallschirm {m} [einer Lampe]
metal shears {pl} Metallschere {f}
metal sheath Metallummantelung {f}
metal sheets Bleche {f}
metal shutterMetallrollo {n} [ugs.]
metal shutteringStahlschalung {f}
metal sign Metallschild {n}
metal sign [coll.] [sign of the horns]Pommesgabel {f} [ugs.] [Metal Fork]
metal sledgeMetallschlitten {m}
metal sleeve Metallhülse {f}
metal slitting sawMetallschlitzsäge {f}
metal slotting saw Metallschlitzsäge {f}
metal smelting Metallverhüttung {f}
metal source Metallquelle {f}
metal spatulaMetallspatel {m}
metal spigot Metallzapfen {m}
metal spike Metalldorn {m}
metal spring Metallfeder {f}
metal spudger Metallspatel {m} {f} [österr. nur {m}]
metal staircase Treppe {f} aus Metall
metal stairs {pl}Metalltreppe {f}
metal stand Metallstativ {n}
metal straw [stainless steel straw] Metalltrinkhalm {m}
metal string Metallsaite {f}
metal strip Metallband {n}
metal structural cladding nicht belastete Metallverkleidung {f}
metal structural claddingMetallaußenwandverkleidung {f}
metal structural cladding Blechbedachung {f}
metal structureMetallbau {m} [Metallbauwerk]
metal structure Metallstruktur {f}
metal substrateMetallsubstrat {n}
metal supply Metallzufuhr {f}
metal support Blechunterlage {f}
metal surfaceMetalloberfläche {f}
metal surfaceMetallfläche {f}
metal syringe Metallspritze {f}
metal tail combMetallstielkamm {m}
metal tasteMetallgeschmack {m}
metal technology Metalltechnik {f}
metal theftMetalldiebstahl {m}
metal thicknessMetalldicke {f}
metal thicknessMetallstärke {f} [Dicke]
metal thiefMetalldieb {m}
metal thread Metallfaden {m}
metal tip Metallspitze {f}
metal to metal [connection, sealing] Metall auf Metall [Verbindung, Dichtung]
metal toxicityMetallvergiftung {f}
metal tradeMetallgewerbe {n}
metal trade Metallhandel {m}
metal trades {pl}Metallgewerbe {n}
metal transferMetalltransfer {m}
metal treatment Metallbehandlung {f}
metal treatment engineeringMetallbearbeitungstechnik {f}
metal tubeMetallrohr {n}
metal turning [metalworking process] Formdrücken {n} [Drücken nach DIN 8584]
metal uptake Metallaufnahme {f}
metal value Metallwert {m}
metal vapors [Am.] Metalldämpfe {pl}
metal vapours [Br.]Metalldämpfe {pl}
metal vesselMetallbehälter {m}
metal wasteMetallabfall {m}
metal work {sg} Metallarbeiten {pl}
metal worker Metallarbeiter {m}
metal worker Schlosser {m}
metal worker [female] Metallbauerin {f}
metal worker [female] Metallarbeiterin {f}
metal workers [esp. union members]Metaller {pl} [ugs.]
metal workers [female]Metallbauerinnen {pl}
metal working Metallverarbeitung {f}
metal working Metallbearbeitung {f}
metal works {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Metallwerk {n}
metal workshop Metallwerkstatt {f}
[metal insert in iron]Ochsenzunge {f} [in Bügeleisen]
[metal] leafFolie {f} [Blattmetall]
(metal) alloyMetallegierung {f} [alt]
(metal) alloy Metalllegierung {f}
(metal) spinning [metalworking process] Drücken {n} [nach DIN 8584] [Formdrücken]
(metal) spinning [metalworking process] Metalldrücken {n} [Drücken nach DIN 8584]
metalanguage Metasprache {f}
metal-backed glenoidGlenoid {n} mit metallverstärktem Rücken
metal-boned corset mit Metallstäbchen versehenes / verstärktes Korsett {n}
metal-carbon bond Metall-Kohlenstoff-Bindung {f}
metal-cased conductor Stahlpanzerleitung {f}
« Metametametametametametametametametametameta »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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