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microbial breakdown mikrobieller Abbau {m}
microbial cell Mikrobenzelle {f}
microbial colony Mikrobenkolonie {f}
microbial community mikrobielle Gemeinschaft {f}
microbial community compositionZusammensetzung {f} der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft
microbial content Keimgehalt {m}
microbial countKeimzahl {f}
microbial degradation mikrobieller Abbau {m}
microbial ecologyMikrobenökologie {f}
microbial eczema mikrobielles Ekzem {n}
microbial enzyme Mikrobenenzym {n}
microbial floraMikrobenflora {f}
microbial growthKeimwachstum {n}
microbial identification test mikrobiologischer Identifizierungstest {m}
microbial infection Mikrobeninfektion {f} [auch: Mikroben-Infektion]
microbial keratitis <MK> mikrobielle Keratitis {f} <MK>
microbial life mikrobielles Leben {n}
microbial loop mikrobielle Schleife {f}
microbial mass Mikrobenmasse {f}
microbial mat Mikrobenmatte {f}
microbial metabolic productsmikrobielle Stoffwechselprodukte {pl}
microbial metabolism Mikrobenstoffwechsel {m} [mikrobieller Stoffwechsel]
microbial plaque [dental plaque] Biofilm {m} [dentale Plaque]
microbial remains Mikrobenreste {pl}
microbial strainStammkultur {f}
microbially mikrobiell
microbic mikrobisch
microbicideMikrobiozid {n}
microbicide (agent) Mikrobizid {n}
microbiodiversity Mikrobiodiversität {f}
microbiological mikrobiologisch
microbiological attack mikrobiologischer Befall {m}
microbiological environmental monitoring mikrobiologische Umgebungskontrolle {f}
microbiological growthmikrobiologischer Bewuchs {m}
microbiological hazard mikrobiologische Gefahr {f}
microbiologically mikrobiologisch
microbiologically induced corrosion <MIC>mikrobiologisch induzierte Korrosion {f} <MIC>
microbiologistMikrobiologe {m}
microbiologist [female] Mikrobiologin {f}
microbiology Mikrobiologie {f}
microbiome Mikrobiom {n}
microbiome research Mikrobiomforschung {f}
microbiomics [treated as sg.] Mikrobiomik {f}
microbiophobiaMikrobiophobie {f}
microbiota Mikrobiota {f}
microbiotaMicrobiota {f}
microbivore Mikrobivore {m}
microbivore Mikrobenfresser {m}
microbivorous mikrobivor
microbloggingMikroblogging {n}
microblogging services [e.g. twitter] Microblogging-Dienste {pl} [z. B. Twitter]
microbody [cytosome] Mikrobody {m}
microbody [cytosome] Mikrokörperchen {n}
microbolometerMikrobolometer {n}
micro-bonding Mikrokleben {n}
microbrachia Mikrobrachie {f}
microbrewery Kleinbrauerei {f}
microbrewery kleine Brauerei {f}
microbrewery Mikrobrauerei {f}
microbrewery Kleinstbrauerei {f}
microburin Mikrostichel {m} [Kerbrest]
microburin [stone tool production] Kerbrest {m} [Steingeräteherstellung]
microburst Microburst {m} [Fallbö]
microburstScherwind {m}
microcaddisflies [family Hydroptilidae, order Trichoptera] Hydroptiliden {pl} [Köcherfliegenfamilie]
microcalcification Mikroverkalkung {f}
microcalcificationMikrokalzifikation {f}
microcanonical ensemble mikrokanonisches Ensemble {n}
microcantileverMikrobiegebalken {m}
microcapillary Mikrokapillare {f}
microcar Leichtfahrzeug {n}
microcar Rollermobil {n}
microcarcinomaMikrokarzinom {n}
microcatheter Mikrokatheter {m}
microcellular rubberMoosgummi {m} {n}
micro-census Mikrozensus {m}
microcephaly Mikrozephalie {f}
microcephalyMikrocephalie {f}
microchannel Mikrokanal {m}
micro-channel Mikrokanal {m}
micro-channel plate <MCP>Mikrokanalplatte {f}
microchemical mikrochemisch
microchimerismMikrochimärismus {m}
microchimerism Mikrochimerismus {m}
microchip Mikrochip {m}
microchip Speicherbaustein {m}
microchore Mikrochore {f}
microchronometer Mikrochronometer {n}
microchronometerStoppuhr {f}
microcinematography Mikrocinematographie {f}
microcinematography Mikrocinematografie {f}
microcinematography Mikrokinematographie {f}
microcinematographyMikrokinematografie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers