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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 295 for words starting with M in the English-German dictionarynext page »
metricalmetrisches System {n}
metrical accent metrischer Akzent {m}
metrical footVersfuß {m}
metrical modulationmetrische Modulation {f}
metrical psalter Liedpsalter {m}
metrical taleVerserzählung {f}
metricalityMetrizität {f}
metricationMetrikation {f}
metricsMaße {pl}
metrics Metriken {pl}
metrics [treated as sg.] Metrik {f}
metrification Metrifizierung {f}
metrificationMetrifikation {f}
metriopathy [moderation of the passions]Metriopathie {f}
metrisable [Br.]metrisierbar
metrisable space [Br.] metrisierbarer Raum {m}
metrisation [Br.]Metrisierung {f}
metrisation [Br.] Metrisation {f}
metritis Metritis {f}
metritis Gebärmutterentzündung {f}
metrizable metrisierbar
metrizable space metrisierbarer Raum {m}
metrization Metrisation {f}
metrization Metrisierung {f}
metro U-Bahn {f}
metro [Am.] [attr.] [short for: metropolitan]großstädtisch
metro [in Paris, Washington etc.] Metro {f}
metro area [coll.] [metropolitan area] Agglo {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Agglomeration]
metro (area) [short for: metropolitan area]Metropolregion {f}
metro line U-Bahn-Linie {f}
metro network U-Bahn-Netz {n}
metro stationU-Bahn-Station {f}
metro stationMetrostation {f}
metro stationU-Bahnstation {f}
metro station U-Bahn-Haltestelle {f}
metro stopMetrostation {f}
metro system U-Bahn-System {n}
metro trainU-Bahnzug {m}
metro train U-Bahn-Zug {m}
Metroland [novel: Julian Barnes, film: Philip Saville] Metroland
metrological characteristic messtechnische Eigenschaft {f}
metrologically messtechnisch
metrologically monitored messtechnisch überwacht
metrologistMesstechniker {m}
metrologist Metrologe {m}
metrologist [female] Messtechnikerin {f}
metrologist [female] Metrologin {f}
metrology Messtechnik {f}
metrology Metrologie {f}
metrology Messkunde {f}
metrology Messwesen {n}
metrology Eichwesen {n} [Metrologie]
metrology instrument manufacturer Messgerätehersteller {m}
metrology techniqueMessverfahren {n}
metromania Metromanie {f}
metronidazole Metronidazol {n}
metronome Taktmesser {m}
metronomeMetronom {n}
metronomeTaktgeber {m} [Metronom]
metronome marking <M.M.> Metronomzahl {f} <M.M.> [Mälzels Metronom]
metronomic metronomisch
metronym Metronym {n}
metronymic metronymisch
Metroon [ancient Greece] Metroon {n}
metroplex [esp. Am.] Metropolkomplex {m}
Metropol Parasol [Las Setas de la Encarnación] Metropol Parasol {m}
métropole Metropole {f}
metropole [parent state of a colony]Mutterland {n} [Kernland im Kolonialismus]
metropolis Hauptstadt {f}
metropolisMetropole {f}
metropolis Großstadt {f}
metropolis Weltstadt {f}
metropolisWeltmetropole {f}
metropolis Metropolis {f} [veraltet] [Metropole]
metropolis Großzentrum {n} [Metropole]
Metropolis algorithm Metropolis-Algorithmus {m}
metropolisation [Br.]Metropolisierung {f}
metropolisesMetropolen {pl}
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm Metropolis-Hastings-Algorithmus {m}
metropolitan großstädtisch
metropolitan weltstädtisch
metropolitanGroßstädter {m}
metropolitan Hauptstädter {m}
metropolitan Großstadtbewohner {m}
metropolitan [head of an ecclesiastical province] Metropolit {m}
metropolitan areaGroßstadtregion {f}
metropolitan areaMetropolregion {f}
metropolitan area Metropolraum {m}
metropolitan areaMetropolitanregion {f} [schweiz.]
metropolitan areaMetropolitanraum {m} [schweiz.]
metropolitan area Großraum {m}
metropolitan area Ballungsraum {m}
metropolitan areaAgglomeration {f} [bes. schweiz.]
metropolitan areaGroßstadtgebiet {n}
« methmethmethmethmetimetrmetrMexiMexiMexiMexi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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