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mice droppings Mauseköttel {pl} [ugs.]
mice droppings Mausekötteln {pl} [ugs.] [regional]
mice droppings {pl}Mäusekot {m}
mice infestation Mäusebefall {m}
mice models Mausmodelle {pl}
mice species {pl} Mäusearten {pl}
mice species {pl} Mausarten {pl}
mice teethMäusezähne {pl}
micellar mizellär
micellar phase Mizellarphase {f}
micellar water Mizellenwasser {n}
micelle Mizelle {f}
micelleMicelle {f} [Rsv.]
micelles Mizellen {pl}
micellesMicellen {pl} [Rsv.]
MichaelMichael {m}
Michael [Nora Ephron] Michael
Michael addition Michael-Addition {f}
Michael (I) Cerularius [Patriarch of Constantinople] Michael (I.) Kerularius {m}
Michael Kohlhaas [novella]Michael Kohlhaas [Novelle] [Heinrich von Kleist]
Michael reaction Michael-Addition {f}
Michael Sabin's ground snake [Atractus michaelsabini]Corraleja-Spindelnatter {f}
Michael the Brave [Mihai Viteazul] Michael {m} der Tapfere
Michaelis-Arbuzov reaction Michaelis-Arbusow-Reaktion {f}
Michaelis-Menten constantMichaeliskonstante {f}
Michaelis-Menten kinetics [usually treated as sg.] Michaelis-Menten-Kinetik {f}
Michaelmas Michaeli {n}
Michaelmas Michaelis {n}
Michaelmas [29th September] Michaelstag {m} [Michaeli, 29. September]
Michaelmas daisies [Am.] [genus Aster] Astern {pl}
Michaelmas daisy [Aster amellus]Bergaster {f}
Michaelmas daisy [Aster amellus] Kalkaster {f}
Michaelmas daisy [Aster sedifolius subsp. canus, also A. canus] (Niedrige) Grau-Aster {f}
Michaelmas Day Michaelistag {m}
Michaelmas FairMichaelismesse {f}
Michaelmas term [Br.] Herbstsemester {n} <HS>
Michaux's anastrophyllum [Anastrophyllum michauxii]Michauxs Kahnblattmoos {n} [meist: Michaux's Kahnblattmoos]
Michaux's birch [Betula michauxii, syn.: Betula nana var. michauxii]Neufundländische Zwerg-Birke {f}
Michaux's notchwort [Anastrophyllum michauxii]Michauxs Kahnblattmoos {n} [meist: Michaux's Kahnblattmoos]
micheelsenite [(Ca,Y)3Al [(OH)6| {PO3(OH),CO3}|CO3]·12H2O]Micheelsenit {m}
Michelangelo ® Hand Michelangelo-Hand {f} [Michelangelo ®]
Michelin Man [also: Michelin Tyre Man] Michelin-Männchen {n}
Michelin star Michelinstern {m}
Michelin starMichelin-Stern {m}
(Michelin-)starred restaurant(Michelin-)Sternerestaurant {n}
Michelin-starred chefMichelin-Sternekoch {m}
Michelin-starred chef [female] Michelin-Sterneköchin {f}
Micheli's cyperus [Cyperus michelianus, syn.: C. pygmaeus]Zwerg-Zypergras {n}
Michelsberg culture [also: Michelsberg Culture]Michelsberger Kultur {f} <MK>
Michelson interferometer Michelson-Interferometer {n}
Michelson-Morley experimentMichelson-Morley-Experiment {n}
michenerite [(Pd,Pt)BiTe] Michenerit {m}
Michigan <MI> [Wolverine State]Michigan {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Michigan holly [Ilex verticillata, syn.: Ilex bronxensis, Ilex fastigiata, Prinos verticillatus] [winterberry] Rote Stechpalme {f}
Michigan holly [Ilex verticillata, syn.: Ilex bronxensis, Ilex fastigiata, Prinos verticillatus] [winterberry] Amerikanische Winterbeere {f}
