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English-German Dictionary

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macedonite [PbTiO3] Mazedonit {m}
macedonite [PbTiO3]Macedonit {m} [spv.]
mace-head Keulenkopf {m}
maceheadKeulenkopf {m}
macerals Mazerale {pl}
macerating pump Kleinhebeanlage {f} [mit Zerkleinerer]
macerationAufweichung {f}
macerationAufquellen {n}
maceration Mazeration {f}
maceration Mazerierung {f}
maceration fluid Mazerationsflüssigkeit {f}
maceration preparation Mazerationspräparat {n}
maceratorZerhacker {m}
macerator Zerkleinerer {m}
maces Muskatblüten {pl}
maces Keulen {pl}
Macewen's sign [also: Macewen sign]Macewen-Zeichen {n}
macfallite [Ca2Mn3(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)3] Macfallit {m}
macfarlane [also: MacFarlane, Macfarlane] [dated]MacFarlane {m} [veraltet] [Inverness-Mantel]
Macgillivray's petrel [Pterodroma macgillivrayi] Macgillivraysturmvogel {m}
MacGillivray's warbler [Oporornis tolmiei] Dickichtwaldsänger {m}
MacGillivray's yellowthroat [Oporornis tolmiei, syn.: Geothlypis macgillivrayi, G. tolmiei] Dickichtwaldsänger {m}
Macgregor's bird of paradise [Macgregoria pulchra]Brillenparadiesvogel {m}
Macgregor's bird of paradise [Macgregoria pulchra] MacGregor-Honigfresser {m}
Macgregor's (gardener) bowerbird [Amblyornis macgregoriae] Goldhaubengärtner {m}
Macgregor's giant honeyeater [Macgregoria pulchra] Brillenparadiesvogel {m}
Macgregor's giant honeyeater [Macgregoria pulchra] MacGregor-Honigfresser {m}
MacGregor's honeyeater [Macgregoria pulchra] MacGregor-Honigfresser {m}
MacGregor's honeyeater [Macgregoria pulchra] Brillenparadiesvogel {m}
Macgregor's lappetface [Macgregoria pulchra] MacGregor-Honigfresser {m}
Macgregor's lappetface [Macgregoria pulchra] Brillenparadiesvogel {m} [auch: Brillen-Paradiesvogel]
Macgyvering [sl., hum.] [Improvisieren, Zurechtbasteln einer Lösung]
Mach Mach {n}
Mach bandsMach'sche Streifen {pl}
Mach bands machsche Streifen {pl}
Mach cone machscher Kegel {m}
Mach cone Mach'scher Kegel {m}
Mach cone Machkegel {m}
Mach cone Mach-Kegel {m}
Mach II with Your Hair on Fire [Richard Brooke] MACH II - in der Hauptrolle: SIE!
Mach number <M, Ma, Mn> Machzahl {f} <Ma>
Mach number <M, Ma, Mn> Mach-Zahl {f} <Ma>
Mach waveMachwelle {f}
Machado's butterfly bat [Glauconycteris machadoi] Machados Schmetterlingsfledermaus {f}
machair Machair {m}
machan [Ind.] [hunting platform] Jagdschirm {m} [erhöht]
Machaon Machaon {m}
machatschkiite [(Ca,Na)6(AsO4)(AsO3OH)3(PO4,SO4)·15H2O] Machatschkiit {m}
mache [Valerianella locusta] Feldsalat {m}
mache / mâche [Valerianella locusta, also V. olitoria]Gewöhnlicher Feldsalat {m}
macheteMachete {f}
machete Buschmesser {n}
macheteHackmesser {n} [Buschmesser]
machete attackMachetenangriff {m}
machete knife Machetenmesser {n}
machetes Macheten {pl}
Machian Machsch [Ernst Mach]
Machiavellian skrupellos
Machiavellian machiavellistisch
Machiavellian intelligence machiavellische Intelligenz {f}
Machiavellianism Machiavellismus {m}
Machiavellist Machiavellist {m}
machicolation Pechnase {f}
machicolationMaschikuli {m}
machicolations Maschikulis {pl}
machicoulis Pechnase {f}
machicoulis Maschikuli {m}
Machiguenga [also: Matsigenka, Matsigenga] Machiguenga {pl} [auch: Matsigenka, Matsigenga]
machinability maschinelle Bearbeitbarkeit {f}
machinablemaschinell bearbeitbar
machinable maschinisierbar
machinable mit Maschinen bearbeitbar
machinable verarbeitbar
machinable mediummaschinell verarbeitbarer Datenträger {m}
machinated intrigiert
machinating intrigierend
machination Intrige {f}
machination Machenschaft {f}
machinationsIntrigen {pl}
machinationsMachenschaften {pl}
machinations Macheloikes {pl} [österr.] [Machenschaften]
machinations Umtriebe {pl} [pej. für: geheime, verbotene, umstürzlerische Aktivitäten]
machinations {pl} [a plot or scheme]Anzettelung / Anzettlung {f} [Machenschaft]
machinator Intrigant {m}
machinator Ränkeschmied {m}
machine Kraftmaschine {f}
machine Maschine {f}
machineApparat {m}
machine Gerät {n}
machine [attr.] maschinell
machine [sl.]Pumpe {f} [ugs.] [Heroinspritze]
machine accounting maschinelle Buchführung {f}
machine accountingMaschinenbuchführung {f}
machine action Maschinengang {m}
machine address Maschinenadresse {f}
machine adjustment Einstellen {n} der Maschine
machine adjustmentJustieren {n} der Maschine
« lymplyonLysiM   macamacemachmachmachmachmack »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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