Michigan holly [Ilex verticillata, syn.: Ilex bronxensis, Ilex fastigiata, Prinos verticillatus] [winterberry] Rote Winterbeere {f}
Michigan holly [Ilex verticillata, syn.: Ilex bronxensis, Ilex fastigiata, Prinos verticillatus] [winterberry] Korallenhülse {f}
Michigan model Michigan-Modell {n}
Michigan modelAnn-Arbor-Modell {n}
Michigan PlateauMichigan-Plateau {n}
Michigan splintÄquilibrierungsschiene {f}
Michigan splint Michigan-Schiene {f} [Schienentherapie nach Ash und Ramfjord]
Michigander Michiganer {m}
Michigander Michigander {m} [Mensch aus Michigan (USA)]
Michiganian [Mensch aus Michigan (USA)]
Michiganite Einwohner {m} von Michigan [USA]
miching mallecho [Shakespeare, Hamlet: slinking mischief]spitzbübische Munkelei {f} [Schlegel/Tieck]
Michoacan black-striped snake [Coniophanes michoacanensis] Michoacan-Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
Michoacán centipede snake [Tantilla cascadae]Michoacán-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Michoacan deer mouse [Osgoodomys banderanus] Michoacán-Hirschmaus {f}
Michoacán dwarf spiny-tailed iguana [Ctenosaura clarki] Michoacán-Schwarzleguan {m}
Michoacan earth snake [Geophis maculiferus] Michoacan-Erdnatter {f}
Michoacán ground snake [Sonora mutabilis] Mexikanische Erdnatter {f}
Michoacan pocket gopher [Zygogeomys trichopus] Tuza {m}
Michoacan pocket gopher [Zygogeomys trichopus]Michoácan-Taschenratte {f}
Mick [coll., pej.] [Irishman]Ire {m}
Mick [esp. Aus.] [pej.] [Roman Catholic] Katholik {m}
mickey [also: Mickey] [coll.] [short for: Mickey Finn] [drugged alcoholic drink] mit Drogen versetztes alkoholisches Getränk {n}
mickey [Can.] [sl.] Flachmann {m} [ugs.]
mickey [Irish] [sl.] [penis]Schwanz {m} [vulg.] [Penis]
mickey [sl.] [short for Mickey Finn] präparierter Drink {m}
Mickey D [Am.] [sl.] [McDonald's]Schachtelwirt {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [McDonald's]
Mickey D's [Am.] [sl.] [McDonald's]Schachtelwirt {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [McDonald's]
Mickey Finn [Br.] [sl.] Betäubungsmittel {n}
Mickey Finn [Br.] [sl.] präparierter Drink {m}
Mickey Finn [Br.] [sl.]mit Drogen versetzter Drink {m}
Mickey Mouse [coll.]lachhaft
Mickey Mouse [coll.] auf Kindergartenniveau [ugs.]
Mickey Mouse [Disney] Micky Maus
Mickey Mouse bush [Ochna serrulata] Sägeblättrige Nagelbeere {f}
Mickey Mouse company [coll.] Amateurfirma {f} [pej.]
Mickey Mouse computer [coll.] Spielzeugcomputer {m} [pej.]
Mickey Mouse job [Am.] [coll.] Idiotenjob {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
Mickey Mouse job [Am.] [coll.]Pfusch {m} [ugs.] [schlecht erledigte Aufgabe]
Mickey Mouse money [coll.]Schrottwährung {f} [ugs.]
Mickey Mouse money [coll.] Spielgeld {n}
Mickey Mouse plant [Cuphea llavea, syn.: Cuphea miniata]Mickey-Mouse-Blume {f} [Fledermausgesicht]
Mickey Mouse plant [Ochna serrulata, syn.: Diporidium serrulatum] [small-leaved plane]Sägeblättrige Nagelbeere {f}
Mickey Mouse platy [Xiphophorus maculatus] Spiegelkärpfling {m}
« MexiMexiMexiMeximezzmiceMickmicrmicrmicrmicr »
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